Daring Do 630 members · 479 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Hello, I was hoping that someone could help me with a name of a Daring Do book. One of the characters in one of my stories are reading one and I need a name for that book, I hope that someone can help me. Please. :pinkiehappy:

5893240 what is your nook about?

5893680 I just need a name for the book and I handle the rest.

How about Daring Doo and the Bells of Tambelon

Seems to be a pretty old thread, but I figuree I would drop some titles for any other curiosities that happen to stumble in.

>Daring Do and the Case of the Pointless Resale Plot
>Daring Do and the Charm of Masticulation
>Daring Do and the Flame of Meddallion
>Daring Do and the Tiled Mareabian Night
>Daring Do and Johnson Brown Save Prance
>Daring Do and the Crunpled Crumpets of Azkad'on
>Daring Do and the Lost Treasure of Gryphonstone
>Do: An Autobiography
>Daring Do and the Half-baked Hairbrained Feather-scheme
>Daring Do and the Golden Amulet of Maskorado
>Daring Do: The Ultimate Collection Volume 19
>Daring Do vs The Maaaneiac


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