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There is this guy I chat to, he's not a FIMFic user. He always does things to me that I would currently never do to anybody I'd call "friend". Period.

For instance, yesterday, when we were discussing about child protection, I brought up that children have been unfairly separated from their parents over relatively minor things before back in the late 20th century, and suggested that to solve this issue, we might actually need more pencil-pushers for the CCP in order to make sure that the entire procedure is legal and only done with sufficient evidence. He however accused me of wanting people tied to railways to be ran over by trains because they didn't have the right documentation. No, no that it is not true at all. If somebody is obviously in a serious and immediate danger, you save them right away. What I was referring to was somebody who was accused of child abuse, which is an incredibly serious crime. That requires due process and evidence, like every other fucking thing. However, if you saw somebody beating a child until said child was bleeding, I'd probably rush to help, because I actually saw it happening. I'm saying if there are allegations and I didn't see it for myself, I'd like to go through the allegations and see if they are true.

Yes, this guy romanticizes children and childhood in extremely irritating ways. No, he's not a pedophile. It's just that for one thing, he seems to view all adults besides himself as morally and intellectually inferior, and thus maintains an exaggerated defensive attitude towards children as a way to assert that he truly is better than everybody else, and for another thing, he sees so little good in the average adult human being, to the point in which he talks about how he'd like to kill or maim people (I'm always afraid his rants will get the attention of the FBI wiretapping or something), that he seems to compensate by seeing children as being all pure, something similar to "monstrous double" psychology.

This isn't the first time either. He panicked when I told him that in some cultures, parents tend to love each other slightly more than their children.

Aside from that, whenever I don't show up for evening chats or have to walk out because my mother's got another health problem or just needs my help with something, he rants about what a bad friend I am and cusses me out, and nobody else does this to me.

If my mother knew that I was talking to somebody who talked to me this way for those exact reasons, she'd probably tell me to get some balls and politely walk out entirely. At this point, the only thing that I do that she wouldn't approve of is my activities on Discord, and I'm even going to stop half of that. Maybe it's a sign that it's time to take the final steps to clean up my fucking life.

I didn't bring this up on Anti-Depression Ponies because few ever understand why this bothers me when I bring it up, so I might as well just post it here, since this group is kind of founded on the concept of disagreement anyway.

But I can't just walk away from him because he'll do something stupid like delete all of his admittedly rather fine art or shut himself away from humanity entirely. Not too long ago, I began to drill it in his head that respecting yourself is far better than viewing everybody as somebody to attack for simply looking at you funny. If I were to walk out now, there's a good chance he'll write off everything I've ever written as phony, and not learn a damned thing and just stop growing as a person.

5971924 People have different opinions. You should respect that.

Also, don't try to change people. You'll get vastly disappointed. People don't change.

Live and let live. Enjoy the diversity of others and stop forcing your views on them. Express it, sure, but don't for a second expect them to transition to your worldview.

If you really want to help somebody, work on yourself. Don't expect perfection from others if you, yourself, are not yet perfect.

Connect with people that bring you joy. Cut everybody else from your life or they'll just drag you down with them.

You don't understand; I do respect his different opinions. He doesn't respect mine. He insults me and attacks me when I share my own opinions on subjects he has completely romantic and sanctimonious opinions on. He accuses me of being the kind of guy who'd be okay with killing children just because I don't always agree with him. That's the problem. How could you not see that from my post?

Regardless, the matter has been temporarily resolved, as it always is.

Here is an idea, cut ties and if he meets you in real-life break his nose. :D

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