Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Your a human who lives in Equestria who babysits. but you don't babysit foals between 0-2. You babysit a character who has been mentally regrssed into thinking there a baby or toddler. This would also mean the adult or school aged pony would be wearing a diaper and using it. Who would it be.

Maybe applejack or twilight

I would randomly pick the little fluffball Celestia

Probably the Super Duper Party Pony, Pinkie Pie.

7442962 A mentally regressed Fluttershy shouldn't be too much trouble.

Cmc after a potion misshap. Baby sitting while manesix go on a quest for ingredients to reverse it.

flash sentry and twilight sparkle

you have just inspired a story I could work on

Sweet, I'll read it when its done. :) Glad I can inspire things.

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