Equestria Girls 3: The Friendship Games 342 members · 105 stories
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Well, really, just Sunny Flare for right now as she's the first one I've done so far.
Name (& pronunciation): Sunny Flare
Date of Birth (& age): 18
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: High class
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother/Father/dog

Physical Description

Height: Average
Weight: Thin
Hair: Short, purple bob cut
Eyes: violet


Personality/Attitude: Generous with making others look better but in her view of looking good rather than their own personal taste, tends to look at things skin deep, perfectionist, lacks tact
Skills/Talents: Painter, violin player, A student
Favourites/Likes: painting landscapes and portraits
Most Hated/Dislikes: abstract art, anything that does not go up to par with her idea of perfect
Goals/Ambitions: to have her art in museums and become world renown for it
Strengths: painting, finding little details and flaws
Weaknesses: sewing, obsessing over imperfections
Fears: people realizing she sees herself as flawed and imperfect
Hobbies/Interests: painting, playing the violin
Regular Routine: Wake up, feed the dog, go to school, go home, violin practice, paint landscape, exercise, washing up, go to bed
Philosophy of Life: “Perfection can be achieved”
Attitude Toward Death: “Death shows you are flawed”
Strange Behaviors: Tends to address others as “Dearie”, obsesses over making something look perfect
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: When she was a young child, the Crystal Prep Elementary teacher had very harshly told her imperfect landscape was “the ugliest piece of art she had ever seen that year”. After that moment, Sunny tried to perfect her painting and even when she had painted a perfect replica the teacher still harshly told her it was ugly due to the ugly things that she painted in it and so she became obsessed with making everything ideal for her portraits and hated seeing the difference in her artwork compared to reality.
Education/Special Training: High skilled artist, violinist
Place/Type of Residence: large house
Occupation: painter
Place of Work: home, Equestria City, Appleloosa Lane

Additional Notes: Sunny Flare believes herself to be very generous by making everyone reach the level of perfection she believes she projects. In reality, she’s just being selfish in wanting everyone to believe she is perfect. Her artwork has also not sold as well as she wished because people tend to see her artwork as “unrealistic” and “boring” without noticeable real world flaws.


Well, that's off for me personally.

Here's mine:

Name (& pronunciation): Sunny Flare
Date of Birth (& age): 18
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Middle Class
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother/Father/sister
Physical Description-
Height: Average
Weight: Thin
Hair: Short, purple bob cut
Eyes: violet
Personality/Attributes: She's very rough and tumble, and has a Brooklyn accent. She likes to do roller derby, and she doesn't really care what others think. She has a tendency to mock others, even her own friends.
Skills/Talents: Roller Derby, drawing
Favourites/Likes: Roller skating, drawing, Lemon Zest, leather jackets
Most Hated/Dislikes: Prissy people, being fooled, getting criticized
Goals/Ambitions: She doesn't really care about anything.
Strengths: She's not easy to insult, and doesn't let anyone walk all over her. She also can get very protective of others.
Weaknesses: She swears like a truck driver (when she's not at school or around Lemon Zest.) She can also mock others without realizing it.
Fears: Getting her secrets revealed.
Hobbies/Interests: Roller derby, drawing
Regular Routine: Wake up, eat, school, Lemon Zest, home, bed.
Philosophy of Life: "Live life ta the fullest, or you'll waste it."
Attitude Toward Death: "Who cares?"
Strange Behaviors: She seems to have a crush on a certain metal-loving anime fan...
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: None (yet)
Place/Type of Residence: large house
Occupation: Student
Place of Work: Anywhere she can get a job

And, now I've finished Sour Sweet's profile
Name (& pronunciation): Sour Sweet
Date of Birth (& age): 18
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Upper class
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother/Father/fox

Physical Description

Height: average
Weight: thin
Hair: magenta with blue highlights ponytail
Eyes: violet


Personality/Attitude: Says things in a (fake) sweet voice to fake “sweet to be kind”, grumbles angrily under her breath afterwards, is “cruel to be kind” when honest, prideful, temperamental
Skills/Talents: good with small children, cello, archery, B+ student
Favourites/Likes: kids, archery
Most Hated/Dislikes: animals (besides her pet fox), meekness
Goals/Ambitions: to become a Kindergarten teacher
Strengths: handling children, archery
Weaknesses: keeping her opinions to herself, being honest to herself
Fears: People realizing she is faking her sweet behavior and is actually cynical and harsh
Hobbies/Interests: archery, babysitting
Regular Routine: wake up, get dressed, go to school, go home, watch her neighbor’s kids for a hundred dollars, play with her pet fox, homework, go to bed
Philosophy of Life: “You have to love your life…because I’m sure you’ll be the only one who cares!” (fake) “You are dying every second you live, make the most of it!” (honest, cruel kindness)
Attitude Toward Death: “Oh, I don’t worry about death…I’m sure I’ll die alone anyway!” (fake) “You are already dying, don’t worry about it!” (honest)
Strange Behaviors: she tends to put her cruel thoughts in as sweet a way as possible and a cynical outlet under breath as a release; when she acts honest to herself, her words are usually a mix of the two
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: As a child, her high class mother and father had very strictly taught her to keep her sharp tongue – no matter that it comes from caring – to herself and act as sweet as possible because she won’t make friends, she’ll make business partners and flattery is needed. At one party when she was in fourth grade she had accidentally grumbled under her breath her annoyance at her fakeness, but the person she talked to didn’t even notice; this led to Sour realizing that most people in the circle she was bred for only paid attention seriously what was said to their face and so she started grumbling as an outlet until her “sweet to your face, sour behind your back” became more natural than her “cruelly kind words”.
Education/Special Training: child development, archery, cellist
Place/Type of Residence: large house
Occupation: babysitter
Place of Work: Equestria City, Crystal Class District

Additional Notes: Sour Sweet is actually very caring and sensitive about how people think about her, but the strict nature of her upbringing has made her very cynical about the world. She fears to show her true self as she knows she’s much harsher than the sweet attitude she acts like to people’s faces and is afraid she’ll be hated for it. She hates Twilight because she fears the girl’s intelligence will allow her to figure all of this out and likewise refuses to interact with Sugarcoat who is both perceptive and blunt. Despite this, she also feels guilty for her treatment of Twilight and really wants to just tell her “you will die all alone if you keep shutting everyone else out like this, stop acting like just because you’re smarter than everyone else means that you can’t try to make friends with other people!”

I have a far shorter bio myself.

4783954 I'm a weirdo who likes a lot of details. =P

Eh same, which is why I'm impressed. Won't copy though, since I prefer to use my OWN headcanons when I write characters from EG.

Name (& pronunciation): Sugarcoat
Date of Birth (& age): 18
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Middle class
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: grandmother/grandfather/cat

Physical Description

Height: average
Weight: thin
Hair: white with pigtails shaped off a ponytail
Eyes: violet eyes


Personality/Attitude: brutally honest towards everyone, cold, distant
Skills/Talents: mechanic, flute player, A student
Favourites/Likes: fixing up cars, studying
Most Hated/Dislikes: farming, planting, bad grades
Goals/Ambitions: to become a mechanic and continue the family business
Strengths: good with tools, intelligent, moderately strong
Weaknesses: farm work, being uncaring
Fears: that people will realize her cold persona is merely a lie she tells herself to keep from getting hurt
Hobbies/Interests: fixing up vehicles, driving her motorcycle
Regular Routine: wake up, go to school, go home, work in the garage, study/homework, go to bed
Philosophy of Life: “People live, that is life.”
Attitude Toward Death: “People die, that is death.”
Strange Behaviors: She always bluntly tells a person the truth even if it will hurt their feelings, even when not prompted
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: When she was younger, her aunt and mother had been fighting and it reached a point where her aunt had said she hated Sugarcoat’s mother while Sugarcoat was visiting. Sugarcoat being so young tried to sugarcoat the situation the next day by telling her mother that her aunt had only seemed a bit upset rather than how furious she was. Her mother and father believed her and decided it was safe to try and talk things out. It was raining that day…After the loss of her parents, she had gone to live with her grandparents and swore she would never underplay the truth again and tried to make herself emotionally distant to hide the guilt she felt.
Education/Special Training: mechanic classes, flute lessons
Place/Type of Residence: moderate house with a mechanics garage attached to it
Occupation: part time mechanic
Place of Work: Mechanics Mystery Cure

Additional Notes: Unlike most students, Sugarcoat is a scholarship student in academics (the only others being Indigo Zap for athletics and Twilight Sparkle who could afford to go but got in on scholarship anyway). This has made her look down upon by most of her students, but her blunt and cold personality has stopped any form of bullying and gossip. When Sugarcoat’s parents died, her grandparents had moved into her house and kept their family’s garage open, and Sugarcoat works there part time helping fix and clean the place. She is not allowed to talk to customers. She purposefully lies to herself everyday that she doesn’t care about anything so she won’t feel the hurt or the hole in her heart from her parents’ death which greatly worries her grandparents. She is terrible with plants which her grandfather claims is proof of her “black thumb” (as in oil) rather than a “green thumb”.

Indigo Zap's:
Name (& pronunciation): Indigo Zap
Date of Birth (& age): 17
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Middleclass
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Father/Stepmom/Bluejay

Physical Description

Height: average
Weight: thin
Hair: thick, neck length blue hair brushed back
Eyes: yellow


Personality/Attitude: as long as they are loyal to her first, Indigo will be loyal to you; obnoxious, pressuring, controlling, forceful leader
Skills/Talents: talented in all sports, clarinet player, B Student
Favourites/Likes: sports (baseball especially)
Most Hated/Dislikes: the clarinet, studying, traitors
Goals/Ambitions: to become a famous baseball player
Strengths: running, jumping, swinging, leading
Weaknesses: academics
Fears: that people will betray her
Hobbies/Interests: baseball
Regular Routine: wake up, jog to school, school, baseball practice, jog home, study, video games, go to bed
Philosophy of Life: “When you are as cool as me, life lives for you.”
Attitude Toward Death: “The uncoolest thing ever.”
Strange Behaviors: is extremely pushy and forceful for you to declare you will follow her, is loyal to all of her “followers”, uses the word cool a lot
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: When she had went to Manehatten Middle School, she and her best friend Lightning Dust were going to try out for the track team. However, when Indigo had went to tryouts she discovered Lightning Dust purposefully told her the wrong day so she wouldn’t make the team and upstage her. Betrayed, Indigo refused to ever be loyal to anyone who hadn’t sworn and proven themselves loyal to her first, forcing her baseball team to swear loyalty to her and kicking out anyone who doesn’t.
Education/Special Training: baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and swim captain, clarinet lessons
Place/Type of Residence: Apartment building in Manehatten district
Occupation: captain of many sports team, little league coach in the summer
Place of Work: Manehatten park

Additional Notes: Indigo will do anything for those that have sworn loyalty to her, but falter for a second and she will throw you away. She expects you to swear loyalty to her before she will be loyal to you. She is also very controlling and expects you to her everything – from your schedule to your greatest fears. On the other hand, Indigo has never betrayed anyone who she has not felt betrayed her first. She has major trust issues. She wears goggles simply because she thinks they make her look cooler.

Finally, Lemon Zest:
Name (& pronunciation): Lemon Zest
Date of Birth (& age): 17
Place of Birth: Equestria City
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Social Class/Community Status: Upperclass
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother

Physical Description

Height: average
Weight: thin
Hair: knee length green hair
Eyes: yellow-green eyes


Personality/Attitude: an obnoxious partier who only cares about enjoying herself, a thoughtless prankster, loud, selfish
Skills/Talents: DJ, harp player, B+ Student
Favourites/Likes: Rock music, parties, pranks
Most Hated/Dislikes: Classic music, overly serious people
Goals/Ambitions: to own her own dance club
Strengths: unpredictable, strong
Weaknesses: thoughtless, selfish
Fears: that she will have a mental breakdown from her unhappy home life once again if she doesn’t find ways to make herself laugh
Hobbies/Interests: listening to music, remixing music, hosting and going to dance parties
Regular Routine: wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed – most of the time with headphones on
Philosophy of Life: “Life is a party!”
Attitude Toward Death: “It’s the after party, dude!”
Strange Behaviors: says “dude” a lot, randomly breaks into air guitar, singing, and dancing
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Lemon’s mother had always been a strict woman and probably the most serious person she ever met as a child. Her mother tried to force the same on Lemon, but in her second year of middle school, she cracked under the pressure. She trashed her room, her house and broke down in a case of hysterics. Her therapist deemed the best thing to do was just find a way to make herself happy, and gave her a headset to listen to for her “happy place”. This led to Lemon finding ways to make herself laugh and smile through pranks and partying. Other people didn’t matter Lemon – most of the people she was around ended up boring like her mother – and so she selfishly cared only about herself and her smile.
Education/Special Training: classical music training
Place/Type of Residence: large house
Occupation: None
Place of Work: None

Additional Notes: Unlike Pinkie Pie, it had never occurred to Lemon Zest that she would find happiness by bringing happiness to others, or that some jokes can be cruel. Lemon never wanted to break down like she did that one time again and became determined to make herself happy even if at the expense of others. She and her mother are always at odds with each other because of her attitude and music; neither can remember the last time they had a conversation without breaking into a fight. Lemon strangely pities Twilight Sparkle who she feels will have a breakdown like her if she doesn’t lighten up.

Thanks for these.


to own her own dance club

My God, friendo. That's perfect.
I've yet to meet someone who, like, doesn't want to own a dance club. Seriously.

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