Good OCs 255 members · 717 stories
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This topic might not be exactly related to them so please... hold your horses, take a deep breath, and calm down. I beg of thee no profanities here no over-passionate wording e.t.c.

Done that? Cool! Awesome! So here we go... My OC is... this.

All art of her may be found here
Her profile may be found here:
All links to my OCs with profiles and art folder links in the "other" section may be found here

Before you start screaming "Aaaargh! Red and Black OC! Kill it with fire! FIRE I SAY!" know that I myself didn't know the trope when I created her. I was really an amateur on both creation and storyline. Believe it or not at first she didn't have the raven, the golden bobble, she was an angsty OC with a tremendously dark past that would make Thane Krios from Mass Effect be jealous. She was OP as hell ((e.g. she had petrifying gaze and all that stuff)). Also the cutie mark wasn't the same... in fact it was a copypaste of the "Eye of the Nine" or "Neverwinter Nights" eye/logo. Also her stripes were supposed to be a hint that she's related to zebras. U do not know if it's better but I changed it because I had heard bad opinions on hybrids and now it's magical in nature.

I don't know if it's better or not but I decided to add the raven later as I have every OC of mine have an animal companion. I wanted something to fit her. Raven happened to fit. I didn't think that there was another pet that fit her. Except perhaps a bat?

The golden bobble was added by the first artist who drew her and I thought it was a good addition so i kept it.

I realize her color scheme doesn't exactly fit in with the rest of the canon show but as I said I wasn't exactly thinking what colors canon characters had. I was thinking more about the colors that would fit to said character's concept. Yes I admit I fell into the trap of trying to make her look cool you feel free to shut me down on that I know I kinda deserve it but...

Ever since I got feedback on her story, got to know more about the common faults of OCs with backstories, about color schemes and stuff well... I kinda changed her. I don't know If I have changed her enough but I adjusted the intensity of the color. And to be honest? Based on some artists liking to draw her, and the positive feedback on her changed backstory I have done some good with her. In my defense I was playing with really... bad?... rpers because as I said I was an amateur.

I have done some improvements on her, but I don't think I want to change the overall color scheme.
Here are some stories she is in.

I realize her flaws and often use them on purpose tackling them with humour to tell a good story. That's what I think is my main obligation. Despite the color scheme or markings, or whatever else I try to tell a good story. Is she a special little snowflake? Perhaps... that doesn't mean I don't tackle that and put her into overwhelming situations where she needs help. Overall I try to have my characters be more versatile than anything.

Last but not least I cannot guarantee you that changes will happen to her if your suggestions make me feel like she is a whole different OC. Unless I want to go that way... I also don't want to be the cowering whimp that follows every rule, bias, and suggestion others make in order to satisfy everyone as that is impossible. Because i will admit as a person I have that flaw.

So with that out of the way please give me your feedback on it.

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