So everyone's favorite science denier RealityCheck ( insert all your audible groans *here*) decided he was tired of being mocked for being a YEC and wrote up a defense of YEC. Or at least he tried to.
It went as well as you would expect. Perhaps the highlight is the fact that RC apparently cannot tell the difference between religion and science and claims repeatedly that he does not hold his particular religious views because of faith or any such piddly thing but because scientists have proven his religion. Through experimentation. yes really. He managed to fail BOTH science AND theology forever.
I hope you read it and enjoy. Any constructive criticism is welcomed though I would prefer that you do it in the comments of the blogpost itself as opposed to this comment thread, as more comments drives up the traffic to the post.
So everyone's favorite science denier RealityCheck ( insert all your audible groans *here*) decided he was tired of being mocked for being a YEC and wrote up a defense of YEC. Or at least he tried to.
It went as well as you would expect. Perhaps the highlight is the fact that RC apparently cannot tell the difference between religion and science and claims repeatedly that he does not hold his particular religious views because of faith or any such piddly thing but because scientists have proven his religion. Through experimentation. yes really. He managed to fail BOTH science AND theology forever.
Anywho I wrote ( mostly for my own amusement but also hopefully in a manner that is educational ) a long long long LONG and detailed , well researched rebuttal ( including literally dozens of links to research papers etc) to RC's rant. I also begin by coppying and pasting his original at the top of the post.
I hope you read it and enjoy. Any constructive criticism is welcomed though I would prefer that you do it in the comments of the blogpost itself as opposed to this comment thread, as more comments drives up the traffic to the post.
The link breaks.