Writers With Learning Disorders 223 members · 1,543 stories
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It's likely most of us reading this have some issues with writing, be it dyslexia or ADD of some form, or some other problem to overcome. The question is... how do you compensate so that you can create?

There are many ways that I can think of. Music can help, as it helps drown out the surrounding sounds with something that follows a pattern.

For me, music works very well for school work, but not so well on a creative outlet. Still, my issues are more with distractions.

I've found my biggest enemy in writing/editing, specifically for this site, is the text editor FIMfiction has (provided by Google, I think). The site informs me of updates regularly, which can be distracting, and sites go down from time-to-time, adding a bit of anxiety to the mix, causing me to save a bit too often... rather than focusing on the creative aspect of writing. Plus I'm tempted, since I'm in a browser, to look up things not having to do with the project I'm on :facehoof:

For an eye-tracking issue, spell check is my friend. I'll sometimes miss misspelled words or similarly spelled words. I find I have to reread passages and paragraphs multiple times regardless because it doesn't catch everything, but ultimately it pays off... even if someone points something out after publishing :twilightblush:

Group Admin

I use a program called WriteWay when I write. It lets me organize things into scenes, chapters, etc. One of the best features for me is that the spellchecker does NOT automatically check your work and mark it with squigglies. Why is this a good thing for me?

1. When writing, I don't have to keep going back and fixing things if I make a mistake, which means I can just write and not stop every sentence or two if I have a word I keep misspelling.

2. Names. Especially for MLP, names are often marked as incorrectly spelled, and with WriteWay I don't have ugly squigglies everywhere getting my attention.

3. If I'm unsure about how a word is spelled, I'm forced to go look it up, which helps in remember the word since I can't just right click and have the computer change it. (Although if I catch it by hitting F7 and using the spell check function I can still do that)

Plus I'm tempted, since I'm in a browser, to look up things not having to do with the project I'm on :facehoof:

I understand completely. I have such a difficult time getting a scene organized and the words onto the screen that I'll often just browse around instead of writing.

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