Order of the Mint 73 members · 24 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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A friend of mine has crossed the line, he always hated Minty but now he's called her a dopey c*nt. He has gone too far! I need to exact swift minty justice; I'm looking for the mintiest form of revenge to take, the mintier the better! viva la mintylution! sic semper minty! sic semper minty!


4904681 I don't get why he really, really, really doesn't like Minty

There's not much you can do about someone's personal dislike of something, but I'd recommend playing A Very Minty Christmas on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. That sort of comment is very rude and degrading. My policy is that even if you do not like something, it should be treated with certain amount of respect and that if I make a negative comment about it I should back it up with reasons why I dislike it.

4905485 There may not be much that can be done about his dislike of her, but I can at least make him think twice about cracking unnecessary comments, nothing too harsh, tempted to steal half of his socks, and when he wakes up on Christmas Eve, I'll make sure that A Very Minty Christmas is playing so he knows why his socks are missing :derpytongue2:

Or worse, he'll wonder why he has no matching pairs.

4906178 I should leave a little note saying something cryptic or mysterious, or simply just Sic Semper Minty , not enough for him to figure out why he has no matching pairs of socks right away, leaving him confused and disorientated, then a few days later I'll simply send him a message saying Sic Semper Minty and he'll have a revelation :rainbowlaugh:

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