Holiday Stories 76 members · 72 stories
Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 11
Vanilla Mocha
Group Admin

Umm... someone just submitted about half of my stories into the submission folder! Since I'm an admin, I'm deleting them. (Except The Living Creepypasta. That story is supposed to be there.) But still... you know who you are!


aww man gurl you aint no fun

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3931991 isn't there a rule against submitting stories that are not yours?

I don't think so, at least not for this group. I just took a quick glance at the rules to be sure...

I replied to the wrong person. I'm blaming my phone on this one.

Vanilla Mocha
Group Admin
Vanilla Mocha
Group Admin

3932006 I don't know...

Group Admin

There isn't a rule about that. Should I make it a rule? :rainbowhuh:

I say no, just because there are people out there who might have made stories revolving around a holiday yet haven't joined the group. If we can submit other people's stories, we can have more diversity. We just have to remember to add them to the appropriate folders.

That's my two cents, anyway...

Group Admin

3932073 I agree. :moustache:

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

3932073 yet there might be some that don't want their stories added to a group. That's something to think about.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 11