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Comments ( 266 )
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Well, in this thread particularly, drama popped off because Spartan was claiming he was an operator in the marines, but it turned out he was a LARPing teenager.

As for Iron Gauntlet, if I remember correctly, he was an authoritarian admin who was known for locking and/or deleting threads just because he didn't like them. He was very unpopular as an admin, but he was pretty much the only active one. All the other mods were content to just sit back and let him have free reign; and since he was "just enforcing the rules," very little actually changed until he eventually left the group out of boredom.

Hey broski. Not only is necromancy bad manners, it's also against the group rules.

Please don't do it again.

Thanks for the backstory.







Hola! Es mi ya boi estupido. :moustache:
Yeah gonna straight up admit I fkn lied like a motherfucker lol.... Mr leatherhead was a sock puppet etc etc...
But on the plus side I actually did end up becoming a Marine.... did 4 active and 3 reserve was never MARSOC, in fact I was pog as fuck... I was literally a glorified paper pusher. Got out cause the boss man is downsizing the Marines again and I wasn't competitive enough to stay in so now ya boi is hopping over to the Army and is doing 11B to make up for my time as a POG..... Also for reals this time I'm actually planning on putting in an SF package once I finish up BIC sometime in the beginning of fall after I get to my unit.
I lied and this will hopefully be the final NECRO of this God awful post. L8R Homos
Edit- holy shit I forgot how fuckin cringe this post was....

I saw the first one. If military is really what you wanna be, then... I guess congrats on getting into your chosen field.

This will indeed hopefully be the last time this thread gets necro'd. Have a nice day. :moustache:

I'll give you queerbois 4 years before I give a proper response, as is tradition.

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