Prompt Tag Group Collabs! 54 members · 26 stories
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The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

2191961 Thanks, bro! :moustache:
That was so cute too. :rainbowkiss:
EDIT: Claimed.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Claimed Prompt: Carols

"But Taaaavi, I don't wanna!"

Octavia let out a sigh, and shook her head. "Vinyl, will you please just go through with it?" she muttered. "I don't want to either, but it's a tradition in my family I would like to keep alive." She batted her pretty pink eyes and gave a small smile. "And you know how much family means to me~"

With a groan, Vinyl sat up on the couch and leaned over to place a light kiss on her wife's cheek. "You're lucky I love you," she said reluctantly. "But we're not staying out for too long. I don't wanna become a pony popsicle."

"Fair enough," Octavia chuckled, as she snuggled next to the unicorn, only for a sudden crash to be heard, thus ruining the moment. "Oh, goodness, what did they do this time?"

In ran their twin daughters, Melodie and Harmonia, both bestowing horrible poker faces.

"Mama, Mommy, the tree fell over!" they said in unison.

Suppressing the urge to laugh, Vinyl noted her wife's glare as a smile weaved it's way across the disk jockey's expression. "We'll fix it later, kids," she managed to say without laughing. "Go get your coats."

"Why?" Melodie questioned, cocking her head to the side in an adorable manner.

"Because Mama Tavi is boring and wants to go sing at random ponies' doors."

Rolling her eyes, Octavia released herself from her wife's grasp and got up from the couch. "It's not boring," she argued. "It's a wonderful way to spread the holiday cheer."

"And get frozen." Vinyl quipped.

"But I can't sing," Harmonia pouted. Unlike her mothers and sister, the younger of the two fillies wasn't musically talented - the odd one out of her family. "Can't we just go for a walk?"

Ruffling her daughter's charcoal mane, Octavia gave a hopeful smile. "Maybe not today, but someday, I'm sure you'll be able to sing," she assured. "And maybe if you all behave, we could go out for hot chocolate, and see Santa Hooves again."

This, of course, was enough to convince the two fillies to smile wide and dash out of the room, nearly trampling over one another to go grab their coats, and get out the door. After all, the sooner they'd go through with their mother's request, the sooner they would get to see everypony's favorite Hearth's Warming icon!

"Y'know, Octavia, we don't need to go out to sing," Vinyl mused.

With a raised eyebrow, Octavia looked over to the unicorn, and thought for a moment. "If you're suggesting what I think you are..." she muttered.

"And you say I'm the one with my head in the gutter," the DJ teased, as she got up from her seat, trotting over to her wife, lightly humming a very familiar tune to herself.

"Vinyl, please don't." Octavia murmured, just as her wife silenced her with a kiss. "I swear, sometimes, I think I married a child..."

"Child at heart," Vinyl joked, as she began to softly sing. "I really can't stay~"

"But baby, it's cold outside," the cellist crooned.

"I've got to go away..." the disk jockey smiled, nuzzling her wife.

With a playful roll of her eyes, Octavia relented and sang the next lyric. "But, baby, it's cold outside..."

"This evening has been-"

"-was hoping that you'd drop in."

"So very nice and warm~"

The cellist's expression was beginning to melt, and she couldn't help but chuckle as Vinyl held her hoof. "I'll hold your hooves, they're just like ice..."

"My mother will start to worry,"

"Beautiful, what's your hurry?"

"My father will be pacing the floor-"

"Listen to the fireplace roar~"

"So, really, I'd better scurry..."

"Beautiful, please don't hurry," Octavia crooned just as she was about to lean in and kiss Vinyl, however, a certain burst of giggling from the doorway snapped the two lovers out of their trance.

There were Melodie and Harmonia, laughing at the sweet and adorable yet quite silly lovesick moment between their mothers.

"You two better run, or Scratchie the Windigo will get you!" Vinyl playfully threatened, giving a mock glare to her children, and the laughter only increased, as they ran down the hall, leaving their parents in peace once more. "Now, where were we?"

Octavia smirked, placing a quick kiss on her wife's cheek. "About to go out on the town with our children," she declared. "So get that look off your face." Despite her stern tone, there was a playful sparkle in her enchanting eyes. "Maybe when we get back, I'll warm you up."

"Yes, please," Vinyl chuckled.

t'was in the mood for a family story and fluff with one of my fave ships :P~ y'all can punch me for the clicheness nao
New Prompt: Late

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin



Claimed and posted! We shall keep this alive!

Prompt: Late

The clubhouse could be called many things. It could be called a headquarters, where the most daring and clever plans in all of Equestria were hatched, each more brilliant than the one before. It could be called a sanctuary, a place where the taunts and teases of bullies like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could not invade. It could be called a hideaway, a place where somepony could take refuge from the terrors of unwanted chores or those annoying Sunday baths or the tirades of a sister driven crazy by too much work.

The one thing the clubhouse could not be called, however, was insulated.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shivered together, huddled into one corner of the clubhouse under the idea lamp. Of all days for the weather pegasi to schedule a blue norther, it had to be today when some very important Crusading business for Hearth's Warming Eve was to be discussed. Of more immediate concern however, was the fact that Scootaloo had not yet arrived. She usually was the first to show, making sure to check off her name on the roll call sheet so she could call the meeting to order.

The two fillies wrapped their Crusader cloaks even tighter around their small frames as the whistling of the wind was joined by the sudden tap dance of rain against the window.

"Maybe she's not coming," Sweetie Belle said dejectedly.

"I dunno, she's always made it before, I jus' hope she's not caught out somewhere in the storm," Apple Bloom replied hopefully.

"Me either," Sweetie Belle agreed.

A couple of minutes passed, then Apple Bloom said through chattering teeth. "Ya think we should try an' head back to the farmhouse?"

Sweetie Belle rubbed her hooves together and nodded. "I'm freezing, let's go get warm." A look of concern crossed her face. "Should we leave Scootaloo a note or something?"

"I reckon so, so she won't wonder where we went to," Apple Bloom said.

Suddenly, the door to the clubhouse jerked open and Scootaloo dragged herself inside, tugging at the door against the power of the wind. Apple Bloom grabbed a hold of Scootaloo and pulled, but it wasn't enough. Sweetie Belle wrapped her forelegs around Apple Bloom and tugged. A brief power struggle ensued, ending when the door slammed shut and dumping the three Crusaders in a soggy, cold heap.

From the bottom of the pile, Scootaloo's muffled voice called up, "Sorry I'm late!"

Next prompt: Stockings

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

2296595 :yay: I admittedly did a little happy dance when I saw this up!

2296595 AH! Claimed! I need to get back into this.


Prompt: Stockings

The stockings were definitely red. They also definitely had an embroidered snowmare. They also definitely had a green mouth at the top, so Santa could visit the good little fillies and colts.

The reason Lyra had been thinking in absolutes was because of Bon Bon.

Now, you might wonder why this would be such an issue. But, Bon Bon was Lyra's friend, after all, and Lyra was worried. Absolutely worried.

And this worry was justified, as Bon Bon had come so close to...Lyra didn't want to think about it. She absolutely did not want to think about it.

Instead, Lyra thought about Bon Bon in the hospital. Lyra was so worried for Bon Bon. Bon Bon's newfound illness had racked Lyra's nerves, shaking her down to the very core, making her sick herself with worry. Absolutely beside herself with worry.

The doorbell rang.

Lyra bolted to the front door, and, in opening it, Lyra saw Bon Bon standing there.

Lyra jumped forward and wrapped Bon Bon in a large hug, enveloping her friend in warmth.

"Oh, hey, Lyra," Bon Bon said.

"I was so worried about you! Are you okay?" Lyra pulled away to look Bon Bon in the eye.

"Lyra, I was getting my yearly check-up."

"Is it bad? Wait, what?"

"I was at my yearly check-up. You know, my physical?"

"Heh...oh yeah..."

Bon Bon smirked. "What, you thought something was wrong with me?"

"You sure didn't tell me where you were going!"

Bon Bon sighed. "Lyra, I told you about it yesterday."

"What, over the roar of the crowd at a Wonderbolts show?"

"Well, it probably wasn't the best place to tell you about it, but I did say it."

"Yeah, yeah. Come inside."

Bon Bon followed Lyra inside, taking notice of the stockings hanging on the wall. "Where'd you get those?"

"Something I made."

Bon Bon wandered up to one. She noticed a small budge in the bottom. "What's this?"

"Take a look."

Bon Bon peered into the stocking, and stuck her hoof in. It struck something small and soft. Pulling it out, she saw that it was, in fact, a small plush candy, similar to the ones on Bon Bon's cutie mark. "What...what is this for?"

Lyra smiled. "Merry Hearth's Warming, Bon Bon."

Next prompt: Candy Canes

Sorry if my bit was bad, it's been a while since I did one of these.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

2093201 / 2093412 / 2093550 / 209416 / 2101072
imma promote this thread in The Shameless Self-Promotion Group again, but if'n anyone wants, remember that the most recent prompt is Candy Canes.

2345684>>2297336 Claimed!

“Here you go, guyths,” said Twist, as she handed over a package of candy canes.
“This is way more than we need, thanks Twist. And Happy Hearth’s Warming!”
Volunteers for the Celestial Army had set up their red kettle outside the Ponyville train station, and they enjoyed handing out a candy canes to each and every donor, whatever the size of the donation. Everypony came out ahead in what was nearly a win-win perfect storm of good will. Ponies enjoyed getting one of Twist’s special candy canes almost as much as they enjoyed contributing all their loose change to the needy. The volunteers enjoyed rewarding generosity with the candy canes. And Twist enjoyed seeing her craft-work put to good work, even more than she enjoyed making the sweets.
Bells still ringing in her ears, slipped the extra candy into her saddle bag. Twist would have just left and gone home, but she noticed a lone buffalo calf, waiting for his train all by himself. He was paging through a book, clearly not actually reading it. Twist had never met a buffalo, so it was difficult for her to tell, but she was sure that he was hardly older than herself.
“Hi,” said Twist. “I don’t mean to be rude, but are you travelling all alone?”
The buffalo was startled out of his reverie. “What? Oh, yeah. I had entrance exams up in Canterlot, and I had to travel alone.”
“Entrance exams?”
“Yes. I’ll be the first of my tribe to study at a pony school in the big city.” He spoke with great pride. “I’m Gathers Herbs, by the way.”
“Pleathed to meet you, Gathers. I’m, Twist. Just Twist. But...You’re all alone?”
Gathers nodded. “The tribe pooled their bits, and all the pony settlers chipped in, too, but there wasn’t enough time to raise the money for a train ticket for me and my Dad. Canterlot is a long way to travel. But I have a letter to show the conductors that I’m allowed to travel unaccompanied. It’s signed by the mayor, and the sheriff, and the station master, and my chief. It’s scary. But I’ve been taken good care of. Except for the long lay-overs switching trains. Those get really lonely.”
“Oh. OK, a leathst you’ll be home in time for Hearth’s Warming.”
“Yes, thank you. Twist.” Gathers nodded, sadly. “A lot of us join in and celebrate Hearth’s Warming with you ponies. It’s kind of a neat holiday. But traditionally we celebrate the New Sun. That is the first sunrise after the longest night.”
Twist thought about this. They had just been covering the winter solstice in school. “Oh, no! That’s today!”
Gathers just nodded.
“Um...well, here…” Twist pulled the extra candy canes from her saddlebag and offered them to Gathers. “Happy New Sun!”
“Wow,” gasped Gathers, his eyes shining moistly. “I didn’t expect anyone to say that to me today. “
“Try the blue striped ones, they’re winter-green.”
“These are delicious! Here…” Gathers rummaged in his bags until he found two leather pokes. “Try these.”
The aromas blew Twist away. “Wonderful! I recognise wild lavender, but what’s the other?”
“Pineapple sage.”
With this, the pony candy maker and the buffalo herbalist found common ground, and they talked excitedly about flavors and aromas and the properties of green growing things for what seemed like hours.
It ended when Gathers noticed that the sun was setting.
“I’ll have to say my prayers soon. I found a quiet place to pray at sunrise, but it just didn’t feel right. It’s a time of gathering, and the chants and prayers are made for more than one voice.”
“How many voices?”
“At least four, for the harmony,” said Gathers. “Five is better.”
Twist grinned from ear to ear. “I know where I can find three more voices.”
The Cutie Mark Crusaders were at the Carousel Boutique, planning their next adventure.
“I have a job for you,” said Twist. “It involves thsinging.”
“We’re in!” cried the Crusaders.
In the park, outside the Ponyville town hall, they held an impromptu New Sun celebration to observe the sunset. It was astoundingly beautiful, especially so as the fillies had been given their parts only seconds before they had to sing them.
The park filled with appreciative ponies who had stopped to listen. When it was all over at sunset the crowd went wild. Everypony felt better for being part of it.
Even the Crusaders didn’t mind all that much, when cutie marks for “cultural ambassadors” didn’t manifest.
But then they had to rush to get Gathers to his train.
There we hugs all around, and promises to write. It went on as long and the conductor could stand it, but eventually time was up and the train had to leave.
“Happy New Sun!” they called, as Gathers boarded.
“Happy Hearth’s Warming!” Gathers answered, from the door of his cabin car.
“And to all a good night,” thought Twist, as the train drove out of sight.

The next prompt is "Star."


Claimed! Here's the story as well. Happy Hearth's Warming to all!

Prompt: Star

Twilight Sparkle held the little glass alicorn ornament in one hoof by the hanging thread, watching it as it twirled around. "This is lovely! Thank you!" Twilight set the ornament down gingerly and then looked over at her list. "Who's number 4?"

"Uhm...that would be me," Fluttershy answered softly.

"OK, do you want to pick one of the unopened boxes or do you want to steal?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, well...I think I'll just open a new one, I wouldn't want to take something somepony really wanted." Fluttershy replied.

"That's half o' the fun, sugarcube!" Applejack chimed in. "If ya see something ya like, feel free to steal it. Usually goes aroun' a few times like that anyhoo."

Twilight nodded and added, "That's why there's a two-steal rule. Once somepony has 'stolen' the ornament twice, it's no longer available to be taken."

"Yes, I understand, but...I think I'll just take something new," Fluttershy blushed, picking a random box off of the table and opening it carefully. Inside was a glass ball, painted blue with white snowflakes. The paint had run in a few places where it hadn't dried fully before being boxed.

"This is very...nice," Fluttershy said as kindly as she could.

"Oh wow, thanks Fluttershy!" Sweetie Belle beamed. "We each made one." She glanced involuntarily a moment back at her flank. "I don't think we're meant to be Cutie Mark Crusader Ornament Designers though."

"Number Five!" Twilight called out.

"That's me!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, jumping up and snatching a box of the table. She tore into the wrapping and took out a glass ball painted green with red apples. "I bet I can guess where this came from," Rainbow Dash chuckled.

Apple Bloom giggled, "Eeyup, ah made that! Ah'm number six." Apple Bloom picked up a box and undid the wrappings. Inside was a golden star-shaped ornament with the Wonderbolt logo, with a costumed figure flying in a circle around it.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash breathed when she saw it. "OK, I'm totally stealing that one."

"You can't, Rainbow Dash, you've already had your turn," Twilight rebuffed.

"But, but...ok fine, whatever," Rainbow Dash huffed, slumping down a bit in her chair.

Scootaloo frowned at the exchange, then her face lit up with an idea. She gathered the other two Crusaders into a huddle. When they parted, Sweetie Belle spoke up, "I'm number seven. For my turn, I'm stealing from Apple Bloom."

"Here ya go, Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom handed over the Wonderbolt star ornament happily.

"Number eight?" Twilight asked.

"Right here!" Scootaloo called out. "I choose to steal from Sweetie Belle." Sweetie Belle passed the ornament to Scootaloo.

"OK that's two steals, no one else can take that one," Twilight reminded everypony.

"Just a moment," Scootaloo interjected. She walked over to Rainbow Dash and held up the ornament, the golden star glittering with reflected Hearth's Warming lights.

"This is for you, for being my star," Scootaloo beamed at Rainbow Dash. A hush fell over the room. Rainbow Dash was frozen, blinking in surprise.

Applejack leaned over and gently nudged Rainbow Dash. "Take it, sugarcube," she said, before her voice broke.

Rainbow Dash reached out and took the ornament from Scootaloo, gazing at it in wonder. Then her muzzle broke into a huge smile and she wrapped her wings around the orange filly in a huge hug. "You're my star too, Scootaloo."

"N..Number Nine?" Twilight asked gently through the happy tears that had formed.

Next Prompt: Presents

Comment posted by The Princess Rarity deleted Dec 22nd, 2013
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