The Ministry of Morale 51 members · 56 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

Mmmhmm. Mmhmm. Yes, very good, but I think you could stand to use a little more to your sentences other than, if I may, "Yeah."

Oh, come on, Logic! Just enjoy the wonderful "Yea!" that Bulk Biceps decided to throw our way. :scootangel:

I did enjoy it, but he could stand to reason with a simple yes or no.

Yes or no... what?

No. What? I'm not asking a question-,

He he! You're green!

What? Now you're making no sense. :facehoof:


I am a genius. I don't have time for trivial matters such as pudding.

:facehoof: Moving on, today's Daily Discussion topic is over chapter length. What do you consider too long or too short? If the story has many words, does it turn you away from reading it or does it make you want to read it?

One word is too many, yes!

Wait. I thought we were gonna talk about Bulk Bicep's name! You know there's Snowflake, Roid Rage.... others! We talked about this, Logic!

That is tomorrow's discussion, Pure. I do believe that you're confused.

But the title is wrong then! It says YEEEAAA, but there aren't any YEA's!!

We had one, yes? That is good enough.

Thou hath betrayed us, yes! WE WISH TO SPEAK ABOUT ROID RAGE!!!

It's Bulk Biceps, Inner Thoughts!

No, yes! Roid Rage has more anger towards it, yes! So we declare Roid Rage as official name, yes!

Nooooo...! That's tomorrow's thread!


A good chapter should be round bout' 2,000 words. Enough to get the message across but no so much that you can't read it in one sitting. There's my two-bits. Ha, ha. Anywho, it's way too sad when a story you love comes out with a 600 word or less chapter. I ask myself, "Where's the rest?" and cry a little on the inside :fluttercry:

I shoot for about 3000 words, but chapters tell you how long they want to be. If it starts getting a little long you can reorganize, for instance you move a scene you thought belonged in one chapter to the next. But you absolutely have to end with a hook, or at a natural break, that leads you into the next chapter.

Short chapter make reading easier. Five three thousand word chapters go by faster than one 15 thousand word chapter.

Group Admin

Oh man.
I'VE BEEN SO BAD AT THIS!! :raritycry: :raritydespair:
I've been doing 5,000 words...

WHEN I ONLY NEED THREE! :fluttershbad: :fluttercry: :raritydespair: :raritycry:

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