Human in Equestria 16,888 members · 17,082 stories
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***warning, contains spoilers! do not read if not watched IM3***

So i just watched Iron man 3, and i got to the bit where Pepper was injected with the DNA altering formula (that somehow allows people to become 3000*C) and i had the idea for a story that i hope someone writes:
the evil guy injects Stark with some of the super stuff too while he is held hostage, However this is a different experimental kind and has the unforeseen consequence of turning Stark into a pony.
This could either be an alicorn for flight AND magic blasts (to substitute for the blasts he makes from his hands) or a normal pegasus with the bi-product of being able to shoot the fireballs like the other super humans... winged pony allows for flight which would otherwise not be an option for him as the other species :rainbowdetermined2:
Pepper could become a pony too if you wanted that...:scootangel:

tell me what you guys think about the idea and someone PLEASE write it :fluttercry:

1752651 Anything, but please no Alicorns. We already got enough fics with that

1752651 Tony Stark a pony? Hell no!

WHY hasn't anyone made an Iron man crossover (a legitimate one where he is the main focus) no human turn pony CRAP. Just, Tony in Equestria after either a drunk party next to a prototype wormhole generator (he has already made one folks) or some other stuff.

What would you have Tony do? The reason we love Tony Stark is his roguish playboy lifestyle cum superhero status. He could blow up some changelings, or whatever villain of the week, then what?

Put him in Equestria and its that cave all over again, rebuilding his tech to go home, possibly working up the tech tree, ala Obadiah Stane, "Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave!"

I can't see him flirting with a pony without going OOC - two legs good, four legs baaaad for him, IMHO.

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