Black Feather Development 23 members · 2 stories
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I'm not sure exactly how well the transition works between 5 and 6, but I currently have 6 opening up in Canterlot with Luna visiting with the various Ministry headquarters along Ministry Walk. This is the same setting which Littlepip and friends are exploring in Fo:E's longest chapter.

I just wrote a very cool dialog between Luna and Spell Nexus (who is working for Fluttershy's ministry) about megaspells. Nexus is the head researcher for this ministry and the inventor of the Megaspell. The best part is that I came up with a plausible source of the power behind the megaspells! You're gonna love it! :pinkiehappy:

Next, Luna is going to visit Twilight's ministry and get an update on the Talisman research as well as the Memory Orb research that is going on there. She will return to the palace, and Nyx will show up to report about the disturbing events of Chapters 4 and 5. Then we'll see how she handles it. I haven't quite decided yet.

I do know that my OC (my avatar) is going to make an appearance as one of the research guys. He'll have a long standing, but not overly prominent role in the story.

Group Admin

I'm thinking there's probably no way Nyx is going to be able to get to Canterlot in Chapter 6. Not after what happened with the balefire egg incident. I'd have to make the chapter 15k words long at least to do this. It's already 8340 words and I'm only now resolving the situation with the explosion and how Nyx is doing.

Overall, even though this chapter isn't taking the format I originally intended, I do like how it's turning out. I'm undecided when to cut it off, but it probably won't be a whole lot longer.

I do hope you give Spell Nexus a good entrance. I dont mean something showy or flashy, but I hope it is not like oh and here is Spell Nexus to talk about his research. More like you at first physically describe him when he walks in the room without naming him, you know to get the reader's minds whirring, wondering Is he or isn't he? before Luna/ Fluttershy call him by name.

He was after all the main Antagonist in Past Sins so it would be good to milk that...

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