The largest collab EVER. 10 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Time for you all to make your ideas! You can come up with a maximum of three and when your ideas are all finished I'll start the final poll: What story will we use?

Group Admin

Let's use Hallow Head's idea! It seems really interesting.

Since we will be having a human in it, and this story is based on "The World Only God Knows." We should have the human be the demon of the main character!

Hallow Head
Group Contributor

Yes please. Like what Gamer said.

Group Contributor

I'd like to see a crossover between FiM and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. The last, best hope for mankind has arrived at its destination, but its not where the colonists thought they were heading to. The different factions would be scattered among the different nations of Equestria, though it will be interesting to see who lands closest to Canterlot or Ponyville. I would have the Spartans land near the Griffons, the Gaians in the middle of the Everfree Forest, and the Morganites near Manehatten. Maybe have the University land near Canterlot, the Peacekeepers near Ponyville, the Hive near the Crystal Kingdom, and the Lord's Believers outside of Appleoosa.

Just wait until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna meet the new neighbors!

2311986 I have what I hope is a semi-decent idea; humanity has come to exist in Equestria, hundreds of years before Nightmare Moon's return, and now live side-by-side with it's natural inhabitants, though facing varying levels of acceptance despite how long they've been around. At the time the story takes place, it's a few years after Luna's return and all the other happy horseshit that's happened since then, and our hero(s) catch(es) wind of something generically terrible on the horizon(my suggestion being a rebellion or anti-human movement of some-kind), and they must band together with their friends to stop it in the most hilarious way possible, some falling in love along the way, others telling those some to get a room before they puke, and others still ignoring because they drank too much and are puking.

Fun time's all around!!

2311986>>2312010>>2312171>>2312353>>2312658Wait, are we going to have our own humans, or just all working on one?

Group Admin

I have no fucking clue.:pinkiecrazy:
Vote for bumper cars!

2311986>>2312171>>2312353>>2312658>>2312755I think we should all have our own human, and they all meet together in the story at some point. Like, the first couple of chapters are just filler(shit's n' giggles)and when we get to the part when all of our humans meet, we start some adventure.

2312863 I was actually going to suggest the same thing; everyone puts in an OC of some kind, human or otherwise, and they become the main characters, going on whatever epic adventure we all agree on!

Group Admin

But I have thousands of different OC humans!

I got Aeroe Conner; the multiverse time traveler.
I also got Aeroe Conner; the pirate captain, and Aeroe Conner; The undercover king, and Aeroe Conner; the Persona master, Aeroe Conner; The awesome vampire, Aeroe Conner; The Hypocrite Vampire Hunter, Aeroe Conner; Master of karate and has a panda as a partner, Aeroe Conner; the father of Connery NotEvilGuy, Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy; the self-proclaimed evil villain, Aeroe Conner; The robot.


Group Admin

I also have Aeroe Conner; the normal highschool kid.

Aeroe Conner; The advanced synthetic human.
Aeroe Conner; Badass Duel blade man.
Aeroe Smith; The original Aeroe Conner, before I realized that I ripped off another guy's name.
Aeroe Lips; My first fanfic character that was burned to the ground due to how cliche and Gary-stu he was.
Alice; The love interest for at least half of these Aeroe Conners.
Aigis; The love interest for the other half, even though she looks exactly the same as Alice.

..... Yep.


Though if you use the pirate captain, fictional blood will be spilled, because I'm also going to be using a pirate captain whom I have yet to name.

Group Admin

*Fun Fact: Aeroe Conner; The Pirate Captain, also kinda acts like Connery NotEvilGuy. He steals from the corrupted governments of the many lands and uses it to help the people, only, he fully acknowledges that he is a good guy, trying to help people.

2312992How bout one on the spot? Like, a regular human?

2313052 Well then him and my yet to be named pirate captain really wouldn't get along. Because he steals from the corrupted governments, the normal governments, the poor governments, and the -as-of-yet nonexistent governments, and spends all that money that doesn't go to his crew on booze, guns, swords, ship repairs, booze, hookers, booze, gambling, and have I mentioned booze? Man's gotta have his rum.

2312926 You should use Aereo Conner

2312892 i already got my OC down!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

2314958 Good stuff! I do too, except the name, that's the only thing I'm having a problem with. Was never too good at coming up with original names.

Group Admin

We can have our own main character. It can even be a pony as long as humans are still involved in the story.

Group Admin


I also have

Aeroe Conner; the emotionless bodyguard for a rich girl Alice.
Aeroe Conner; The Vampire Vampire Hunter, who hunts vampires with his vampire power.
Alice; The assistant pirate captain.
Alice; The messenger and sidekick for Aeroe Conner The Undercover King.
Aigis; A ripoff from the Persona 3 game.
Alice; The bickering partner of Aeroe Conner, master of karate.


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