The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 79 stories
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I could make 2 more quick posts of the conversation with the TicketTaker —— ¡That was a fruitful conversation! —— and I still have to finish ranked voting method for single-winner, then nonranked methods, then multiwinner, et cetera, but this is topical:

In some countries, we have an holiday called Halloween. I brought this subject up on my D-n-D-group, and some people from countries without Halloween believed that it is just a silly holiday where people give candy to children. That is not right:

In Halloween is the 1 time an year costumed children can go outside at night in little groups with no adults, run all over town, go up to the scary houses of stranger decorated to scare them, whose occupants try to scare them, and, if not scared off, receive candy as a reward. The groups of children 5-to-10 children between the ages of 5-to-10 with no accompanying adult are the heart of the holiday:

Younger children go trick-or-treating with their parents, tweens (a marketing term for 10-through-12 year-olds), and teenagers go alone, but these unaccompanied groups of 5-to-10 5-to-10 year-olds are the heart of the holiday:

Imagine that one is a 5-year-old. One is in a group of 5 children, the oldest being 8-years old. The group goes to a strange part of town, none has ever visited in the dark of night where one must be brave enough to go to scary houses with what look like rotting corpses all over the place and face an adult dressed as a monster. If one is brave enough, one gets candy. ¡How exhilarating!

The trouble is that joykills spread false rumors about poisoned candy, and child-abduction. The rumors scare parents so that they do not allow their children to participate in this unique exciting holiday. Some municipalities have even banned the holiday. This is the result of lack of skepticism:

From 1900 to the present, 0 children have died from poisoned candy from strangers and only 1 child has beed abducted on halloween. ¡Let us ruin the fun of everyone because 0 strangers poisoned to death random children on Halloween and 1 stranger abducted 1 child out of hundreds of millions of trick-or-treaters! ¡Be skeptical of everything, including this. Feel free to do your own research. As well as the usual resources like nopes, You should checkout Free-Range Kids has to say about Halloween.

This is part of a much bigger problem of paranoid cuddling of children in the United States of America, leading to emotionally stunted young adults who cannot function independently because they never did such dangerous activities such as walk home from school. One of the Halloween articles is about emotionally stunted 19-year-olds acting like 9-year-olds and throwing a fit about HalloweenCostumes at Yale. Hopefully, these emotionally stunted young adults will mature enough to live independently by their 30s. I shall have to write a BlogPostSeries about how this general cuddling because paranoia does children no favor because it makes them immature anxious adults.

emotionally stunted young adults

You mean Bronies?

Group Admin


> > “’emotionally stunted young adults’”

> “You mean Bronies?”


Unusual interests do not indicate psychopathology. I refer to young adults having the maturity of children, riddled with anxiety, learned helplessness, and fear. Never letting a child walk to school because of fear of StrangerAbduction (one would have to leave a child unattended for 700,000 years for the odds of a stranger abducting a child to approach 50%/50%) does not do the children any favors. Children will have to navigate the world alone 1 day. Coddling them does them a disservice. Let me cite the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017:

Rather than make a ScienceLesson out of the Solar Eclipse by letting children observe the eclipse with EclipseGlasses and homemade solar telescopes, parents and schools lock the children inside during the duration of the eclipse for fear that the children might damage their eye by staring at the sun like drooling morons:

¡These parents and schools squandered an opportunity to teach science because they do not trust their children not to stare at the sun without EclipseGlasses! When these children are adults, they find that they never learned how to get to the other side of the street without getting runover. They also find that they do not know how to interact with other people because a parent or teacher was always present to moderate interactions for preventing hurt feelings

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