Padded Ponies and Adult Foals 1,304 members · 968 stories
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Can't believe it's taken so long for me to consider this idea. Then again, there really haven't been that many stories involving this group that deal with AB/DL so I guess maybe people need more motivation. Anyway, we're going to be looking at how the student/young six would stack up in regards to who would be least likely and most likely to be involved in AB/DL. Like other rankings of this sort this one is based on my personal opinion, so feel free to discuss and debate what you think. Maybe there's something I haven't considered.

6. Sandbar: The group as a whole suffers from underdevelopment but Sandbar has it the worst, we know literally nothing about him that makes him stand out in his group of friends. We know he has a baby sister named Coral Currents (according to the official fandom wika), but details about who he is or how he works are virtually non-existent. He seems pretty content with who he is though, I don't think he'd really feel under pressure to pad up at all or even give thought to the idea of it. He'd probably be understanding if one of his friends got into it and I think he'd have experience as a caretaker with his little sister, but that's about it.

5. Ocellus: Ocellus does have some anxieties and concerns, or at least she did early on before the show glossed over it. That could potentially be an avenue for her to seek out AB/DL in secret, but I also feel like she'd be more comfortable in the role of caretaker or even just confidant. Maybe if we knew more about why she feels so strongly pressured by her species' checkered past there'd be more to consider either way. Alternatively, she might first try it as a way of eliminating bathroom breaks while studying, but I think she'd soon learn there are drawbacks to that that would mostly outweigh the benefits.

4. Gallus: Yes, we know he's an orphan and felt like he had never belonged in his hometown of Griffonstone, so deep down he has some insecurities that trouble him. The biggest thing that holds him back is that he'd be afraid of being discovered, which is something that would really hold him back from getting into it even if one of his friends were involved. He's good at playing things off when he knows he can be in control of the situation or work it to his advantage, but he goes to great lengths to keep his true feelings hidden.

3. Yona: Given all the bad things that seemed to befell her in Seasons 8 and 9, I can imagine poor Yona would be in need of therapy and counseling despite how tough she is. "She's All Yak" lends credence to the idea that her prideful way of carrying herself is a mask, and that deep down she's afraid and perhaps even worried about being judged. I can imagine it wouldn't take much for someone to convince her to pad up and become an AB/DL, particularly if they played to her desire to "fit in". The biggest problem Yona would face is that I can't imagine normal pony diapers would really fit her, and the same goes for usual adult foal attire. If Yona indulged she'd probably need to have stuff modified to fit her or be custom ordered, and that could be a hang up for her.

2. Smolder: She'd probably never be as high as she is if not for her reveal of liking "Cute, silly stuff" in "What Lies Beneath". There's already a fair deal of padded art of her because of that, and it's not hard to see why. She'd be a secret indulger for sure, definitely afraid of being caught and ridiculed for it. But I can see her taking steps to try and ensure she wasn't discovered, even making her friends swear to secrecy. Plus, if we're to take "Sweet and Smoky" into effect it's very likely that she never really knew her biological family outside of Garble and even then she didn't keep in touch with him that much. So a part of her might wonder what it'd be like if she had a family that could care for her and let her not have to worry about anything, even just for a little while.

1. Silverstream: Her bubbly personality makes it easy to see her as someone who might get into AB/DL, and her natural curiosity about surface life would be a good avenue to lure her into it. She'd almost definitely not bother to keep it secret, she wouldn't be too afraid of being judged or laughed at for it. Much like Pinkie Pie and Sweetie Belle she has this child like innocence to how she views the world, although her world view isn't quite so innocent given "What Lies Beneath" showed us she has (or at least had) a fear of the Storm King's return. Still, that fear could motivate her even further to seek out or at least try out the world of AB/DL and stick to it for a time.

And there you have it.

I'm not super fond of the student six. They feel like an inferior version of the mane 6. Just nowhere near as well rounded or compelling.

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