Freedom-Of-Roleplay 15 members · 0 stories
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"Are you sure this is a good idea." The lavender Alicorn said as she walked beside Luna and Celestia.
"Yes, Princess Twilight." Luna said as they approached the dark cell. "We can't afford to ignore her any longer."
The Garuds esscorting the trio of princess's lit a few torches and cast light into the cell, illuminating a black figure with midnight blue medium length medium length mane. She was curled up in a corner with her back to the light.
"Decent to finally visit me Princess's" a cold and harsh voice voice said. He voice made twilight shutter, it was deep and dark and not that much different form princess Luna's.
"Face us Nightmare Moon!" Celestia barked as she stamped her hoof against the floor.
Nightmare then turned her head to the triad of royals. The snake slime puplies of her pale green eyes stank to slits due to the sudden appearance of light.
"How is this possible?" Twilight asked Princess Luna who stood on her left. "I though nightmare moon was destroyed when we changed you back.
"Of course you would think that!" Nightmare moon said as she stood up suddenly. This put the guards a little on edge but thankfully the restraints across her neck and hooves held. "You and your little friends think your sparking lights show is a key to fix all problems right!" Then with a huff nightmare slumped back into the corner.
"All though you did free my sister form nightmares dark grasp, Her essence was still locked away in the shards of her armor that remained." Celestia explained
"And in an age where alicorns are scarce we can hardly ignore eachother." Luna added before closing with. So we found in nessary that Nightmare Moon be brought back."
"Well know that you've explained to her why I'm here." Nightmare said with an annoyed tone. "Then explain to me why you're here. If you've come to scold me like a disobedient child again then it won't work. Nothing will make me more remorseful for what I have done..."
"We haven't come to condemn you further. But to offer a chance at freedom." Celestia's statement made nightmares ears prick up in curiosity. "Nightmare Moon, we are here to discuss your parole."
This is where you come in, your oc will meet nightmare moon during her parole and as you can inferr by the shipping tag, romantic shananagins insue. So anyone wanna play?


(I'll set up my OC. I call dibs.)


(I'm set.)

I'm clearly confused. I was just strolling through Canterlot, now I'm in the dungeons!

Group Contributor

2242264 too late for me?:rainbowderp::raritydespair::raritycry:

2242317>>2242315 (we can do seperate story lines.:pinkiesad2: oh and she looks like this)
@ Shadow of the night: You over hear Celesta and the other princesses discussing things like how Nightmare Moons use of magic would be limited and other such things as you pass by,


I stop moving and stick my ear to the wall, curious.

2242407 Nightmare moons unique voice seems to unwillingly agree to most of the terms of her parole but finally after a while she is let out of her cell with an audible creek of the rusty hinges


Hearing that, I breath out, and decide to turn the corner.

2242448 He comes across the three princesses and Nightmare moon. He is immediately tackled by a guard and pinned against the wall.
"What is This Nightmare?" Celestia scolds, "Some sort of trick!"
"I swear I haven't seen him in my life!" Nightmare growls


"The hell is going on?!" I shout. "All I know is that I'm lost!"

2242490 "I think he really did stumble in here by mistake..." Twilight said in defense of the stunned stallion. The dark mare just looked at him curriously.


"Yeah, I am." I admit. "Seriously, what's going on?!"

2242664 "You don't need to now." Luna said as she blocked sigh of nightmare moon with her body. "One of the guards will lead you to the exit." A burrly guard steeped forward to compile with Luna's request

2242734 "Yes really." and annoyed Celestia insists as the burely stallion tries to lead the stallion away form the sence


(I changed some info about my character.)

"I'm a bit stronger than I seem." I say.

2242899 Nightmare smirked a little. She loved how rebellious this stallion was being. (I'm making her near sighted)



When me and the guard have gained enough distance, I bring out a can of knockout gas.

"Sleep tight." I say as I break free and escape the room before the grenade goes off with a soft pfft putting the guard to sleep.

2243233 up stairs in nightmare is put before a mirror, she squints as she tries to view her reflection. But the image remained fuzzy.


I escape the castle, more intrigued than confused.

2243350 Luna and Celestia call a castle doctor to Cheek nightmares eyes. Because they carried for whom they though as a procicall sister. He the perscribed a pair of corrective lenses for her.


I decide to hide throughout the castle, practically stalking them.

2243627 once his grabbed by the troat with magic and was pulled to meet face to face with the angry serpentine eyes of nightmare moon. "What is your problem!"


"Nothing." I say. "I am just curious."

Night grumbled and let him go tossing him on the floor." Get out of here before I call the grauds."


"What has you annoyed?" I ask. "You were eyeing me in the dungeons."

"Besides... I've always found you a bit pretty." I comment.

2243886 "I-I wasn't eyeing you." She lied. "I was squinting. They tell me I'm near sighed.


"I am a very talented lier. I know you're lying. I assume you liked how I was being rebellious?" I inquire.

2244462 "m-maybe a little." She. Said after turning away a little


I gently nuzzle her neck. "Don't lie to me, I know better."

2244530 she then shakes him off. "What are you talking about you don't I know me at all." She said before stroming away from him in a huff.


"Is today your birthday?"

(Can it actually be that?)

2244602 "I-I'm not sure..... Why?" She said harshly.

2245015 she seems shocked and a little scared and intereged at the same time. "How did you do that?..."
(Oh great, all twelve of them" "No sir all thirteen!"


"I can shapeshift." I deadpan. "My favorite other form is easily the Dalek you just saw."

Nightmare moon cocks her head "da-Lek?"


I Change back. "Maybe this will help:"

(Have some guards appear after she reacts to it.)

2246576 she panics and runs away, she seems to have much less fight in here form when she was first put in the dungeons. He squeals attaract the attention of the gaurds


I just roll in pursuit, and say, "What makes you think that I'm going to kill anyone? I may look like a Dalek, but I'm still a pony inside of this thing!!!"

(Can she understand the logic in that?)

2246600 "doesn't matter you still shouldn't be here." She said before she kicked him hard


I spin backward, making a few comical statements while wiggling my arms in a comedic manner. I move back and say, "I see you found that funny. Kick me!"

2246621 a small smirk forms
on her lips she then kicks him in such a manner he is sent spinning towards a window.


"WEEEEEE!" I say as I crash out the window. I fly back up, over to her, land and say, "Kick me!"

2246682 "you seem to be having more fun then I am." She says as her smile widens and she kicks him again.


After a few minutes, I return to normal as I roll on the floor laughing. "That was great!"

2246769 she gave a small giggle before Luna came Into the corridor where they were.
"There you are." She said when she spotted nightmare. "I came to inform you that your spectacles are read-" Luna paused when she saw the odd contraption laying on the floor and the broken window pain. "What happened here?!"


I turn back into a Dalek. "Hi, Luna. I've just been having fun being kicked around."

(Can I get some description of you caricature I don't even know his name!)

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