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«Lost and Forgotten» by Violent

A little filly awakes in an empty bathtub without any memories. After short search of the dark room she's in, she finds three things: A scar on her forehead, a gun and a note saying that she is called Applebloom and she has to survive.
Behind the doors, her dead sister, and Equestria in the throes of black magic await.

Well, that's pretty much where the plot begins and ends. It is, in fact, so short and straightforward, that adding any more details to the summary, will pretty much turn into the re-telling of the fic verbatim. There are few more canon characters (in varying states of decay) in the fic, but you can hardly call them that. They're more like functions, either as helpers or hindrances, and the whole loss of memory affair achieves exactly nothing that could not be achieved with much simpler means.
The ending contains no twist and is entirely expected and trite, with a pointless Deus Ex Machina as a capstone.
The only upsides of the plot in this fic is that there in fact is a plot, and that it's blissfully short. 5/30

Is horrifyingly bad. Not so much bad grammar and typos (thanks to spell-checkers, no doubt), but the tenses are all jumbled, sentence structure is a mess and punctuation is ad-hoc and arbitrary, making the text barely readable. Since I could, mostly due to fact that sentences were as simple and unsurprising as the plot, actually read it, I'm willing to give it another 5\30.

Goes hoof-in-hoof with the grammar. The thought meanders, and oftentimes is lost somewhere between the beginning and the end of sentence, short as they are. Switching from second person to third in the beginning of the fic is confusing and serves no purpose. The wording is, at best, strange, and some descriptions are downright physically impossible (e.g. Apple Bloom somehow managing to "cock the barrel" of the gun). All of that makes what was intended to be horror story into more of a surrealistic comedy.
The text is also absolutely and entirely bare-bones - not that I am arguing for making this whole thing any longer than it'd have to be. "Show, don't tell" is entirely ignored, and the only possible saving grace of this catastrophe - a last-ditch fight for survival, with an undefined (and probably tragic) end is set up haphazardly, unemotionally, and summons absolutely nothing in the reader.
At least this text actually has meaningful beginning, middle and end, and the fact that despite multiple shortcomings, at the very least Zecora's speech almost rhymes - 5/30

Personal Preference
For variety's sake, if nothing else, two positives regarding the fic: The whole plot is at least within the realm of possible for the canon, and could've happened in Equestria as we know it, and the only thing this is actually aggressively offensive to is any decent sense of taste. Still, I cannot in my right mind mark it as anything other than 0/10

There is so little effort invested in this fic, that I won't critique in any more detail than I already have. I sincerely hope that this was a child's first attempt at writing, and that the author will learn from his or her experience. I've certainly not had any pleasure in reading this text, but at least it does not excite in me a murderous rage and/or the hatred for everything living, unlike some other things I recall reviewing.

Total Tally: 15/100

Group Contributor

Good review and commentary; but there are a couple of problems. First, you didn't link to the story; and second, you have the title wrong, it's actually "Lost and Forgotten".

Group Contributor

OOps, my bad. Fixed

Comment posted by Violent Skin deleted Dec 30th, 2016

I feel that you are extremely exaggerating with your review.

You never explained any plot points, you only put negative points and barely even put positive ones.

You calling my story a "Catastrophe" is a overstatement. I feel this isn't a deserving review.

Group Contributor

I'm sorry you feel that way.
However, that is the blunt review, so I put out what I felt after reading the fic as it was, without sugarcoating, but also without any intention of being mean for the sake of being mean.
This is not a great fic. It really isn't. It could be made much better with some good editing, and it could be very good if you add some thinking about plot progression and pacing, but as it is - I have put down exactly what I thought this fanfic deserves, no more, no less.

Group Admin

5711974 Cheers for pointing this out!

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