The Awesome Quote Group 26 members · 0 stories
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When you play video games it's like you're already dead. You become a predictable robot that merely follows the rules of a game. Perhaps you're a capable robot with good reflexes, but you're still just following the protocol which is meant to be useless from the get go. The games are designed to waste your time, and you're letting them.

Source: Someone take my family in hostage

Praying for someone is like stroking a homeless person on her head, smiling nicely at her, then looking straight into her eyes as you tell her, "I'm not giving you anything, but I wish you a pleasant day." Then turn around and walk away, leaving her stranded and confused at the corner of the street.

Source: Pray For Victims

Gender is irrelevant. It's just a vestige of our past evolution.
It's kind of like having a tail. Some people have it and some don't, yet, none of them need it in order to be human.
Gender isn't what makes us special. It's not what makes humans. Most animals have a gender. If anything, gender makes us more primal than advanced.
If I were designing a new generation of humans, I'd make them genderless.

Source: What Does Gender Mean To You?

Death is the biggest risk in investing. It's a sure way to lose everything you earned in your entire life, and there's no safe heaven to secure your fortune. The number one rule in accumulating wealth should be: Don't die.

Source: Precious Metals. (I know they're not stocks, but they are assets)

You will die.

Nothing will remain of you. After a few generations, even the memories of you will be gone. You'll be completely wiped from the history. It will be like you never even existed.

There is one thing that will remain of you: the story you're considering writing, but only if you finish it.

Now, go write! Your immortality is at stake.

Source: I could use some help

I used to listen to music while commuting. In the name of the writing, I forbade myself from listening music anymore. Nowadays I may only listen to my stories (converted to mp3 with

If I don't finish my stories, I'm stuck with listening to an unfinished story over and over again, which is offsetting. It forces me to finish it and make it as good as possible. I've already read all my stories at least 50 times, and I'm still reading them until I write something new.

Source: Getting yourself to work on old stories again

An insignificant event in the past can shatter a timeline. Just because things are fine and dandy now, doesn't mean that billions of people won't be squirming in agony in the cumming future. Contentment is what hinders your foresight. Be vigilant.

Source: Which of the show's morals have stuck out for you the most?

The best way to write is to sit down and stare into the blank page to induce boredom. When you can't take it anymore, you'll start writing to escape the dullness of the blank page.

The condition for this is that you forbid yourself from succumbing to any distractions. You can do that by convincing yourself that the blank page before you is your only meaning of life. It's the only thing you're good for. Nothing else matters. You are the Author; the only one who can transform that blank page into something beautiful. The world is waiting for you to fill that page with text. Don't let everyone down!

Source: how do you get in the right mood to write

Here's how I deal with people I know. I imagine them being dead. When I talk to them, it's a miracle. I get to talk to a person that is clearly dead in the future. Every word, every gesture. Everything is significant, for the void is soon to consume them all.

People who will die are even more special than people who live forever. Instead of despairing over the approaching ending, know that the current time is the best time that will never happen again in the far future.

Source: I have an existential problem.

My ideas burden me. They're like an infection of my mind, and writing is the only cure. I'm very ill with ideas, but I hope to get well, someday. I just need to write more...

Source: Question: What and when will be your final story?

I think we should give eugenics another chance.

Source: unpopular opinion

Let me tell you a story:

There was a tribe settled in a valley. They knew that in springtime, the snow on the mountains will melt and the river will flood. It's been like that every year.

One winter, the snow just kept falling and the mountains were full of it. They haven't seen so much snow in 20 years combined. The chieftain said, "let's deepen the river before the spring, else the river will kill us all in the spring."

A twelve-year-old retard came up to him and said, "But that's like in the future. How about we use that time to jerk each other, instead? It surely will make us more happy in the short-term."

"You're stupid," concluded the chieftain.

The villagers, however, sided with the twelve-year-old retard. When the spring came, everyone drowned horribly.

Source: Let's never cut NASA

Let me tell you a story:

There were two kids. One had rich parents and they paid for the best tutors to school him. The other was from a poor single mum family. She officially said she's homeschooling her daughter to save some money, but unofficially, she didn't know enough of anything to be teaching.

Then came the time for the test. The rich kid knew all the answers and aced it. The poor kid didn't even know there would be a test until it was too late and knew zero answers. She failed.

The powers that be said to the rich kid, you passed our test, you can go to an elite school called Heaven. To the poor kid they said, "Ye have little knowledge. We banish you to the workcamp called Hell."

The poor kid protested, "How could I have possibly passed the test? I was provided with zero knowledge about it."

They said to him, "You should have looked around and see the vast knowledge around you. You should have experienced it and learn from it. Knowledge is in the details. If you paid attention to the details you'd gain all the knowledge you needed."

"You could have at least sent me a mail that there would be a test..." The kid said and walked toward the bus that had Hell written on it. "I was doomed to fail from the start..."

Source: [url=

Wait, so you're saying that every time you flush a toilet, it's not natural laws flushing your shit down, but your God personally descends from Heaven, picks up your turd in His hands then magically creates a spiral of water (that can't possibly form naturally) to deliver your fecal matter to the underworld? Am I understanding you correctly?
I knew Christians say their God loves them, but I had no idea...

Source: Explain this

even if you call your short tentacles a disability, you don't have to take that as your defining trait. You just tentle things differently than those with long tentacles and that's the whole extent of it if that's how you decide to view your disability.

And there's nothing stopping you from seeing your disability that way. Just remind yourself, that there are some creatures out there that are without any tentacles whatsoever. You should feel grateful for at least having the short tentacles that you have.

Source: How do ya guys write ponies with disabilities

At the early days of Artificial Intelligence, we won't have to restrict it because it won't have much power or capabilities. We'll just use it because of the benefits. Those benefits will increase with time and we'll be incentivized to use AI more and more, giving it more and more power. Those who will restrict AI will start falling behind in the AI race.

I believe that in a couple of hundred years, AI will tell humans what to buy, what to eat, what clothes to wear, when to go to bed. Everything. All those decisions will be better than the ones humans would make themselves. That's why they'll get addicted to AI. Those who will decide not to use AI will be outcasts, cut off of all the benefits.

It's not the AI who will cause the singularity. It will be humans. They will cause it willingly and knowingly because not doing it would be taking a step back instead of forward.

Source: Spend money to save money

Starting a story is like puking on a piece of paper. It's easy and fast. Everypony can do it.

Finishing a story is like arranging the half-digested pieces of puke into Mona Lisa.

Many get grossed out before they can finish. You have to be a masochist to finish.

Source: why-is-it-easier-to-start-and-harder-to-finish

We'll have to divert the trajectory of the stars, using their own solar emissions to propel them toward black holes to preserve the entropy of the Universe for the long-sustainability of our space-time. Managing all that will require AI, probably the kind that runs on quantum computers, both for figuring out optimal trajectories and gathering space materials for building star dome mirrors for propelling the stars.

Source: an-interesting-point-regarding-safety-devices-and-video-game-bosses

What you fail to understand is that the amount of butthurt you receive in a conversation is more under your own influence than the person you're talking to.

Source: Anyone Want to Know WHY I Banned Alphamon_Ouryuken a Little While Back?

When the light shines upon a deer's eyes, you can see hope in them. And then the deer gets ran over by the car and dies.

Source: so-tired-of-fighting-for-the-good-guys

I'm a humble writer. I just want to fry my readers' brains.

Source: how-many-type-of-authors-in-this-site

The way I see it, if the reader's head doesn't explode upon reading my story, I've failed as a writer.


There's no need for me to destroy the world. The world is doing that by itself just fine.

Source: I-think-they-gave-her-the-wrong-scrypt

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