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This is for people who need help writing a story or need help getting ideas or don't know what to do next etc.

I could use some help with an opinion of sorts on my story :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

I'll help! Which story?

Zelda Spectrum
Group Contributor

Does anyone have any tips on how to write a battle scene? I'm not exactly an expert on battle choreography. :applejackunsure:

I'm not very good at it, but I'm writing a story with ALOT of fighting in it, and I've found some tips.

write what happens around the battle, not just the battle. = Don't focus on the blades just clashing, focus on everything, an example

not right: he brought his hoof up, slashing the blade across his opponents chest with his sword, before plunging his blade through his skull.

Right: He suddenly brought his hoof up, slashing the blade across his opponents chest with his sword, the blood from the cut splattered on the sword and ground, covering the few rocks that dotted the grassy battlefield. He quickly grabbed the pony and plunged his blade through his skull, the other pony drew one, final, shaky breath, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he died.

See? Just adding in what happened to the environment, makes the fight not only seem longer, but more complex, despite that I still used the same words from the top.

2. In a large battle, don't focus on the hero = Simple, I know the main char get's the most attention, but this is a LARGE battle, not 1V1 combat, tell us about that one solder named Silver Spark who held off the barricade from the enemy, or how Tussled leafs, was defending her house using her rake as a weapon, you want to immerse us the battle, a trick I used when I tried to do this and still keep true to my vision in my head, is I took 2 friends, I told one of them how I pictured the battle in my head, and I showed the other one my story, I then asked them to describe the battle as they know it back to me, I was quite surprised when I had two different views on how the battle went.

3. Have fun: if you don't have fun writing it, chances are, we won't ether! :scootangel:

Hope I could help


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