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I wonder how many of these a can be done before the Player's catch on.

But What others can we do ?

11) you help a Aarakocra, make everthing better ?

10) you have 3 that you can do
A) an Evil wizard is changing all the food into Cookies
B) you help the Guards catch the crock that stells all the Cookies
C) a Wolffolk ... something with Cookies

9) a Hominapium will not let you pass untel you eat some of his food

8) A MAD Scientist-Sorcerer who wants you to join his cult !

7, 6) done

5) vampire, but he doesn't drink you blood, he sucks the chocolate out of you chocolate croissant

4) done

3) a Bearkin ... a mix of # 11 and #1

2 & 1) done

But what about Rice Krispies ?

Sorry for the wait and nice idea's, here would be mine

11) A eccentric Aarakocra adventure has spent year's hunting down a set of magic rings and now seek's aid in his search, he has code named each ring after a fruit.

10) A secretly evil wizard that is beloved by the public has been selling cookie's, unknown to all but a few these cookies are cursed with lycanthropy, it is now up to the party to sneak into the wizard's castle and find both the cure and proof of the wizard's misdeed's, all while avoiding his Werebeast turned guard's.

9) You have been tasked with getting some sacred honey form a hive of Hominapium's, knowing how near impossible it would be to fight though the entire hive you are instead meant to make contact with a rouge Hominapium who desires to spreed the sacred honey to all.
(A idea for a twist is that Unknown to the player's the sacred honey actually a powerful drug that is meant to be used only on the hive's royal guard's)

8) The wold famous master chief Wendell Von Cinnamontoast, (all the rage among the nobility) is in dire need of aid as his two apprentice's have made off with his cook book, fearing the secret ingredient to his recipe's getting out he become's despite and hire's the party to track the two down and get the recipe back at any cost.

5) The vampire Count Alfred Chocula has attempted to turn the nearby hamlet into a paradise for Creature's of the Night, however his first attempt to use magic to do so turned the nearby river to chocolate instead of blood, he now hide's in his lair trying to figure out where his spell went wrong, there he is guarded by Flesh Golem's, Mummy's, Phantom's and Werebeast's of all sort's.

3) The party meet's a legendary Bearkin hero that has fallen upon hard time's, they soon learn that a artifact that granted him all his great power was stolen from him by a evil hag, he ask's the hero's for aid in helping him storming the swamp and retrieve his artifact from the Hag.

(now for a few not yet listed)

1. Rice Krispies: Day and night the nearby forest is constantly letting of loud sound's, it has made living in the nearby village's almost unbearable, within said forest is a village of Elves who the villager's are blaming for the racket, the nearby lord send's in the player's to investigate the true source before the crazed villager's begin to mob.

2. Fruity/Coco Diamond's: A Near by Diamond Mine has been taken over by a small army of Gnome's, crippling the nearby mining village, worse yet the Gnome's are acting strange and seem to have strength and ability's that are foreign to normal Gnome's.

3. Honycomb's: In a unassuming town there is a mysterious creature that is kidnapping the town's children, some say it is a demon summoned from the lower plane's, while other's say it is some type of escaped wizard experiment, while other's still claim it is some type of mad Fey, whatever it is only one thing is for sure, it has been hypnotizing the town's kid's into craving Honeycomb's and lure's them away into the nearby wood's.

4. King Vitaman: The King of the land was once a fair and just ruler, however during the past few year's he seem's to of become greatly concerned with the health of the land's children, at first he just outlawed all from's of unhealthy food's, but very recently he has gone to even greater extreme's, ordering that all children in the capital now must eat with him at his feast table, all who resist are executed.

(There we go including both video's that make's 20 plot idea's)

we forgot the Corn Pops
But how ?

a mysterious Glod box, cosses ever one that sees it to go mad in desire to have it.

Mini Wheats
Some Wheat is making who ever that eats it, to change Alignment
Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil

Fruity Pebbles
You get poled back to the past, and have to find the 5? magic rocks to come back
but look out, Barney wants to steal them

Apple Jacks

Do I have to say ?

ones that I can think of one
Honey Bunches of Oats
Special K

Long time no see

Yeah it has, how have things been?

Oh that's good to hear, at least things are going well for you, hope the job i hope it is one that pay's well and that you can enjoy doing.

I really haven't looked much up on cereal recently, i could look around though.

Ya, 15$ per hours
but only 20 hours per week
15 x 20 = 300$ per week

What are left ?
Smacks, Quisp, Corn-Flakes, and ...

Well it could be worse but hopefully it will get better.

Frosted Flake's? i haven't thought of this in a while, though i do have some small ideas for Smacks and Frosted Flakes if you want to hear.

I don't think it can get better

What is it ?

Sorry i got confused about the Frosted Flakes since i was eating a off brand named the same thing but with a different mascot

Smacks: The adventures are called upon by a famous potion brewer, upon arrival they find that he has been turned into a talking frog by a tampered potion, it seems that the merchant that he buys his ingredients from had switched them with cheaper substitutes, the brewer can make a cure but needs the correct ingredients to do so and thus hires the group to retrieve them for him, giving them a map to aid them on the way.
(The story is based on how Honey Smack's only used a small amount of honey in there cereal)

Corn Flake's: Across the land many farmer's are waking up at to the roosters at dawn to only to find there farms have been ravaged, with many being picked clean, if this keeps up it will create a nation wide famine, the mysterious culprit seems especially fond of corn so the party are suggested to stake out the next corn field in the path of destruction. The culprit is in fact a rooster that has been enchanted to turn giant every night and return to normal at dawn.

We for got Quisp and Quake !

Yeah we did, hmmm it might take me a little while to think of a good one for these two. . . you got any ideas?

You get cote in a war, the Shy/Sape landers V.S. the Ground/Sub-landers

Each player pickes a side, (there are 2 teams) and they have to shose and fight for each side wings

The shy wants to advenst the the human resheed

The ground was to keep ever theing the old ways and and the Nasher rule the would

So keeping with the rivalry shown in the there introduction huh, pretty nice, and it dose make sense that they would dislike each other.


But which side would be for Magic ?

eidt: maybe we can add Magic Stars to the mix

Maybe. . . they could be some type of council of various Wizard's and Warlock's that are pulling the strings of the war behind the scene's for there own purposes. how dose that sound?

you for got to click reply

Maybe. . . they could be some type of council of various Wizard's and Warlock's that are pulling the strings of the war behind the scene's for there own purposes. how dose that sound?

MHm.. maybe for an other campan

oops i thought i had, sorry about that

Yeah maybe, thinking about it one does't want to go overboard with a single campaign

I for give you


Let's see...

There's a Dora, and a Blue's-Clue one

should we make one of them ?


and M. T
what about the smurf ?

p.s. Should we start a new one with other NONE Cereal Food-Mascot !?

Well i think Dora had a recent movie made so i am pretty sure that could just be edited and turned into a campaign, not so sure about Blue's clues though, i think that was just some promotional thing with Kix.

The Smurfs and Mr T however. . .

Smurf: The party discovers a hidden village populated by short blue humanoids, they are soon brought before the village elder who explain's his kind's reason's for secrecy and ask's that the party helps them stop a mad wizard that lives nearby who had been kidnapping his people and plans to melt them down to create gold.
The party comes upon a small city populated by a race of short blue humanoids, the people act friendly and cute and try to convince the party to join in a local tournament for sportsmanship, latter the party is approached by a lone Smurf woman who warn's them that the tournament is really a deadly blood sport her people trick travelers into joining for there own amusement, if the party decides to still join she then offers to join them for the tournament.

Mr. T: The party enters the kingdom's capital to find it much more busy then normal, it is learned that a member of a legendary human adventures party is visiting the kingdom that day and that the people are throwing a festival in his honer, at the festival assassin's try to attack the guest of honer, after the field attempt on his life the hero hire's the party to investigate for him as his fame will make it impossible for him to do so secretly on his own.

Not sure, that would be a bigger undertaking then the cereal mascot's have been.


Well i think Dora had a recent movie made so i am pretty sure that could just be edited and turned into a campaign,

I jest saw that movie !

not so sure about Blue's clues though, i think that was just some promotional thing with Kix.

how about,.. it goes like one of the episode of the show, and if the can do it, they can get an extra item

1) Ya... !

2) did you see this ?

3) How about you meat some bleu Dwarf, that are all nice, and let's to eat there food that are bears.
But how ever eats the food, slowly changes into one of then, with only one trat about them left, and with some sort of Hive-Mind or Communism

Mr. T
Let's not forget that he don't fly !

Not sure, that would be a bigger undertaking then the cereal mascot's have been.

We well see




Yeah i have been seeing advertisements for it, so is it any good?

Eh i guess so, it could make for a fun little sidequest at least

1. Yeah a nice retelling of the original series, it really goes to show you just how dark the older cartoon series really where

2. No i actually never seen that before, my idea was taken from a game i found on kickstarter, and a minor part of a larger story at that which was mainly used for a characters backstory.

3. Hmmm, that sounds good too, it's another way to trick players into thinking they found a nice dwarf village only for there to be a weird dark turn thanks to turn them into more of the blue dwarfs, though it makes me wonder who is behind starting this transformation, is it just how the dwarfs are or is there something else behind it?

Mr. T :
Yeah :D

The fist two picture seems to be from broken links and i will look at the links you left for them latter, that said i do really like the look of the fast food mascot's in that third picture, so maybe them. . .


Yeah i have been seeing advertisements for it, so is it any good?

It's.. weird !
Ever thing is real and normal, but there's steel have Swiper the fox

Eh i guess so, it could make for a fun little sidequest at least

What other TV show should we do ?


1) which season do you like the most ?
season 1
season 2 FR
season 3
season 4 FR
season 5
season 6
season 7 ?
season 8
season 9

2) OH.. can you please link it and give the name ?


it's PAPA-Dwarf

For me too

Mc. Donald: like Pennywise, but insted maked kids fat, they get a heart-attack, and then... you know

Jack in the Box: stacks your face/head and terneds you into a toy

Burger King: The King wants you to only eat food that he made, and
Dair Queen: Finish off with a ice-cream form the queen

Wendy's: she invits you in, she feeds you, and let you sleep in her house for the night. The next morning, she had clean your close, and other things, and makes you call her MOM!


Papa John: ... a Coult, they each go by the name of a pizza topping

Little Caesar: you are brot the the.. "somewhat" past, and most help a guy come up, and make pizza

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): you find a dog, and need to bring it back the his Spanish BellMaker

SubWay: eat FLESH !

The others I don't know


It's.. weird !
Ever thing is real and normal, but there's steel have Swiper the fox

To be fair i thought the entire concept sounded a bit weird, so i am guessing swiper was CGI right?

What other TV show should we do ?

not sure, even if we just keep to cartoons there is alot to go off of, from the wacky loony toon's to the crazy stuff from the Cartoon cartoon's to and even further to the adventurous hits that has been coming out in the past few year's, and that is not even counting animated movies like aladdin or coraline.


1. well i don't really know, in truth the most i remember of the series is from the episodes i have watched on boomerang, i didn't even know there where that many seasons

2. Well i can't really link it due to sight rules, i can say that i found the game while i was looking up RPG's on kickstarter, it's a 3-D Tactical RPG and SHMUP which plans to boast a JRPG style dioluge tree and even a loyalty system, all set in a science fiction universe that uses some fantasy races as alien's, it is also planned to be a hentai game :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:. anyways i looked a bit more into it since i had a friend into most of that stuff (minus the hentai) and found that they have given most of characters you get on your team have rather detailed backstory's, one of them's race looks like blue dwarf with i think white hair so i used part of her backstory for this.
But seriously the game had all the marking to be fantastic indie game and they go and make it a hentai game :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof: :facehoof:
(if you are still interested in learning more then i will give you the games name so you can look up its kickstarter yourself, okay?)

3. Oh that makes sense, i was going to say it could of been caused by a curse a evil wizard created but thinking about it papa-dwarf could also be the cause of it too


Mc. Donald: That sounds good, it kind of reminds me of Fast Food Rampage

Jack in the Box: So the jack in this campaign is a serial killer?

Burger King: hmm i don't know, how about we instead go the route of a ghost of o a king that is obsessed with feeding people his cooking?

Dair Queen: For some reason this makes me think of the ice cream monster from KND

Wendy's: Eh sounds a little too R rated for a campaign idea if you catch my drift

KFC: Eh i am not sure, i think i remember hearing that cooked human is called long pork so that would be more for a place that cooks barbecue, which makes me think of hill billy's

Papa John: a good start though one would want to make sure the cult isn't compared to garlic jr's minions from DBZ

Little Caesar: Maybe, or maybe you are brought to the past and get involved in the assassination of a emperor

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): I like it

SubWay: eh sounds more like a slogan used in creepy version art, how about instead a mystery about the people who eat the food begin to waste way until they crumble into dust?

don't forget that there are still other places not even on that poster too, like Arby'ss, I Hop, Pizza hut, etc and of course the most feared fast food of them all, school lunch's:


To be fair i thought the entire concept sounded a bit weird, so i am guessing swiper was CGI right?

Ya, and he actes like he does in the show, will Boots is a "normal" monky.

not sure, even if we just keep to cartoons there is alot to go off of, from the wacky loony toon's to the crazy stuff from the Cartoon cartoon's to and even further to the adventurous hits that has been coming out in the past few year's, and that is not even counting animated movies like aladdin or coraline.

So... Let's hold back on it !?


1) Which side-kick do you like for them

1.5) the last one the go thru TIME !

2) Ummm.. ok, the name please

3) How do you think they keep there numbers up
There's only.. 4 female now, Smurfette, that little girl smurf, Gand-ma-Smurf, and that one from the C.G./ Live-Ac movie

Mc. Donald: ok, thanks

Jack in the Box: and he wants your HEAD !
fell free to change that

Burger King: Ya, DO IT !

Dair Queen: Should we have her... Make her milk ?
And she had this

Wendy's: ... How do ?
She is your mom

KFC: You try to think of something
I'm jest spit-balling !

Papa John: We could also have them look like humans, but why you fight them, the become a monster of what they are named after

Little Caesar: and you have to stop them with PIZZA !

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): anything to add or change ?

SubWay: ok, lets to that instated, but lets keep it for the name of the camping

But they don't have a mascot

Arby's: we have those to starting a fight


Ya, and he act's like he does in the show, will Boots is a "normal" monkey.

Yep that is weird, by the way i heard that the animated Invader Zim movie also came out.

Yeah holding back for now might be for the best overall.


1. Not sure, the closest i remember was the genie and if i remember right he was really a example of a be careful what you wish for

1.5) You know that actually surprise's me even though it really shouldn't

2) Okay i warned you, after sending this message i will PM the name to you. I don't want to risk some random kid or teen finding this down the line.

3. Really? i thought there was a movie where they found a second smurf village that was populated by all the female's?

Mc. Donald: your welcome

Jack in the Box: This actually sounds pretty good, though his name being Jack keeps making me think of Jack the ripper, hmmm

Burger King: There once was a grand kingdom ruled by a beloved king, but though his rule was grand he had secretly longed in life to be a cook, now as a ghost he haunts his kingdom, sneaking his well cooked dish's out to feed the lands people, but despite being harmless many people have become unnerved by his sneaky ghostly presence and hire the party to finally send there king to the afterlife.

Dair Queen: Maybe i am a bit unsure
and i still prefure this Ice Cream monster (sorry best video of it i could find)

Wendy's: Well. . . the way you described it kind of sounded like she was kidnapping people for some type of fetish

KFC: Okay

1. A famous military commander was suppose to be coming to the local city, however on the day of his arrival a number of impostor's also show up confusing the local towns people and solder's, and now its up to the party to figure out who is the real Colonel Sanders is and bring him to the feast in his honor (based off of how KFC uses different actors for there commercials)

2. A local sorcerer has created a evil clone of a local war hero and plans to use him to start a violent revolution, to stop him the party must track down the real one who has retired to a chicken farm. (Based a little off of the KFC and DC crossover comic story)

(this last one also has to do with Mc. Donald's)

3. A dark empire covers the land, ruled by a crazed cult that worships a clown like figure, as it encroaches on the other nations, one preforms a drastic measure's by using its necromancers to resurrect the lands long beloved war hero now only known as the colonel, now the party much choose sides in this growing conflict that ends in a pocket dimension called ronald land (Based off of this video

(and as a bonus i was eating fried chicken while writing the KFC part's)

Papa John: so i can see that for some like the mushrooms or anchovies and even sausage, but what about the ones like Pepperoni

Little Caesar: . . . you know this reminds me of a parody video talking about legend of zelda where he was sent off to find the legenday slices of pizza :D

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): no i really don't know much about Taco Bell

SubWay: Yeah we could use it as a subtle hint about what is causing the people to crumble into dust (Mummy Rot)

we also forgot Captain D's

Well everyone's know the mascot for School Lunch's is the lunch ladies, Pizza hut could be a retelling of Hansel and Gretel but with pizza, and I Hop could be based on how they keep adding things that is not pancakes to there menu

Arby's: The crown princess of the local kingdom is under fire from the populace for illogical reason's, this made worse by a local cult that worships a strange hand like being, using the local fever to expand there influence, the princess only wanting her people to be safe hire's the party to disband this cult before they can put there evil plans into motion.


the animated Invader Zim movie also came out.

Didn't hear that.

Yeah holding back for now might be for the best overall.



1) Magical Meanie
p.s. Let's have to that saying Pumpernickel Pickles they get ____

1.5) Would would you like they to have had done ?

2) I jest got it

3) Ya... but.. does that REALLY count
it's a village that the HOLE shtick is that it's only females and girls

Mc. Donald: U.R.W.C.

Jack in the Box: We can have him be

Burger King: YES !

Dair Queen: We can do that
But should it be.. normal cow-milk ?

Wendy's: No... jest.. overly motherly to ever one
no fetish


1) would the real Colonel please stand up ?

2) And ask for the 13 herbs and spices

3) Oh my ...

Papa John: You.. don't want to know

Little Caesar: Please link it

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): We should ask someone else

SubWay: Mommy what ?

Arby's:: and the cult want's to bring democracy ! ;-)

Yep "Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus" is indeed out, i hear its really good too.



1) Yeah that sound about right and they get what? a wish would be a bit too much in early game

1.5) no, time travel can get convoluted

2. Yeah as you can see it looks very well made and was greatly funded, even surpassing the last stretch goal, just wish they decided to make a sfw version

3). well if you need to propagate the species then beggars really can't be chooser's

Mc. Donald: I am not sure what that means

Jack in the Box: Yeah it is a connection that would be a little too good to pass up

Burger King: glad you liked it

Dair Queen: Well i should probably be from some type of magic cow

Wendy's: I get that now but i am just pointing out what players might think.


1. a idea for the twist is that none of them are the real one, the real war hero fell in battle and one of the importers took his mantle in secret during the war

2. well they could be used in a potion to dispel the evil double

3. Yeah, that is a pretty heavy one

Papa John: thinking about it, what is Pepperoni even made of?

Little Caesar: Here is the link, just as a heads up the part about pizza starts around 1:25

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): Yeah we probably should

SubWay: Mummy Rot is a disease and/or curse in DnD that can be gotten while fighting Mummy's, there are different versions but overall they tend to be rather hard to cure and the disease/curse pretty much kills the player infected and turns them into sandy dust so there is nothing to resurrect.

Arby's : Nah, they just crazy, i was thinking of a connection to the koa toa

6970909 ones again, forgot to click reply

Yep "Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus" is indeed out, i hear its really good too.

Maybe I'll see it


1) have it like the normal wish in the game

1.5) No, what do you wish that they had done ?
What else should they have done ?

2) ok

3) Ya, what would YOU have done if you were Papa-smurf ?

Mc. Donald:
U = yoU
R = aRe
W.C. = WelCome

Jack in the Box: Do it, do it !

Burger King: I llike every thing you do.

Dair Queen: Or... human ?

Wendy's: You let them think what they think


1) like the death of superman

2) or to know you is the real one


Papa John:

Little Caesar: Lol !

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): But who ?

SubWay: Oh..

Arby's : the what?

p.s .m. T

Sorry i have been a bit busy so i tend to forget to click the reply tab sometimes.

Hope you enjoy, and yeah those comic's probably had to do alot with why we even got the movie.


1. okay but just as a heads up i hear that its never a good idea to give those out too early

1.5) I don't know really

2) :)

3) Well one question before i answer, why do most of the females live in another village?

Mc. Donald: Oh okay thanks

Jack in the Box: i will have to think about it a little bit more

Burger King: Thank you

Dair Queen: Nah a magic cow would be better, though now i remember a recent thing in the news paper about police investagating reports of human flesh in DQ burgers

Wendy's: True but if you are not clear of what your trying to do it could end up on a DnD horror story form and latter youtube


1) Yeah kind of, i didn't think of it that way

2) that could work

3) Yeah but it could be a nice crossover between the two restaurants mascots

Papa John: yeah but really what is pepperoni made of?

Little Caesar: yeah those are funny video's

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell): don't know

SubWay: Yeah DnD has some really nasty ways to kill players outside of just combat

Arby's :

Mr.T: ah i get it now.



1) or you give it to the nobe-and see what happens

1.5) Go to the new would !

2) ...

3) because the boy-village smells

Mc. Donald: U.R.W.C.

Jack in the Box: Why ?

Burger King: U.R.C.W.

Dair Queen: I was thinking more that they find out that it's made of Human Milk !

Wendy's: and that would be a bad thing... Why ?


1) why not ?

2) why wouldn't it ?

3) But.. would we stell do that Mc Donal one ?

Papa John:

Pepperoni is an American variety of salami, made from cured pork and beef mixed together and seasoned with paprika or other chili pepper. Pepperoni is characteristically soft, slightly smoky, and bright red in color.

Little Caesar: They are

Chihuahua Carlito (Taco Bell):

SubWay: Like what ?

Mr.T: What do you get ?

So i have been seeing videos for this recently and even though i know it is a few months old i didn't hear about this until now so i will show you encase you missed this.

Do you think they should have jest make a Choose Your Own Adventure book ?

6829623 7149333
Long time no see
I have more Cereal


Papa John: ...

How about you have to find 21 low tear monsters
each bast on one of my O.C.s
Pizza Daughters

and then 7 hight tear boss
each bast on one of moms
Pizza Moms

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