Button's Mom 1,597 members · 110 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin


Is it weird that this thread popped up just as I was reading chapter 2 of your Pound Cake story?

Anyway, gonna watch this video before I get back to that. Here's hoping for some sweet, sweet Button's Mum moments. :rainbowwild: (Also, your link went wrong. You might wanna fix that)

2326909 That's not how you format a Youtube link.

THIS is how you format a Youtube link:


For future reference, when you're linking a Youtube video, it doesn't work like an image or hyperlink. The ONLY part of the YT URL the Youtube embed tag wants is the part after "v=", which in this case is X_TMtgjQuZI.

button's mom...my day has been made :yay:


No Button's Mum! :raritycry:

I thought the video was pretty good. Hints of SweetieMash were cute and I liked some of the moments with all the zombies and skeletons etc. The song itself was okay. It might have lost some effect on me because I don't like Minecraft, but hey ho.

But next time! Next time! I want Button's Mum! You hear me, Jan!? :flutterrage:


Goddamn Jan is amazing. I can't get enough of this guy's stuff.

Group Admin

I'm on my phone. Tough shit to edit through it.

Get on TeamSpeak man, it's been quite some time! Get on.

Now! :flutterrage:

My phone will have trouble editting it.

Is my waifu in the video? No? Then, not interested.

2327004 hear hear man. I was under the impression buttons adventures had another epsiode. It was a catchy tune but we can attribute that to Katy Perry. I never had interest in the game but I could appreciate the folly of mining at night when I hear the foes come out.

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