Beginners 13 members · 34 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Hi I'm thunderbolt or thunderous light line boltworthy I've been weighting for a while now but in honesty my grammar n punctuation are horrorid
And the fact I'm stuck using a cheap tablet isn't helping so any way this is an open thread for chat with this question why no matter what I've tried or how long I've waited for a response can't I get a proof reader let alone an editer?.⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠?

5779327 I have grammerly but currently I only have a cheap tablet at my disposal know any apps?

5779860 You could use public access computers like those in libraries. Then your options wouldn't be limited. Besides, the ones I linked are web pages, so they should work on your tablet, also.

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