Fire-Themed Ponies 52 members · 20 stories
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Group Admin

*laughs awkwardly*
Rosey, don't be silly, you're scaring your big sister...

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Your Rose's big sister, you are not mine. You giving her this...thing, to keep me in worked, but only made it so that I did not come out fully in my full power. It also made me able to think clearly, which is why I am even speaking to you instead of trying to hurt you. I assume you think me a possessed spirit?" Rose asked, looking at the cloth.

Group Admin

*stares with widened eyes, and gulps a ball of air and saliva*
You're that fiery incarnation that took Rosey's mind a while ago...
I-I'm not sure of who, or what are you yet, I didn't had enough time to make researches. The symbols on Rose's cloth are fire-controlling charms, but they are pretty generic, thus why I didn't suppressed you entirely.
What do you want from my little sister?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Despite what you think. I did not possess her. In your family of fire users, or whatever, there is always a few ponies in your family who gets me, the innate ability of fire. I am the strength of the fire, and I get passed down. I am a gift, but many of your family members are not able to control me, because they do not have the strength to do so. Some of your family have been able to quite well and control the fire body easily, but it is harder for others. Honestly, im surprised that the strength is in her, and not in one of you. She is hardly good enough or strong enough to control me." Rose laughed.

"My name is Fire, or if you prefer, Strength of Fire. And there is no way you can ever smother me completely. I am hard to control, because im the strength of the fire and you need to be very good to control and use me to your fullest ability. Think of that what you will. Honestly, I want nothing from your little sister, I am just here for her to use. I am the fire, the fire that is in her name and the fire in her strength, but she is not strong at all." Fire said, smirking.

Group Admin

Say what you want about my little Rosey, but you should know that she will be a great unicorn someday!
*face contorts in a mixture of fear and confidence*
Me and Justice are going to train her really well, and she will control you!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Better ponies in your family have tried, but they couldn't do it because they didn't have the strength to do so. I know a pony who could from a pony who would never be able to control me, and Rose is one of those who I know wont, she wont even be able to unlock half of what I am able to do." Fire said, "Can you turn off the insufferable ringing?"

Group Admin

*sighs and draws a rune on the air, leaving a glowing trail. The sound stops*
So you know about our family? I`ve been doing a research about our clan. What do you know, Strength?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2869316 ((I have no idea what family we have outside of the four we see.))
Fire smirked, "Now what would be the fun of telling you about your family if you should learn on your own? Considering you are learning to be a rune meister and are trying to figure everything out yourself about your family. Why should I take away the fun?" she asked, tilting her head.

Group Admin

((It`s not like there is much of a backstory of our family besides our OC`s :derpytongue2:))
*Rune grins*
Smart little incarnation aren`t you? I guess you`re right. So, how about you leaving my little sister be for now. The symbols aren`t enough to control you, so I guess you can come whatever you feel like.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2869464 ((Im making up made up ponies))
Fire frowned, "I'm not an incarnation, and I am much older then you would think. The symbols are enough to make me unable to go to full power, so they do work, but just barely. Just one more thing for you to hear though: You cant find me in any books about research, because I am never a part of research, you can even ask your grandfather Fire Wheel, he tried to find anything on me, and he couldn't." she smiled.

Group Admin

((Sorting ideas to continue. I`m suffering from writer`s block, sorry))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2871792 ((Writers block for RP?))

Group Admin

((I RP like I write, if the ideas don`t flow, or the creativity doesn`t come,I can`t interpret Rune decently... :fluttercry:))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2871881 ((How do you think she would feel about not being able to research anything? Probably take it badly perhaps? Try and get in contact with her grandfather?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2871881 ((Alright))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2856562 ((We just had a huge thing happen that explains a lot but nothing.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Fire turned to look at the other pony in the room, and she smirked, "It appears your brother seems to be very...tired." she said, laughing as she looked at Justice, who was lying on the floor sleeping, "I didn't think I caused that much trouble, I was only trying to help kill that pony, you both just got in my way, and insulted me." she said, looking at her hoof.

Group Admin

*laughs awkwardly*
I'm sorry for insulting you, and getting in your way, but when I saw my sister turning into a fiery rage, I kinda didn't knew how to react. Let Justice rest for now. This day has been hectic for everyone.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I thought you saw her like that before, or it might have been just justice, when I almost killed him a few times before. She really isn't that strong at all now that I think about it." Fire said.

Group Admin

No I didn't saw her like that before. You sure dislike my little sister, huh?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Fire shrug, "I don't pick who gets me. Usually if they were ever able to control me, they would have been able to at this point. I am allowed to dislike anypony I am in, especially ones I think don't deserve me to begin with." she said. "No matter how you train her, she will not succeed."

Group Admin

*raises an eyebrow*
She will. I trust my little Rose completely.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Fire smiled as she closed her eyes, "So young and weak, so scared of silly little things. Loves being around others more then fighting. She doesn't have the strength, because she is not talented. I think that you or Justice would be mad that she got me instead of one of you. You both obviously have more ability then she ever will." she opened her eyes, fire leaving her eyes, "Whose to say that I will let her succeed?" she asked.

Group Admin

She's a little filly, it's natural to be scared of things she doesn't understand. I do not enjoy fighting either, and I'm the older sister! I know you think she's not talented, but like her, I conquered everything I have now with hard work, not with talent! And how can I be envious of Rosey?
You are mean! Why can't you let Rosey succeeds?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Fire laughed and walked closer to Rune, "You call her little, you give her a pet name and call her Rosey, you treat her like a baby which will not help at all in the slightest. Now, answer me this, why would I let others succeed if they have not earned it? I have to give them a challenge, so I do, and they need to earn it, I cant just let others do something like that." she said.

Group Admin

*throws gaze away*
P-P-Pet name? How cruel!
It's not a pet name, it's how I like to call her because that's how mum used to call her when she was a newborn.
*closes eyes*
I don't treat her like a baby... It's just that... She seems so lonely without mum around to take care of her. I want Rosey to feel loved too.
*looks back at Fire*
Then give her a challenge, but allow her to win! You're right that we can't give everything to her easily, but she must be given a chance!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"If I allow her to win, then that would be me throwing the challenge away. If she is strong as you say, I wont have to allow her to win, she will win on her own. She has the ability, using me, to control fire much better then you or Justice, but she usually just sets the house on fire, which I find rather amusing that she even tries to amount up to you. She tries to hard to be just like you and Justice, and all she ends up doing is making you feel sorry for her because she misses her parents and needs her sister to give her a cute little nickname." Fire chuckled and pulled the knife out of the wall with her magic, "It is pathetic, she barely even knew her mother, and your using her missing her as an excuse."

Group Admin

*Eyes getting red and moist*
What I do for her isn`t out of pity! It`s called love! Do you even know what it is? Sibling love?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Love is an intense feeling of deep affection or care for another being. Yes, I do know what love is." Fire said, looking up at Rune, "Ug, she is so short its annoying..." she said, before her horn glowed a deep fire like color and surrounded her, before she levitated upward so she was staring Rune in the eye, "Love can be just the same as pity, but I have never felt it, because I do not love anything."

Group Admin

But I do love my little sister, and I`m protecting her with all I have, even from you!
*stares back*

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"It seems I am still here though, and you cant get rid of me. If you were to smother me completely with some sort of spell, you would actually also hurt her more then you would hurt me. You would make it so she could never reach her full potential, or get her cutie mark in what her special talent actually is. I am not a spirit possessing her, but there isn't a better way for me to say this, you wouldn't want to hurt my host, or your sister, now would you?" Fire asked, floating closer so she was in Runes face.

Group Admin

No! I would never hurt her...
*lowers head and closes eyes*
I will accept your presence, Strength of Fire, for my sister`s sake.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

" that what love is? Being afraid to hurt someone just because of their attachment to you?" Fire asked.

Comment posted by Pen Brush deleted Feb 19th, 2014
Group Admin

*shakes head in negation*
No it isn't. It's much more actually, but I guess I can't help you. I may be a teacher, but to tell you exactly what love is would be too pretentious of myself... Love can't be explained with words. It's something you must feel to comprehend.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Hmm, well that's sad. I have met a few things in my long existence, one being a few ponies with the water gift, she was easily manipulated and it was really depressing how she just let anyone she was gifted to use her. It made sense I guess, she was just a young idiot." Fire laughs, "If you wish to figure out who in your family had me anyway, just look at your family tree or ask your grandfather Fire Wheel, the old guy is still alive I believe." she said, lowering herself down to the ground and canceling her magic as she jumped onto the bed, making it more noticeable she was smoking slightly.

Group Admin

I may need to go see him, yes. But my little sister is coming with me!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Did you think I was telling you not to bring her? I can feel every thought and feeling she has, being with her, and she loves tagging along with anypony around well as sleeping, I don't really get that part." Fire said, the smoke going away from her body as her magic disappeared entirely.

Group Admin

Okay, let's get going.
*Starts packing up several different things inside a saddle bag.*
This is sure going to be the weirdest field trip I go with Rosey...

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Fire tilts her head, surprised, "Now? Well your very eager for someone who was afraid of me before." she said.

Group Admin

I'm still scared of you, to tell the truth. But like you said, I can't separate you from my little sister without causing her harm, so I have no other options than just sticking with you, without complaining, and pretending I'm not scared to the bone.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Your terror just amuses me." Fire said, smiling sweetly.

Group Admin

I guess it does...
*Grabs a stuffed saddle bag within her magic aura, and places it around her body.*
Let's get going, Grandpa Wheel doesn't lives near, I bet.
*Walks towards the door and exits the trailer.*

Pen Brush
Group Admin

2897573 ((Make the thread))
Fire shrugged and jumped off the bed, smirking as she followed.

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