Starlight Shadow 56 members · 100 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Starlight Shadow
Group Admin

3272223 I wuv dem Pokemans :rainbowkiss:

3272228 So, you're saying that pokemons were cool and are still cool.

Since we're in the sharing mode...
*Checks group's first page for a rule against cursing. Finds none.*


You like ponies too? I had no idea!

3272279 I do. But don't tell enyone. It's a secret.


We should make some kind of club for people who like ponies and stuff! Do you think a lot of people on this site like ponies?

3272305 We should stalk the forums to see if they do.

*Picks a 'random' comment from a forum and draws conclusions solely of that.*

Nope, people on this site hate ponies.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 8