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As some of you may or may not know from my previous thread I am creating a collaboration out of my FMA fanfic. I'll tell you guys what I have as is and we can discuss it. So basically it starts out as a result of the end of the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime with Ed ending up in Equestria as a pony and with no memories. He soon remembers that he is an alchemist but nothing more and continually gets flashes of memories, usually just voices though. As such Twilight and Edward set out to find more about alchemy but they learn that it has been banned in Equestria so they go to question the Princess about it.

When they ask her, however, she becomes quickly angered. Frightened by the sudden change Twilight quickly drops the subject and they leave back to Ponyville when they decide that if they can't get the information they need from the Princess then they'll just have to go find it for themselves. Soon they leave on a great journey across the several nations to learn as much as they possibly can about alchemy and it's history, but while doing so they learn that Equestria itself has a few dark secrets that it has hidden away. Now armed with even more curiosity they continue their journey and along the way pick up several friends. Among them are Garble, the dragon prince, Gilda, daughter of the griffin ambassador, Zecora's sister, daughter to the chief of one of the zebra tribes, as well as a gargoyle or possible somepony else if anyone can think of another species to use.

Along the way Ed begins to teach Twilight alchemy after she answers the very same question he had been asked, but not everything was smooth going, along the way they happened upon an ancient and long dead city of dragons naming a strange green dragon as its culprit for its downfall as well as running into several homunculi.

For the homunculi here's what I have so far:
Chrysalis - Lust
Probable OC dragon - Greed
Envy - Envy
Discord - Wrath/Pride

The others will probably also be OCs unless someone can suggest a good replacement. As for Discord Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tried to bring back their parent(s) using pony transmutation but instead created Discord. In doing so Luna was thrown into an unstable state of mind which is when Envy came along and promised her the power of the Philosopher's stone and she became Nightmare Moon and began attacking neighbouring nations while Envy recreated the nationwide transmutation circle from Brotherhood only with the five nations instead. So far that's all I have, if anyone else has more ideas feel free to discuss them.

hmm, the idea sounds strong thus far, but I feel that the idea of bringing back someone with alchemy sounds a bit overdone. Everything sounds great thus far, but rather than Celestia hating Alchemy, how about she fears it? Magic pretty much oversteps the laws of Alchemy, and I have a feeling that Truth wouldn't be too happy about that.2158409

2161409 Well it's a bit of both fear and anger of alchemy that causes Celestia to act like she does because she knows what alchemy can do.

But since you mentioned her trying to get back her parents, you have to wonder what each of them lost while trying. Like with Ed and Al, even though they didn't bring back their mom, they lost a LOT because of their try.

2162947 I know, I was thinking possibly their magic but I don't really have a clue. I also thought about possibly making Celestia a homunculus.

Wait... how about adding in a third princess, just so that she could be killed off. After all, Cadence had to come from somewhere.

2163184 Not really sure what you mean by third princess.

I mean, when you do alchemy and inadvertently do something big (like create a homunculus), something HAS to be lost. If you did have to have Celestia loose something, then why not make a third princess, or a queen, or a prince. They could be the ones who got sacrificed.

2163492 Hmm I'll think about it.

2163492 I could do a big twist where Twilight is that third princess but I'd rather not.

that wounds like it would be more trouble than it's worth. While it would be a good twist, it would be a dick to write.


King Sombra - Greed or Wrath
a dragon OC or a batpony OC - Sloth or Gluttony
a griffin OC or Discord - Pride

2219813 I like Discord as Pride and King Sombra as Wrath. I'm still rather insistent on a probable oc dragon being Greed.

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