The largest collab EVER. 10 members · 0 stories
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Hallow Head
Group Contributor

So, how does a story like this sound? Bare with me with the beginning cliches.
A new pony goes to Ponyville, STAY WITH ME HERE! Anti-social and all that, mean grumpy attitude. Then a mare in town is sad, or something, and he helps her, and she falls in love, and they kiss and happy ever after.

Except after the kiss, the mare forgets all about him, and live on with her happy life that he just fixed for her. And he does it again and help another mare in distress with her life, by having her fall in love with him, and then forget about him after the true love kiss.

A pony that helps mares that have a great depression, or life shattering situation. He then fixes the problem by healing her heart, and have her falling in love with him. After they kiss, the mare will cease to remember him, only to maybe have some feint blurry memory, and maybe act like they have a small crush towards him. He saves lives by the power of true love. But secretly, a little part of him dies whenever they forget about him, slowly breaking his psyche.

Is this a good story idea? Since this is a collab group,the story could be done in POV of the mares he helps, each chapter, each author, each mare. Please give it some thought would you?

Group Admin

This sounds like a really good idea.
We should do something about this.

Group Contributor

It's a good idea, but not one that I would like, since I'm not into the major tragic stuff, maybe a little tragedy, but not a whole lot like that.

Group Admin

I bet it's also a comedy :3

Just look at him. He seems to be a comedic person! He knows what comedy is! Or at least, I hope so.

Group Contributor

It strays into Gary Stu territory, with the character acting as a wishbringer/living MacGuffin. Maybe start the story from the character from the prespective of the mare over 5 or 6 chapters, and then after resolving her challenge switch to the perspective of the wishbringer. Then you could show the cost of the happy ending.

Group Admin

Hmm...It can be polished a bit to increase it's quality. Buy it has a lot of potential, no doubt about that.

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