Nightmare Night 154 members · 220 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Toffee Bean
Group Admin

Of my group, why because I'm not going to let this group die down so quick I'm tired of making failing group and group that have failed. I will make this group stay growing and my goal is to reach 100 members

3706595 And it will die after a hundred members.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

3706646 maybe, but that will be more members than any of my other groups, and then, i'll try to reach 200, and 300, and etc. until there is no more

3706657 For a group to live you need an active community, not members. A lot of the biggest groups here are dead because their members don't give a damn about the group. So, even if you gather nine-hundred members, your group will most likely die anyway.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

3706666 hmmm...........I can already say I got plans for that part

3706676 *shrug* Okay. Wanna fun?

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

3706681 the fun will begin this weekend

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

3706693 so you better get to work the more people the more fun the thing I have set up will be

3706700 Hmm... We could ask Wanderer D to put this in his blog thing of groups.

Toffee Bean
Group Admin

3706703 if you want

Group Admin

3706595 We should add a folder for "Nightmare Night" stories - not just general horror stories, but stories about the actual holiday. We also need to move all the stories out of the temp folder and delete it.

I agree, we should get a mention in the group's blog.

And I have an idea for a group activity, and I've started a thread about it.

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