The Skeptics’ Guide to Equestria 60 members · 79 stories
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As a select few of you know, I write a post about electoral mathematics. Something came up and I ended up writing a bit about is. I decided to make what I wrote into a preview:

I wrote this to an English friend about BrExit. It is on-topic, so I repost it here:

For a decision as monumental as seceding, you should require a supermajority of ⅔rds plus + 1 vote. Because of meh-ers who just happened to come down slightly on secede, you are in for hard times. This is something you need to be certain you want to do before you do it. Here is a breakdown for you:

* Less than < ⅓rd means that things are great.
* More than > ⅔rds means that things are so bad that you would be better off from day 0 if you secede.
* Between ⅓rd and ⅔rds means that you have problems needing addressing before they get worse, but at this time, maintaining the union is better than the disruption of secession.

Simple majorities are okay for deciding whether to replace Stop-Signs with Traffic_Lights or just keep the Stop-Sign; but for big decisions like whether or not to secede, one should seek a super majority.

The post will cover electoral mathematics, voting systems, redistricting single-winner, proportional multiwinner, et cetera. ¿Do you want to know what the United States of America would look like without GerryMandering?:

This is a DistrictMap of how the United States of America would look districted without Gerrymandering.

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