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I sense a preview coming.

So, yeah... I had some time to kill, some inspiration, and one thing lead to the other. Here's a preview of the next chapter(s) I intend to write: The Kuro/Usopp Arc. That also means that I'm letting other people take the two arc with Morgan/Zoro and Buggy.
The question is: What should we do with the Pinkie Sense? I already talked a bit with chaos2012, but for the sake of closure I'm posting it here, too.


“I’m disappointed…” Kuro announced from behind Pinkie Pie. “I gave you five minutes and you can’t even defeat a few little fillies. You’re jeopardizing my perfect plan.” He brandished his blades. “I don’t have any use for worthless trash like you. Don’t say I didn’t give you a fair chance.”

He began to blur and disappeared, leaving nothing but a small cloud of dust on the ground. Pinkie Pie stared at the spot where he had just been in confusion. “Hey, where did he go?”

Terrified screams and shouts made her turn back around. The pirates were running back towards their ship in panic; the slowest ones began to collapse as large cuts appeared on their chests and backs without warning.

“It’s his Cat Claw technique! Run Away!”

“Please, Captain, have mercy!”

Pinkie Pie watched the scene with wide eyes, unable to understand what she was seeing. “What… What are you… Stop it! You’re attacking your own crew!”

Kuro’s voice filled the air, echoing from between the Pirates. “Pirates should be faithful pawns of their captain. They live and die by my command. They had their chance to prove their worth.”

“What? No!” Pinkie yelled at the top of her voice. “That’s not how you treat your friends!”

Despite their pleas, the pirates kept falling over as they were sliced to pieces by an invisible assault. “Friends?” Kuro’s disembodied voice replied. “Don’t be stupid. They’re pieces to my grand plan, nothing more, and as such they’re fully expendable. Don’t worry, you will be the next to die.”

Pinkie Pie started walking towards the voice with slow steps, looking down. Her face was obscured by shadows, and she was trembling slightly.

For a second her eyes fluttered.

“Eye flutter…”

Her right ear gave three short twitches.

“Ear twitch…”

Pinkie stopped. A small shudder ran down her right hind leg, causing it to shiver.

“Itchy hind leg…”

She took a slow deep breath and jumped, putting most of the power in her forelegs to rotate backwards. On her right Kuro appeared, one of his clawed hands stabbing through the air right beneath her hooves.

I said…

Kuro looked up with wide eyes. Pinkie’s left front hoof was right above her head now, ready to strike.


Pinkie’s hoof slammed down onto the blades of Kuro’s weapon, pressing them onto the ground. For a second the scene seemed to be frozen. Then Pinkie’s hoof gave one last push and the five blades on Kuro’s right paw broke all at once.

2156568 That sounds pretty great, but you should call Kuro by his pony's name, rather than the original. Partially because I keep forgetting if he's Blueblood or Fancypants.

2156691 I vote Fancy Pants

Blueblood should be Helmeppo

2156834 Sounds fitting, but I'd rather have Blueblood be a World Noble. Maybe Roswald or Charloss.

2156691 2156834

I don't have a pony name for him yet, mainly because I'm thinking about him being a Diamond Dog... I think it fits the weapon better.

Maybe make him Rover, and those other two Diamond Dogs from the show the Nyan Brothers (his underlings)

Also, I'll keep stubbornly insisting that we make Blueblood Spandam. It just fits perfectly.
That, or a Celestial Dragon, if you want. But you won't find a better Spandam I bet.

2157169 Right! THAT'S who Blueblood is! Sorry, I keep forgetting.

2157169 When you put it that way, it seems genius :pinkiehappy:

We're gonna need some CP9 members for good measure other than the planned ones, though :derpytongue2:

2159635 CP9? On it.

Who's already been planned?

2163181 Gilda, and someone already pegged Rover as one of them, I think, but that's what I remembered from previous threads

There haven't been any worthy candidates thus far, and the folks that are thinking about it are close to casting OCs.

2163187 If we're going the OC route, I can come up with pony versions of them, but I take it that's a last resort, yes?

Anyways, I'd suggest the following:

Rob Lucci: Maybe Raggedy Doctor, since they both wear top hats.

Kaku: Frederick Horseshoepin (the pianist at the Grand Galloping Gala), shown here:

Jabra: Gilda

Kumadori: Rover

Blueno: Either a Minotaur or "Bluto" from the comics Here's a picture of Bluto, just in case:

Kalifa: Surprise (the Wonderbolt, though she could also be called Breezy)

Fukuro: Snowflake

Hattori (Lucci's pigeon): Johnny the Pigeon

Nero: Dumbbell

2163187 2163395

I'd like to see Sunshine Smiles in this story, whether as a CP9 member or some other character.
Really, it would be a shame to let something like this go to waste:

2164020 YES. I can't think of any comically serious One Piece characters at the moment, though I know there are some. Still, I LOVE Frolicsome Meadowlark and Sunshine Smiles. They shall be characters!


You sound like you have already heard of them. Do you also know this hilarious masterpiece, then? :trollestia:

2164050 Actually, yes! It has been a favorite of mine on DeviantArt.

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