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Here's the link to my as of yet unfinished Button Mash one shot Rage Quit! I could use some help in moving the story forward from where it is. Want to know a cruel irony? I'm both an elder sibling and a younger sibling, so I have a greater grasp on how they act between one another, and yet, I can't seem to get that out onto paper. Can someone please help me out here?

EDIT: Ok, allow me to give you more context. Button's big brother, Commodore, catches him in his room playing one of his games; he tries to get rid of him and tells him that the games he plays aren't good for him. Naturally, Button tries to bug him to death, but Commodore rebuffs him, which results in Button tattling to their mother, who at first sides with Commodore, but ultimately forces him to let Button play the game. As they play, Button is getting creamed in fight after fight until he gets so mad that he breaks the controller and throws a temper tantrum, which results in another visit from mom, who then tells Commodore that he should have let Button win at least one match, and then after calming him down and replacing the broken controller with a spare, he lets Button win a match.

Now I know how this goes in my head, but I seem to have the problem of getting it on paper and I've taken a long break from this story to focus on other projects, and have so far come up with nothing on this one yet.


i would be happy to help.


no problem. just send or leave a message of what you would like me to do.

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