Use our OCs! 332 members · 365 stories
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I am looking for guard OCs for a HIE story I am working on. The premise of the story is that the Coronado Expedition winds up in Equestria in search for the fabled Seven Cities of Gold, which they mistake Equestria for. Conflict is inevitable despite attempts to ward these strangers off. The way I am writing the story is from both the perspective of the Conquistadors and the Guards and I am looking for guard characters to fill that role. Preferably they be either Earth Ponies, Pegasus, Unicorns, maybe Bat Ponies, though I will consider other species. If your interested in a story like this either respond to the thread or PM me.

Dude, Guard is spelled wrong in the forum title.

Fix it.

Hmm I don't have much in terms of info but do you have an info rubric I can use.

Name: Lieutenant Winter Sleep of the Lunar Guard
CM: A Blue/grey cloud with 5 Snowflakes and an Icy Blue breeze. see prof for a visual aid.
Gender: Mare
Race: Thestral (Bat Pony)

Thanks for the catch.


Physical Appearance:
CM (Special Talent):
Military Specialty (Job):

Where they are from, what their role is, and what there personality is like are the most important stuff, to see where and how they would fit within the story.

6123175 Alright I'll give you a shot

Name: Crescent Blade

Rank: Night Guard Lieutenant

Physical Appearance:
That's his hair when he's off duty, when he's on duty he has tail tied up in bun and his mane tied in a ronin pony tail. He's roughly the same height and build of Shining Armor.

Cutie mark: A golden crescent moon overlaid two crossed red swords. Has an affinity for combat, most notably sword combat.

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Race: Vesper (A bat pony unicorn hybrid)

Birthplace: Canterlot

Backstory: Born to a night watch guard and a day guard he was born an unexpectant hybrid. He faced ridicule and bullying when he attended Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. All that ended the day he earned his cutie mark and fought back, discovering he had an unnatural talent for violence and a newfound thirst for battle he spent his youth training becoming a child prodigy in fencing and kendo. When Princess Luna returned he was one of the first to join her Night Guard, earning the rank Lieutenant after his heroic actions during the Changeling Invasion.

Personality: He's battle hungry but has control of himself, if he thinks you can't give him a challenge he'll end the fight prematurely out of boredom or never challenge you at all. He takes his job seriously so when he's on his duty he can be a hardass to anyone who doesn't take their job seriously, but off duty he's a very calm but intimidating stallion who loved superheroes as kid and continues to love them as an adult with their influences on him obvious. He comes off as a cool hero at times but others who know him think of his as a dork when he acts this way, but his heart in his right place since he genuinely wants to help ponies.

Military specialty: Instructor and outpost leader.


Name: Winter Sleep
Rank: Lieutenant
Physical Appearance: Her coat is more of a soft blue/grey. Her eyes are a cold royal blue. Her mane and tail are midnight blue with silver snow like streaks
CM (Special Talent): A Blue/grey cloud with 5 Snowflakes and an Icy Blue breeze. see profile for a visual aid. Her talent is for her swiftness and agility as well as her willingness to harm others if push comes to shove. She's also cunning and can change her fighting style or tactics at quick and random session. Much like the harsh winds of a raging blizzard
Gender: Mare
Race: Thestral (Bat Pony)
Birthplace: she was an Equestrian native. If I had to choose a location I'd a say a small village far up north. I can't think of a name though.
Backstory: Winter was born in a calm village mostly populated by Thestrals and Griffons alike. She was always a little adventurous and fast in her youth. She was one of the fastest and most agile of her classmates. She earned her CM during a blizzard when she was getting everyone to safety and was one of the first to join upon Luna's return. Instantly insisting into the royal guard. She has been loyal and honest in her experience within the guard, earning lots of respect from her peers. She's always been caring towards others and is willing to listen to anyone who needs it. But she believes in tough love when it's needed and doesn't tolerate thoughts that act snobbish or superior such as the nobles.
Military Specialty (Job): Scout leader or a skilled assassin unit of the Lunar Guard. But also one of Princess Luna's most trusted officers

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