Comments ( 4 )
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I don't see anything wrong with it, I don't know why people treat it like it's a friggin crime against all of humanity. I see it as an idea that is shunned for what it is and I have embraced the idea for what it is, an idea that is meant to be put to use for any reason.

2671989 I see two reasons why war fics are hated:
- It's way off canon, which makes it hard to relate to
- It's a hard thing to pull off and many pull it off badly. With many bad fics of this genre, it gets generalised and people start thinking that its the genre that is bad.
- The theme about war is depressing. It being depressing is not bad by itself, but people usually tend to avoid depressing fics.

On a personal note, I don't think they are that hated. If they were, then there wouldn't be so many of them.

Well, I'd do my best to keep it to a minimum if I can help it, but "A New World" is a fic I just did by imagination and inspiration, and as a way to show that any idea whether others think it will fail or succeed is something more to the person that came up with it. and I don't really care if they like it or not. It's my work along with the help of some others that it was made possible.

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