The Chase Group 423 members · 20 stories
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Today I’ve finished rereading what’s been published for The Chase for the fourth time since the last chapter was published 3 and a half years ago. I am aware that there was some burn out, both with just writing the story and the repeated questions about “if/when” Bucky would ascend to alicornhood, despite repeated statements from the text and Kudz.

My question is, is there enough interest in seeing The Chase concluded, and if there has been enough time for the story To have restored the same level of creativity that at one point made it the longest story on fimfiction. Or should the story be listed as hiatus, or marked as cancelled as it feels today.

Regardless of what comes of this post. I have greatly enjoyed the story.

Group Admin

i still keep pushing Kudz from time to time to finish it

I kind of want a epeblob like a 3k word outline of the plot from there on

I still want to see it finished some day. Not a summary of what else happens in the plot, but an actual, fully-formed ending. Even if it takes another three and a half years to update, I'll always hold out hope for what is one of my favourite fanfics ever.

I have avoided pestering Kudz about it because he is so obviously deeply invested in the weedverse. I would love to see him return to the chase.
Not with an outline but with real chapters, even if they were sporadic.

There’s been a few of his stories, yet unfinished, who’s influence you see in the Weedverse.

I feel like the weighting style has changed from then so I’m unsure where it might go now.

That said Bucky, Climbing Ivy, and many other characters I fell in love with would be wonderful to read again.

I think the best question should be... Is there a chance the fic have a good ending? If a muse is forced to continue even if it's to give a ending, it could end very bad

It is kind of set up as a monster of a story but Kudz is doing the same thing to the weedverse. I think the story deserves an end, a last conflict a final resolution with maybe a epilogue chapter that is like years later. But that is a dream and I am a fan and fans dream of happy endings but as we all know and what has happened with countless stories on our site, we know that happy endings are sometimes never written.

ThaT sTOry Is mY VICE...bUt IT Was all oOooOok....'tIll YOu wROtE thAt !



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