The Ministry of Morale 51 members · 56 stories
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Group Admin

I've heard that a few of you have a unique way with words... Well, I want to hear your poetry! That's right, folks, here I want you to post your poetry! Heck, even post someone else's poetry, just post their name below so we can throw them some appreciation! I'll start with something I wrote.

-The Welcome Song-

Welcome, welcome, welcome!
It’s your special day!
Welcome to FiMfiction,
We hope you’re here to stay!
Check out our Writing Guide!
It’s simply just divine!
And if I can confide,
It helps me all the time!

Welcome, welcome, welcome!
It’s your special day!
Welcome to FiMfiction,
We hope you’re here to stay!
Whether you are working,
We are here for you!
Even if you’re lurking,
We’ll stand brave and true!

I know, I know, I know.
I hear the cliché,
I know, I know, I know,
Just what you’re gonna say.
Just wait for a moment.
Please! Just hear me out!
Bronies stick together,
So please don’t make me pout!

I guess this is the end,
Of my very joyful song!
Please come and be our friend!
And maybe sing along!

Group Admin

I dunno if this counts as poetry but...

What Do They Think?
by me.

I walk through the crowded market, my hooves sweaty and my eyes darting from pony to pony as I wonder, "What are they thinking?"

While others simply pass by, some of them cast their judging eyes upon me and stare. Do they wonder why my eyes are crossed? Do they secretly point and laugh?

"Dear Celestia, what are they thinking?"

My heart pumps with the force of a raging river. My stomach in a knot, I see a stallion trying to hide his quick glances at me.

I can't help but wonder, "What is he thinking?"

A pink mare bounces her way through the marketplace, her smile brilliant and bright, her eyes bursting with joy. I notice she wears a silly mask, one so ridiculous that it could bring a grin to the most stubborn of ponies.

"What is she thinking?"

From around the marketplace, I can see how ponies look at her and snicker, giggle, and laugh behind her back.

Her smile only grows wider.

My mouth drops open.

I see how she laughs with those that laugh at her. She hops towards me, sees me and waves. I stare in awe at the confidence that radiates from her smile.

"She doesn't care what everypony else is thinking."

I watch her go, my spirit lifted. I try to live in her example. I try to forget about what everyone else is thinking. To her it doesn't matter. What they think of me doesn't matter so long as what I think of myself is good enough for me.

"What was I thinking?"

Group Admin

Yes. *wipes tears* Yes, that definitely counts. *sniffle*

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