MoWverse 353 members · 5 stories
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So, as you've all noticed, the next chapter is taking a long time to come out. The reason behind so is this: New characters.

I am introducing new characters, and also making new ones. When I do this I typically try to think out their morals and mentalities. This... as I recently figured out, is hard to do with infants.

Also, I'm making new characters... but need names. I've been milling over different names and have finished half of them, but that's only half. Many names will be dropping withing the next few chapters and I want them to have the correct impact. This makes it hard to do so.

So, this is why I've been taking so long. Any accusations of spending hours conquering the world in Civ 5 are false and completely without merit.

Brony on!

you can use my user name for one

I was wondering y it was taking so long, and as far as names r we talking any types of names or names that sound like they would be for the ponies, sadly for me u cant do my name or it would be to weird, unless u found a weird person/pony to attach it 2 then I guess it would work (I can dream). At least I can add this 2 my to do list

Haha, for Man of War, when in doubt, translate to Latin!!! But really, if you know what you are planning for the characters later on then you could always just go with names relating to what they do, classic mlp style. Or mix it up and then translate it to Latin. Either way.
Good luck,

Have fun with that. If your like me it'll take you forever and a name you think is good at first, then you start doubting it and thinking everyone will hate it even though it's absolutely fine.

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