The Defenders of Luna 620 members · 718 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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You'd think it would be simple: portray Luna positively rather than add to her bad reputation.

What exactly is this bad reputation?

My fic will very definitely be showing her as a good person in the present day, but the fact remains that it begins with the NMM incident - a touchy subject to say the least.

The fic's internal canon claims that Luna, in her rage, chose to tap into dark magic and became Nightmare Moon as a result. However, Celestia sticks up for her after the fact, insisting that in her right frame of mind, Luna would detest the notion of her night being associated with evil.

Plus, Luna eventually gets to settle the score (or at least try to) with the dark force that she tapped into by fighting it one-on-one to prevent it from corrupting someone else.

Does this qualify as treating Luna "fairly?" Even if my story predates season 4, it certainly adheres to what we saw in the premiere: Luna became NMM on the spot, without any evidence of an external catalyst (despite Lauren Faust's offhand theory, and the comics notwithstanding). All evidence suggests she chose to go through with it, and must bear the consequences.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

While I cannot speak for my fellow Paladin we have discussed a bit about the mission of this group. Off the top of my head an example of a "bad reputation" fic for Luna, strange enough since they show her sister being bad too, are the NLR/SE fics.

I do subscribe to the possession theory, even before Mrs. Faust made her statement, but from what you have said about your fic I think it does show her fairly. She felt remorse for her actions, and detest those actions as well. She was willing to put her life on the line to prevent the Nightmare from take somepony else. That show the good of her character


Yeah, I'm not going for that kind of thing. I've never had any interest in it; in fact, my story assumes the NMM incident was resolved on the spot rather than at the climax of a drawn-out war.

I'll add my story to this group for now, then. If you end up reading it and feel it doesn't warrant inclusion (it starts off at the NMM incident, so she doesn't reappear until the not-yet-written second arc), feel free to remove it.

Lunas Paladin
Group Admin

What my mission for this group is, basically is to promote the truth about Luna, she is not cold, calloused and mean, but kind, caring and sweet, that NMM is behind her, and she was not acting like herself. If your story fits that, then by all means put it in.

Those are a perfect example of the kinds of fics I DON'T want.

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

I do agree, I can to the conclusion about two months ago that the NLR/SE fics butcher Luna's character just as much as her sister's. I think they are firmly set into how she acted back in S1, and of course never admitting that maybe she was at fault

Lunas Paladin
Group Admin

Exactly my point!

Celestias Paladin
Group Admin

Which set this group apart from the other Luna groups, this isn't a faction of the NLR

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