Dungeons & Dragons 325 members · 73 stories
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So just recently I had a random idea that popped into my head , and I was considering proposing the idea somewehre though I didn't know where to post the idea. Evidently, I decided to make a thread for this group. As for what I have in mind is a bit of an experimental idea in the works and acts more like a guideline (you could run with this anyway you want), but wanted to see if anyone liked it or not, and if they had anything to say about.

And without any further delay, I display what I came up with in a 5 minute frame of time...

Dungeons & Dragons: MLP Edition (Concept)

Setting (Template):
-A group of select members are brought together (Won a contest, friendly gathering, etc)
-Introduced to mysterious figure (Ex. Secretly God-like entity, etc)
-Are given a choice of how to play the game (Unanimous vote, most individual votes, etc)
-Given methods of play:

1. Born From Dust:
All players have a character (Race, form, etc… of their choosing) that is initially equal to one another (Almost if not entirely) and placed on even ground.
+All characters have virtually total freedom within the rules of the game
+There is no limit to any one character’s progression (Level, stats, items, etc)
+Essentially can determine own destiny/fate and what they become (Lowest slave → Godhood)
=Players aren’t tied to one another and can freely go their own ways, or they can band together as a group
-Setting is cruel & unforgiving. There is no happy & safe tutorial, the world is preset in design & high difficulty
-For the same reason for your freedom, the Gods either don’t know you exist or ignore your existence.
The world Does Not Favor You! The DM doesn’t care, luck is neither for or against you (despite what setting suggests). You are on your own.

2. True Soul:
The characters are generated off of the players themselves, thus they are their own identity (or as close as the game can). Their values/stats are determined by their own achievements, talents, abilities, etc.
+Are given a form that player is Very familiar. There’s little to guess about yourself.
+Benefit from additions made from becoming PCs (Class features, etc)
+All characters are set up in locations and given backgrounds appropriate for their levels and abilities…
=Though in what manner is up for guessing.
=Set in existing world with a twist. Adventuring is more active, events of varying types more frequent, lots of possibilities to be witnessed and discovered. (Have fun with the changes! ;D)
=World will find ways to intertwine your fates in some manner. Odds are up in the air.
-Unless you are on more equal terms with fellow players, then you’ll find yourselves set further apart from one another (Whether by circumstance, distance, level zones, etc)
-Because not everyone/everypony is equal to certain extents, may effectively result in unbalance amongst players (Commoner with no education Vs. Goddess with knowledge of the ages).

3. Level the Playing Field:
Be yourself, or some other random chap, for it matters not. All players are set on even ground as all start at the same level. Time to bring together our aspiring stars.
+Balances all characters, so no one is truly better than the other. Everyone has their place.
=Classic gameplay and style if you like to think of it that way.
+Given a level of freedom to develop their persona’s stat arrangement, background, etc… to heart’s content.
+World levels with the players & generally keeps the challenges properly spaced out, not overwhelming.
+Characters who play themselves best, are rewarded accordingly with bonuses worthy of their efforts…
-...But those who function poorly in the group are punished appropriately.
= Generally keeps the group together as much as rationally possible, so it’s hard to lose anyone, but it’s just as difficult to get out of it. You bound together as an adventuring troupe.
=Highly competitive circumstances can bring out the best & worst of all members in the group. Take care…

And what happens when the players are ready? That answer is quite simple.
...They get dropped into said world of choice. The game becomes their new reality, and they must try to survive it. Whether or not there’s a way to leave the game, that is up to the writer’s discretion.

Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this suggestion as I'm not entirely sure myself where to take this (and I don't really write myself, I just offer ideas and hope someone takes them up or makes something of it).

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