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Here is a form about my OC, Estrella Scrolls, who I have reshaped to be a character with more depth and that I like better, Estrella Essence. I just need a few more opinions before I finalize her character. :twilightsmile:
Name: Estrella Essence
Nickname: Estrella
Gender: female
Age: 21
Species: unicorn
Height: slightly taller than the average female unicorn
Distinct Appendage Size: the horn is slightly taller than the average female unicorn horn
Mane design: consisted of four sections of curls: two small and two large
Tail design: consists of three sections of curls: one small and two large
Eye design: wide Sunset Shimmer
Cutie Mark Design: star with a tilted swirl behind it
Coat color(s): light beige
Mane color(s): goldenrod
Tail color(s): goldenrod
Eye color: mulberry
Cutie Mark Color: mulberry and violet blue
Adornments/Accessories: light violet blue eyeshadow, light peach blush
Cutie Mark Symbolization: the star symbolizes the spark of ideas and the swirl symbolizes the essence of design
Personality: ENTJ, confident, organized, practical, able to carry on a conversation, good listener, a thinker, analyzer, tactical, understanding, smart, persuasive, straightforward, enginuative, imaginative, creative, artful, blunt, not very emotional (more focused on goals than others), only lets emotions flow when creating art
Strengths: analyzing, creating, discovering, thinking, designing, leading, organizing
Weaknesses: not being very emotional, being a judger of others, fear of other's thoughts, anxiety, stressing
Likes: art, creativity, reading, design, architecture, learning, leading, taking something traditional and adding her own unique twist to it
Dislikes: uncreativity, bad food, selfishness
Job: one of Canterlot's eccentric new design creators/owns company called Stellar Design (architect, artist, furnisher, fashionista, magic deviser, model)
Family: Cherishing (mother), Tactical Astronomy (father), Kimono (sister), Velvet Cloud (sister), Delicate Rose (sister)
Friends: Fleur De Lee (feminine, fashionista, childhood friend), Photo Finish (college), Artful Swirls (extroverted , encouraging, childhood friend)
Enemies: ___
Birth: born in a hospital in Canterlot as the second foal of a middle class family
Childhood: When she was young, her older sister was an early teen who was struggling to grasp her emotions and therefore hid them away from others. Because of this, Kimono not displaying emotions, Estrella did not feel loved by her and sought to be just like her sister, hoping that if she did everything right she would win the approval of her sister. The result is Estrella stopped using her emotions and strictly her mind. This caused her to be very mature, artful, afraid of doing anything wrong, stressed and more thoughtful than other fillies. After making hiding her emotions a habit, few things could actually bring out her true personality. After obtaining her cutie mark, she realized how happy she was when she was designing or creating things. With a little push from Fleur and Artful Swirl, this became her gateway to let her heart and personality shine.
Cutie Mark Obtaining: When helping her father build their current home, she devised a whole new twist on the form of blueprints, designs and ideas and when presenting them, her cutie mark appeared signaling her destiny to reform traditional ideas into something new and imaginative.
After Cutie Mark: After realizing her true destiny and the gateway to unlocking her emotions, she began design all sorts of things from clothing, interior, architecture, magic etc… She started a business called Stellar Design and worked hard to make it successful (still struggling with trying to feel worthy of her sister’s love). It became the main design source for the Canterlot with the promoting help from Fancy Pants (Fleur's father). Stellar Design is a well-organized business which consists of different subsets including fashion, modeling, architecture, magic, interior and all different types of design. Since then Estrella has been one of the Canterlot Art District’s celebrated celebrities working with Photo Finish, Hoity Toity and several others. She likes to keep things orderly and business-like all the time which causes her to still struggles with relating to others and being caring even though she expresses herself through her work. Estrella enjoys the popularity, but sometimes likes to retreat back to quiet a more nature.
Careers: Architecture, design, fashion, magic designer, model.
Picture: looks like avatar but with a different cutie mark

EQG picture (if applicable):

Thanks for reading through all of this if you actually did:)! Helpful comments are appreciated.
~ Estrella Essence
note: this is a rough draft :)


Cherishing (mother)

Doesn't sound like a pony name.



Fleur De Lee (feminine, fashionista, childhood friend), Photo Finish (college),

Elaborate. The college thing I might get but the childhood friend... hmmm I might have to hear the stories.

who was struggling to grasp her emotions and therefore hid them away from others.

Teenagers to me are quite frankly the opposite. Lots of emotions, no control. I am finding hard to believe this. Quite frankly this points out that said character is undergoing some sort of depression. But I wouldn't know...

design all sorts of things from clothing, interior, architecture, magic etc…

Magic? Elaborate.

Estrella enjoys the popularity, but sometimes likes to retreat back to quiet a more nature.

You might need to rephrase that. Quite frankly this statement contradicts itself.

4048307 That was an old version, this is new:
Name: Estrella Essentia
Nickname: Estrella
Gender: female
Age: 21
Species: unicorn
Height: slightly taller than the average female unicorn
Distinct Appendage Size: the horn is slightly taller than the average female unicorn horn
Mane design: consisted of four sections of curls: two small and two large
Tail design: consists of three sections of curls: one small and two large
Eye design: wide Sunset Shimmer
Cutie Mark Design: star with a tilted swirl behind it
Coat color(s): light beige
Mane color(s): goldenrod
Tail color(s): goldenrod
Eye color: mulberry
Cutie Mark Color: mulberry and violet blue
Adornments/Accessories: light violet blue eyeshadow, light peach blush
Cutie Mark Symbolization: the star symbolizes the spark of ideas and how she can be a star in the world and the swirl symbolizes the essence of design
Personality: ENTJ, confident, organized, practical, able to carry on a conversation, good listener, planner, analyzer, tactical, persuasive, straightforward, intuitive, stubborn and arrogant sometimes, imaginative, artful, not very emotional, only lets emotions flow when creating art, generous, but only when she feels it deserved
Strengths: analyzing, creating, discovering, planning, designing, leading, organizing
Weaknesses: arrogant (when she fails, she takes things harder than most people do) stubbornness, not being very emotional, being a judger of others, understanding, fear of other's thoughts, anxiety (when things do not happen like they should, she gets stressed and has fear over what might happen)
Likes: art, creativity, reading, design, learning, leading, taking something traditional and adding her own unique twist to it
Dislikes: uncreativity, things not going according to plan, laziness, chaos, selfishness
Job: one of Canterlot eccentric new interior design developers/CEO of Stellar Design
Family: Cherishing Star (mother), Tactical Essentials (father), Kimono (sister) Delicate Twinkle (sister)
Friends: Fleur De Lee (feminine, childhood, fashionista friend), Photo Finish (college), Artful Swirls (extroverted , encouraging, childhood friend)
Enemies: ___
Birth: born in a hospital in Canterlot as the second foal of a middle class family
Childhood: When she was young, her older sister was an early teen who was struggling to grasp her emotions and therefore hid them away from others. Because of this, Kimono not displaying emotions, Estrella did not feel loved by her and sought to be just like her sister, hoping that if she did everything right she would win the approval of her sister. She admired her sister more than anyone else because her mother was usually taking care of her younger, baby sisters and her father was working very much. Kimono was also naturally good at art, making things beautiful, and she was always the most creative student in her class, making it hard for Estrella to follow in her horse shoes. Kimono was not an overachiever though, she simply did what she was best at and received high praises for her delicate and detailed work unbeknownst to Estrella. The result is Estrella stopped using her emotions and strictly her mind. This caused her to be what she thought was mature, and artful, afraid of doing anything wrong, stressed and more thoughtful than other fillies. After making hiding her emotions a habit, few things could actually bring out her true personality. After obtaining her cutie mark, she realized how happy she was when she was designing or creating things. With a little push from Fleur and Artful Swirl, this became her gateway to let her heart and personality shine. Although this change occurred, drastic differences did not happen instantly and Estrella still works with trying to become more affable.
Cutie Mark Obtaining: Her family had just bought a new house when her father decided to have Kimono and Estrella decorate their rooms as well as Delicate Twinkle’s (Delicate was too young at the time to do her own). All of the rooms were the same boring size and shape. Estrella worked day and night to finally complete her and Star’s rooms. Upon showing the rest of her family, they were amazed at the elements of design in both of the rooms. Estrella had managed to create a scenic looking room, filled with traditional details and many flowers in the forms of various things. She had also made her room modern and unique, simple and practical with well placed accent colors. When her family saw the details, the creativity, and the range of varieties Estrella could produce, they immediately praised her for work. At that very moment, Estrella could not help but feel that her imagination had sparked her great abilities in the essence of design, making her shine like a star. And then her cutie mark appeared. A star and a design mark, signaling her job, destiny and what makes her special.
After Cutie Mark: After realizing her true destiny and the gateway to unlocking her emotions, she began planning interior design. She started a business called Stellar Design and worked hard to make it successful (still struggling with trying to feel worthy of her sister’s love). It became the main design source for the Canterlot and major cities around Equestria. Since the success of Stellar Design, Estrella has been one of the Canterlot Art District’s celebrated celebrities and youngest, working with Photo Finish, Hoity Toity and several others. She likes to keep things orderly and business-like all the time which causes her to still struggles with relating to others and being caring even though she expresses herself through her work. After two years of running a business things began to drag down and Estrella felt like she had lost her spark, the thing which kept her moving forward. This caused her to realize she had failed her own destiny, leaving her pride hurt and herself distraught. She decided to take a break from running the company, leaving it in the hooves of one of her administrators and went back to her original talent, designing by herself, like a star among the darkness. She devised the interior of a large mansion in Canterlot by herself and found her imagination sparking to life again. After re-finding herself again, she turned over Stellar Design to a pony more capable than herself (although she still was an advisor for the company), and began working mostly solo with only a few of her colleagues as partners, taking back up the name of one of the Canterlot Art District's most celebrated ponies. Now she is working hard to be more open to others, letting her inner self shine more often even when she is not designing. She still struggles with her flaws, but is striving toward reaching her full potential.
Careers: interior designer
Other: The business It was first started when Estrella Essentia discovered her destiny of being the spark for creativity in design. After decorating and planning several wealthy ponies’ home interiors in Canterlot at a young age, Estrella began coming in contact with other ponies who had designing talents. They started working as a team to make astounding plans. Soon, Estrella started up the now well organized, fast growing, and very popular business, Stellar Design.
Stellar Design is a company founded and organized by Estrella Essence. It is a business which interior design planning. It consists of several levels of authority and institution. Estrella Essentia is the CEO and one of the main design creators in the company. Underneath her are the heads of the three main departments: Traditional, Modern and Unique. Within all of these areas are groups of imaginative ponies working together to create extraordinary designs for others all over Equestria.
And with the Fluer thing, this is just an overview, so I did not expand on that.

4048326 Well all in all she's not bad. I like her. Though I still struggle to understand the emotional cutoff.

Seems pretty well-rounded. She's got a defined character, she develops, she dodges all the Sue traits I know...yeah, she's pretty good.
If I did have one concern (just for completeness' sake), it's that she's what I consider an 'everyday OC' - she's hard to write for, unless the fic is Slice of Life, there's some drama amongst her friends or family, or the fic focuses on her struggling to emote. Then again, I'm not good at those subjects so perhaps that's just me.

Do you mind if I use this description layout for one of my own OCs?

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