We Like The Prequels! 32 members · 0 stories
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Dash Attack
Group Admin

Once I get my next gen console, I'll be able to watch blue ray. So I deiced since I've never actually owned any of the star wars movies myself, I'd get the blue ray collection.

How, while I think we can all agree that some of the changes George mad were really unnecessary (Though I personally didn't mind Hayden in Return of the Jedi, that wowed me as a kid.) In fact I could care less who shot first or about Jabba being in New Hope. The change that I most dreading in my Star Wars is the one that I swear Lucas added just too justify the Revenge of The Sith ending.

Actually, now that I've watch it now, this isn't like the ending of revenge. It's an unnecessary add on that really doesn't take away from the original scean. I swear the fan boys made this sound a lot more worse than it is. Why this probably shouldn't have happened too begin with, I'm glad it doesn't take away from the scean all that much. In fact, just has the big No symbolized Vader's humanity dying, this no shows it coming back. In this case, I can't freaking wait too marathon all six movies.

2152230 Yeah, that's a pretty shit add-on. If the movies were visionary, which I think they were, it was thanks to Lucas' creative team and story, and not his cruddy direction style which has incredible actors regularly act like cardboard, and not his totally inconsistent and poorly-chosen organisation of technology use in the production of effects throughout the series, or his fucking character choices. (fuckjarjarfuckjarjarfuckjarjarfuckjarjar)

Both 'no's were laugh-inducingly awful. I was howling in theaters during Revenge of the Sith, as was most of the theater.

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