Fluttercord Library 350 members · 184 stories
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Hello everypony, I am writing a story called "I Think I Have A Crush On The Baddest Boy In School" I know the title is long but I love it. It is a Fluttercord story and they are human; Fluttershy is the new girl in a school that is for humans with special powers. I am enjoying the time I am spending writing this but I want your opinions on somethings.
POWERS= I need help coming up with a power for Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Sumbra. I would like their powers to have something to do with their personalities so I am open for suggestions.

I mean, you could use their powers from their EG movies like:
Rainbow = super speed
Pinkie = anything that she touches turns into sprinkles
Twilight = able to do telekinesis, teleport, basic unicorn magic etc.
Sunset = be able to read memories or minds or whatever hoopla
Rarity = able to summon shield/forcefield
Fluttershy = able to communicate with animals
Applejack = super strength

But if you want new options, hmm:
Rainbow = be able to make weather? Idk like maybe clouds/lightning etc.
Pinkie = be able to.......idk make pastries outta thin air?
Twilight = be able to do unicorn magic, but like way better idk. Aaa.....maybe be able to make things come outta thin air too? Lmao I have no ideas
Sunset = be able to teleport herself (also be able to bring people along with her) into previous memories of others or dreams or something. She would still be able to just touch someone and be like 'woAH MEMoRieS'.
Rarity =.......be able to change appearances? Could disguise her or anyone in like weird outfits whether it be a chef's or a......pizza delivery man?
Fluttershy = I can't think for this one sorry.
Applejack = be able to make whatever weapon show up? Idk like lassos or.....pies? Aaaa no ideas for this one either
Sombra = be able to make crystal shards appear like say, if he would've summoned it like.......it's just like Elsa's ice powers but crystallised lmao. And also he would have the same level of magic as Twi, maybe even more, but he just also have another package of CrYsTaLs lol.

Thank you, Mixed Galaxy I think I will use your Rarity suggestion but if its alright with you I am going to change a few things. I think I am going to have Rarity have the power to literally change her appearance. Like change, her skin, her gender, and even her species do that sound alright with you?

Hey, your story lol. Change whatever you want, they were just suggestions haha.

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