RainbowDust 57 members · 12 stories
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Group Admin

This is the thread wherein I will talk to myself, because I'm pretty much the only one in this group anyway. :rainbowwild:

Uh... let's start by talking about ponies, I guess. If you're reading this, who's your favorite pony?

some1 pls respond to ths so i don look stoopid

Ponies are ponies, yes? But if were to chose only one to be my favourite, It'd have to be Luna~

Group Admin

3252546 Luna's pretty cool, though Carrot Top will always be my favorite just because.

Though Lightning Dust is a close second. :heart:

Group Admin

3252626 Spike is best dragon, hands down.

Though Garble is a close second.

3252637 as far as ponies go:

Lightning Dust

Group Admin

3252652 I used to like Trixie, but now I'm starting to think she's overdone. She just kinda gets on my nerves sometimes, y'know?

Also, a lot of people find it weird that I like Sunset Shimmer. :applejackunsure:

3252654 I love Sunset! :heart: and trixie is overdone to an extent.

Group Admin

3252657 What's really weird is how much people hate Flash Sentry. Seriously, one of the best stories I've ever read has FlashLight shipping, but it gets downvoted into oblivion because "Flash is a waifu stealing biatch."

I've never understood that either. He wasnt a bad character. Of course he never gets shipped with anyone besides twilight though

Group Admin

3252688 Actually, I've seen him shipped with Shining Armor before. Granted, it was a borderline trollfic, but still.

Group Admin

3252720 It definitely sounds cool. :rainbowlaugh: Though I dunno if Twi would be cool with it. Girl code and all that jazz.

Group Admin


It's too bad FlashDash could never work, because Dash already belongs to Lightning. :rainbowwild: Or maybe even Spike, just for you.

3252787 you're required to say that in this group :twilightsheepish: of course you could read the story I added in which Lightning, Dash and spike all get together :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


That certainly would be an interesting story. Maybe I should add a polyamory folder to the group, just in case?

3252805 HOLY DUCK FUCK! A crazy rare Spike x Lyra fic just got published... ill be back

Group Admin

3252864 link pls!!1!

Group Admin

3252960 On a completely unrelated note, I just realized that I wasn't in you Rare Spike Shippings group. I could've sworn that I was.

Oh well. Mistake=fixed.

I need to do somethimg in that group. Im so inactive in it

Group Admin

3253033 For the groups purpose, I think you're active enough. :scootangel:

Same can't be said for me and this group, though. I've tried to pick up the slack today, but it's mostly just been me making threads and stuff.

I'm really, really hoping the prompt tag thing catches on though, just because once I can get the story/collab published, the group will have a lot more publicity.

3253046 3253046 my group was mainly just my sellfish desire to have all the strnge spike ships together in one pllace

Group Admin

3253065 For a group with 100+ members, I'd say you're doing fine! You've got quite a lot of stories too, and members who make their own threads. You've got the dream group.

3253071 yeah, the Spike fanbase is pretty outgoing so it's easy to get discussions going. btw, i had a video chat with Tidal the other night, and we're trying to pool our resources for bronycon and we're writing a collab :rainbowderp: he's a cool dude. Us three should totally do a video chat sometime

Group Admin

3253147 Yeah, I know Tidal. I've edited some stuff for him before, and we're both commentators for the PCaRG. :rainbowkiss:

Video chat, eh? Maybe...

i'm and admin for that group, and I never do anything in it except interview new commentators :twilightblush:

and yeah! you can do it via google hangouts, and it's super fun. we're both pretty funny dudes from what could tell (many pony and that's what she said jokes were made), plus I'm itching to know what you look like :rainbowhuh:
For some reason, I picture you looking like this

That's the screamer for I SEE SOMBRA I SEE STARS

Group Admin

3253189 I don't know if I'd be willing to show my face quite yet, so I'd probably do that thing where my avatar shows up when if talking if I did it at all.

plus I'm itching to know what you look like :rainbowhuh:

My hair is pretty similar to the guy in the picture. :rainbowlaugh:

If you really want to know what I look like, then picture your typical high school cross country/track runner \. That's pretty much me.

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