Ezrienel Enthusiasts 48 members · 9 stories
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My most dearest Ezrienel,
I know you for, how long now? A few months? In these few months we talked a lot and at some point you told me that you are sure that your christmas would suck and that you wouldn't get any presents at all. I thought that this was really sad. You, one of the most awesome human beings having a bad christmas? No, not on my watch! So I decided to just write a message to EVERY single one of your followers. It took some time and it wasn't that easy to give the message to, at that point, 99 followers. But I did it anyways. I asked them to help me with a present for you. Everyone should tell me something that he or she wanted to say to you. I collected every answer and turned them into this. Because this whole thing IS the present I want to give you for christmas. I know it's not much but I still hope that you will like it. Now let's quit the rambling on my side and jump to what you fans want to say to you. Some messages were directly adressed to you, some are comments about you and your stories. Some are even wisdom that you could use in life! Some are really long and some are short. But here as in many other cases, size doesn't matter (see what I did there? A perverted joke! It's seems that you really influenced me!) but the best thing is this. They are all unique and they are all for you! So let's start!

1. Donraj : "A good writer with a great grasp of the setting and characters"
2. Poke-shpee : "Her stories are amazing and got me interested in the site "
3. RainbowJack2000 : "I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your stories! There so...good and awesome and I just love how you do your work! It's waayyyyy too cool! Especially since everything you writes is AppleDash! SQUEEEEE! That's like my OTP 4ever! I'm like, fan-girling right now! Anyway, have a merry Christmas and may the apple forever be in your dash (see what I did there? :raritywink:) "
4. TigerSwirl448 : "I never expected to enjoy your stories so quickly or get excited when a new one pops up. (Curse you for getting me to like Appledash!) Thanks for writing good stories and keep on writing. Have a safe and enjoyable Christmas!"
5. Sly6 and Sly moon : "We wish you a merry christmas and want to tell you that your stories are awesome. Also we want to give you a Derpy :derpytongue2: as a christmas present!"
6. Joyous Apple : "Your stories pull me in right away. When I read them, I am not disappointed in what I read. Keep up the great work. "
7. Devastation : "Merry Christmas Ez! Hope you have one of the best holiday seasons! I love your work and can't wait to see what else can come from your mind. Keep on being the amazing writer that you are, and have a merry Christmas! "
8. Red Mare : "Sometimes we wish we were born fancy and famous. But other times we don't want to be fancy or famous. We can be middle fancy if we choose "
9. Rain Winter : "Dragon's blood may flow through my very veins, but that does not mean that I am different from you. I am me, I am, Cobalt Winter."
10. Linkinshire : "It was 'Challenges of Sobriety in a Weekend of Confines' that really made me love Ezrienel's writing and I've found myself going back and reading it again a few more times even if it's not the most popular of her work because there's just something about it that gripped me. I can't say exactly what it was but it remains there whenever I go back to read it again and I always, and without fail, enjoy it. Then on top of this talent in writing there was that charming song, 'Love and Epilogues', that I love too and an art style that I always enjoy seeing more of. I've never spoken to Ezrienel herself (mostly for fear of making a fool of myself), yet what made me click the follow button wasn't just her talent in writing but an impression I got of her that made me think she's somebody who's deserving of a lot more credit. On top of creative talent, there's this great kind of honesty in who she is and a genuine friendliness that can almost be something of a rare find.
So, I suppose what I mean to say is that I'm grateful that I came across Ezrienel because, as much as anything, she's unknowingly got me to think about who I am as a person, both through her stories of which I find myself relating to far too frequently and also in simply how she comes across to the casual observer such as myself.
I'm not much of a wordsmith so I'll just summarise my rambling by saying that Ezrienel is darn awesome and I hope that she has a great Christmas filled joy, laughter and plenty of good times."
11. TwiPieDash : "Well she's awesome she is one of the few people i know who can make humanized really good and well written. And I wish her a merry christmas and a good luck on her future stories and projects.:pinkiehappy: "
12. Lammen_Gorthaur : "Thanks for sharing your talent with us, Merry Christmas, and best of lucks in all your future projects. Including the AppleDash stories, because you know, we kinda like those "
13. MorningGlory : "If there is one author who has resonated deeply within me and has urged me to better my own works, it would be Ezrienel. Her works always leave me breathless and I always look forward to her new stories. I admire her and I aspire to be as excellent at writing as she is. I wish nothing but the best for her in her future and cannot wait to see where the wings of her talent will take her in the new year. "
14. Devdack : "I have immensely enjoyed each of your stories I have read. You are part of the reason I created an account on the site. Keep on writing the excellent humanized AppleDash, and have a Merry Christmas. :rainbowkiss: :ajsmug: "
15. Aderes7Storm : "I would like to say that I adore her work and that they make me "Smile Smile Smile" :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Happy holidays and stay awesome"
16. SpinningRecord : "When I first started reading and following your stories on fanfiction.net, I was honestly hooked from the beginning. When I found you on FimFiction I thought it was unreal. I can't tell you how much you've impacted my life and my writing with your stories. At the end of the day, I always looked forward to reading your new post, or waiting for another. You're probably the person who finally persuaded me into becoming a brony and I can't thank you enough. You introduced me to a wonderful community full of acceptance, and great writers. You have been one of my favorite writers since I first found you, and you continue to surprise me with every update. So, I'd like to properly thank you for all that you have done for me, and everything that you have probably done for others as well. You are a wonderful writer and you keep getting better and better with each story. I will continue to faithfully read your stories until you stop writing, or I die.
So, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Have a very Happy New Year!
Your faithful reader,
SpinningRecord (KayCee) "
17. MacElf : "Thank you for all the work you put into your stories. The skill you have for maintaining character traits in decidedly Alternate (AU) realities without sacrificing either spelling or basic grammar makes reading them an absolute treat! Thank you again, Ezrienel, and Happy Hearth's Warming! "
18. Dashable : "I simply love her writing, and her! :heart: "
19. TwilightUCrazy : "Grats on the 100 follows. Stay awesome, and keep writing that way too. :ajsmug:"
20. Happynoname56 : "Ez, I love your work and i wish you many good memories on chrismas and a fantastic new year. your forever loyal among many followers (photofinish)"
21. Merc the Jerk : "I just want to wish her a merry Christmas, and that I'm glad she's put out some great humanized work. I wish her the best of luck in all her endeavors on and off of the site. She's got talent, with any luck she'll use it to the fullest "
22. Aatxe360 : "Hello! More Applejack! Maybe a little less Dash.:twilightsheepish: AJ is best pony for the holidays As well as best pony all around!:ajsmug: "
23. Fanficpony : "Hi! Ezrienel I really love your work! I love your fic "The barmaid" I hope I'll see more chapters of it :twilightsmile:"
24. werewolfhunter : "Merry Christmas and happy new year and make the next year 20% cooler and keep the stories rocking :3 "
25. LadyCobraa : "She's pretty much my favorite author on this site (she's in my top 5, but she's basically number one). She combines my two guilty pleasures; humanized fics and AppleDash. Her characterizations are amazing, and I specifically love the way she writes Rainbow Dash. Her writing is so descriptive and entertaining that I find myself re-reading her works over and over, even when they've been finished. Even though (almost) every story is AppleDash, there's no repetition detectable and they're all pretty unique. If she ever stopped writing I would drop out of school and become a hobo. (That last one was a bit exaggerated.) "
26. bookplayer : "You write some really awesome, unique stories. Keep up the good work, and have a merry Christmas! "
27. Notenkolder : "Hey Ez, you awesome person you, just wanna say that you're the best goddamn writer on this website and your stories keep getting better and better. And since it's that time of the year, I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay awesome! "
28. Comments4u : "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Just wanted to say that I think you are one of the most spectacular authors to ever breath. You really do have such a wonderful imagination and I'm so glad I stumbled on your story "Ranch Hands" (in fact it was that story that made me sign up to this site just so I could comment on it for you, hence the user name comments4u). Seeing your updates are sometimes the only thing I look forward to in a week. Thank you Thank you Thank you :) "
29. Sheendough : "I have never found someone who grabs me by the seat and keeps me expecting more (and better) stories than you. You stormed the AppleDash group and I always expect new updates on your stories (hello, "Now Kiss" over there!). Although it's always a drag to read you (because goddamnit 7k+ for each chapter), it's always worth it to sleep late just to read a new chapter. I love your stories. Keep it up, girl. You write very nice and complex characters, and that is something many writers here lack. What else can I say? You've become my favorite writer. I hope I will always get my daily dose of AppleDash courtesy of Ezrienel. I hear it's a very expensive drink, but the hangover is always worth the taste. If you need anything, you can always count on me, the #1 Rainbow Dash Ezrienel fan.
Yours in awesomness,
30. Rainbowderp98 : "All I want her to know is how impressed I am with the quality of writing and the speed she makes it with. Her Appledash stories are wonderful and I love them! "
31. Jackie : "Hey, I love your work and I hope that you keep up the awesome work! Long live AppleDash~"

And one special thank you for TheYaoiMistress for making this card for Ezrienel and helping me with some problems I encountered while trying to upload the card. If you'd be in a hogwarts house right now, then you would have earned 50 points for it. Now everyone should go the card and admire it. Now. Go. I'll wait here. GO!

Also a giant extra applause for RiverRoad. He helped me with the the first message everyone of you got and with this present here too. You all should check out his stories here. They are really good!
He even made a quote for Ezrienel without following her (yet :raritywink:)

32. River Road : „If I haven't read your stories and started following you, it's because I have far too many stories and far too little time. When Tarascha told me about this card, all I really knew was that you were a writer he was following and that he absolutely loved your stories.
...You know what? That was all I really needed to know. Tarascha is an awesome guy, and for all the love and praise he showers some authors with it's kinda surprising that he doesn't follow more of them. He's overly enthusiastic in praising a story he enjoyed, and dangit, he means every word of it.
So yeah, Happy Holidays, an awesome new year, Congratulations on being Tarascha's favorite author. I still won't follow you until I have read at least one of your stories, but I swear by Princess Twilight Sparkle's Impenetrable Book Fortress: I'm going to read those stories eventually and I'm going to enjoy them!“

And now the last one!
33. Tarascha :You see this? These are all by your fans. They just freaking love you and your stories! Like I said I only know you for some months now. The first message I send you was about „Triple dog“. That was excactly 14 weeks and 5 days ago. What giant fool I was back there! I thought you be like annoyed that I, just one of many followers would write you a message just to say thank you. I even thought you'd just ignore it! Oh how wrong I was. Took me a while to you write you another message after that.. 2 whole weeks! And after that another whole month! But then with the next message my unknowing brain made me write it began. We started messaging daily! Every day, when I have the chance to write you a message I'm doing it. Cause I just love writing with you. Over the time I got to know you better and you also know many things about me now. I really never thought that it would be like this! Whether I was sad or happy you knew it because I wrote it to you. At first it maybe was a bit akward for me with my not really awesome English skills. I often didn't knew words and needed to use google more than just once! Today they still aren't that good but better than before. I really think that you are responsible for this! Writing with you daily and rereading your stories like every 2 weeks helped me improve my English! I did it like so many times before in comments or messages but I want to say it again. Thank you. Thank you so much for just being the person you are. The Ezrienel who writes for her fans and is just super awesome. I don't really know anything that isn't awesome about you. You update really often, you have an unbelievable personality, your writing is the best I ever saw on fimfic.....but also your real life stuff is awesome. I saw the videos you uploaded and laughed pretty hard. Even when you don't like your voice or your name, I still do.
So what is the point of this giant rambling by me? I just wanted to show you how awesome you are and how good you are to your followers. You really are the best author someone can meet on fimfic!

I also want to thank EVERYONE who helped with this. Everyone who send me a reply with a message or some artwork or anything. Just something to show that you all like Ezrienel and that she is damn awesome. And guys guess what. You are all awesome too! No really! I got answers even before everyone had the message! I was really suprised by this. I thought that like 5 or 6 people would take part in this. Maybe the number of answers wasn't that high but that doesn't even matter to me. Every single one of you is awesome and you all deserve some credit for helping me. Just imagine that I ran around cheering for every single one of you right now. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!

Now let's end this little present. As I said before, this isn't much and I bet someone else would have done this way better than me but I gave my best and hope that you liked it. Merry, merry Christmas to you and all the others that will read this. I hope you all have the best of times and I hope to see you all again at some point! That was it. My present. Again merry, merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

Yours truly

H-holy... Holy. Holy SHIT (pardon my French) this was the most unexpected yet absolutely amazing present I have ever received!! I was actually so surprised when Tarascha sent me this, I quite literally jumped out of my chair (though fell might be a more accurate term...) and fangirl squealed! My boyfriend glared at me incredulously until I calmed down enough to explain it, but, but WOW! Wow, wow.... and some more wow. :rainbowkiss:

To think that so many of my fans would come together to wish me a Merry Christmas and say something nice about me— and boy there were a lot of compliments, were I a lesser woman my head would inflate to the roof by now! Jk, but I totally did get all rosy-red in the face and giggly, though.

I just want to say, thank you to everyone. Reading some of those messages just warmed my heart right the heck up, I was entranced by how kind and sometimes thankful you all were to me. I really had no idea that you guys liked me that much at all! If it doesn't make me sound like a total pussy, I'll admit that I did get a little misty-eyed there while reading them all, but in the best way! Thank you so, so, so, soooooooo so much everyone for being such amazing fans and friends, and for keeping up with me even if I'm a bit of a weirdo...

Special thanks to Tarascha who did so darn much to try and make my Christmas special—and damn, is it ever now!!— and to everyone who was a part of this amazing project.

And whaaat? This fan group is... wow, I'm surprised there are so many people in this thing, I would not have expected that at all. Holy balls, guys. I could not ask for better fans. And never be shy to send me a message or anything in person, I do read every single comment and message and adore them so greatly! As long as I have fans like you, I do not foresee ever stopping my writing! Thanks again everyone who was a part in making this my best Christmas ever, and Happy Hearth's Warming to you all!!

-Ezrienel :ajsmug:

-ps. For all those who care, Arby and myself have a special Christmas present for you too, keep up with my blog posts for more info! Oh, and that Hearth's Warming story I worked my fingers to the bone to complete in time for Christmas... that's for you all to enjoy too!!

Group Admin

Working on this really was a pleasure! Everyone was so nice and awesome to me!
You all, who helped with this really rock! I wish you all the best christmas ever again and a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

Also I forgot but listen bitchass, you're a great person. And you have good stories. So thanks. Faggot.

Luv u~

D'aww, you're so sweet~~ thanks for collabing, chatting, being my pal and all, and letting me be my vulgar self :ajsmug:

Luv ya 2 u fukk

2451815 Fuck off


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