The Elements of Germany 32 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Midnight Rambler
Group Admin what this group needs first and foremost.

3125626 Does Sabaton count? Some of their music is in German, after all, but they are Swedish :applejackunsure:

Midnight Rambler
Group Admin

3125969 I'm a big Sabaton fan, but I've never heard any German songs by them. I am working on some translations of their songs into German myself, with help from MessoriaAQ. (Working title: "Sabateuton").

Anyway, have this. A poem by Friedrich Schiller from 1797, beautifully set to music.

The Königgrätzer is the catchiest, I'd say. Preußens Gloria doesn't quite reach that.

Also — here's a full version of the Prussian Anthem (all stanzas). It's a karaoke version, but still quite nicely sung.

Midnight Rambler
Group Admin

As soldiers' songs go, the Panzerlied is one of my favourites. Here it is, with awesome footage of the Bundeswehr's Leopard tanks.

My personal favorites are the Koniggratzer Marsch, and the Bandenwiler (might have mispelled that) Marsch.

Midnight Rambler
Group Admin

3194602 Yeah, it's Badenweiler. Great picks, though! :twilightsmile:

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