The WCP Foundation 44 members · 1 stories
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Object # WPC-1000 'Unnerving, smiling sphere'

A looped recording of WPC-1000 demonstrating its usual method of interaction with individuals
Object class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Object is to be placed in a 10ft x 10ft room with no windows and only one door, which is to be locked at all times. All personnel must receive prior clearance to enter and interact with the object.

Description: WPC-1000 is a 5 ft diameter floating sphere that appears to be made of rock and bears a face on one side, which personnel have consistently described as 'creepy and unnerving'. When it detects an individual it will begin to slowly float toward the individual whilst constantly smiling. it utters no words and its expression does not change. we have yet to find out what happens when the object comes into close range with an individual as no one has been able to remain in the room for that long.

WPC-1000 was first encountered in a Manehatten office block and WPC personnel were swiftly called to contain the object, since then personnel assigned to guard the object have persistently reported feelings of unease.

Better safe than sorry I say...fill the room with concrete then drop it into the Mariana trench.

3724005 nay, it needs to be dropped from Olympus Mons...on Mars!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

3724110 this is actually more probable. the Mariana Trench doesn't exist here. there's the Shetlantean Rift, though.

3724196 i've begun writing the next chapter for 'Bionicle: Equestrian Saga' so some time soon i'm gonna need to start planning out some scenes with you

Group Admin

3724220 Cool. and i'm glad you did this, since the original SCP-1000 was Sasquatch.

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