Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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Players: Shadow of the Night, Zoe and Mary
Characters: Scyathara
Clothing: How she is depicted in the picture.
location: Route 66

I zip and dash through traffic on my bike, smirking at the few honks of horns I get, looking ahead as I see a red light. "Shit shit shit!" I think, and start braking, my hand going out and clawing the car next to me, the combined actions bringing me to a stop


"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I shouted as I pounded the brake, bringing the Jeep Wrangler to a screeching halt and almost ramming the car in front of me. Thankf G-d, it doesn't flip forward. I breath out in relief and wait, watching the dust and sand that was thrown up in the air, getting my dark green jeep dirty. The bull bar was my concern in a crash- I could fucking decapitate someone with the thing.

Then I notice the scratch marks in the rear view mirror. "What. The. Actual. Fuck."

2647543 I yelp, pushing myself away from the car as a second rams it, causing me to hit the one next to me, my bike clattering to the ground. I get up and glare at the Jeep, walking towards the window and knocking on it, making a motion for the driver to put the window down.


I didn't say a word as I rolled down the window manually. G-d, I love how retro Jeeps are. I lean out and get an eyeful of the (raccoon, I guess) girl and ask, "Did you scratch my car?" With a bundle of whatever rolling in the wind, it's like a showdown from a Wild West film, especially with the sunset.

2647560 "Yeah, but you nearly killed me with that damn bar asshole!" I scream at him, snarling a little bit. "Get that thing off, you could hurt someone!"

(So sorry, but she seems like the attitude girl)


"Calm it. You're lucky that I didn't flip over, imagine how many people could have died. And look, you scratched my car, and I'm calm. You almost died, you're angry, I can understand that." I respond, truly calm. My nerves are being surprisingly good, considering my disorders and somewhat proneness to anger. "You're gonna have to pay for the repairs, and no, I'm not taking the bull bar off. It helps with the winch." I continue, pointing to the front. "Could make a difference between losing this thing forever or having it live to drive another day."

(Did you see what I did there?:twistnerd:)

2647594 (A detailed post...)

I growl and shake my head. "I'm not paying for shit!" I say, folding my arms. "At least I won't until you tell me who the fuck you are."

Comment posted by GetJinxed deleted Jan 20th, 2014



"Well, since you ask, my name is Shadow of the Night, but just call me Shadow- my full name's one hell of a mouthful." I respond, managing a good smile, showing off some very good, well aligned, and white teeth. My shirt is a Gears of War one with the famed Crimson Omen- the symbol of Gears of War. My cap is one with a picture of the Predator which says, "I'm watching- will you be prey or predator?" I also have a tattoo on my right arm- one that says, "HALO 3" in the famous Halo Font. "Honestly, you do have to pay for the damage unless you want to have a lawsuit on you."

Comment posted by Shadow of the Night deleted Jan 20th, 2014

2647668 She gives a smile. "Can't sue what you do not know the name too...."


"What's your name, anyway?" I ask as I pull out some blue bubble gum and chew it, popping a large bubble.

2656048 She smiles. "Sycie." she says with a smile


"Okay. Your bike is damaged badly. The front wheel is dislocated a bit, you can't go anywhere unless you plan to walk." I decide to explain. "That means that you'll have to come with me, but don't worry : I've ferried people around before. I even have pictures to prove that I brought them to their destination. All I ask is that you trust me. Speaking of that, where are you going, anyway?" I ask.

2656061 She shakes her head. "I don't mind walking, and I go wherever I want." she syas with a nod


"Trust me, this place is very dangerous at dark." A howl in the distance- a coyote- answers that. "See? Predators are already moving... Not to mention, the shadows are moving. There are sometimes shadows of nothing. I know what they are." I pause and then say, "Vashta Nerada, the piranhas of the air."

(Don't mind that, in this dimension they do exist.)

2656138 She smiles, smirking a little as she pats her bag. "Don't worry, I can handle myself." she says with a smile.


A driver gets out from the car behind me and starts shouting, but it look at him, saddened as I say, "I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry... But you have two shadows."

Sure enough, he has a second shadow, exactly matching his own. "Wh-what the-" is all he says before he suddenly turns into a skeleton, all the flesh and blood stripped from his human body and he drops to the floor. I look at Sycie and say, "That was the Vashta Nerada. They can't really die, either."

2656182 She simply smiles, pulling out a hat and putting it on, disappearing instantly, leaving no shadow or any trace. "Cap of invisibility." she says with a nod, though now she is walking away


"They can smell and follow you. You can't escape them, all you can do is-" I notice that the bike is covered in shadow, slowly moving towards the invisible (raccoon?) "Get. In. Here. They. Know. You're. There."

2656531 (I can explain that easily)

2656211 She sighs, getting into the car as she shakes her head. "Fine..."


Without even waiting, I stomp the gas, flinging the car forward quickly. "You may call me crazy. I call myself 'trying to survive nigh invincible shadow creatures.' I'll turn on some music." I reach for the radio connected to my phone and a lone guitar starts playing.

(I picture Scycie as wanting the song to immediately start heavy.)

2656553 She shakes her head as she looks at you. "Weak." she says, indicating the music

2656531 (SO you don't want to hear what i have to say about that pic?)


Eventually, it pauses. Then, suddenly:

"HOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMEEE!" The main singer shouts, and a heavy guitar begins playing. "Like that voice? It's Ronnie James Dio. I personally like to call him the God of Metal." I explain. Ronnie's voice is magnificent.

2656585 She smirks and nods. "Much better..."

2656589 (Goofy stumbles upon a dimensional portal, and drives through, picking up Patrick cause he seems like a fun guy. They go through the portal again, and land in Ponyville, where they pick up Fluttershy cause they think she's cute, who doesn't? Anyways, they head through the portal again to realize this: If each time they go through the portal, they end up in a different world..... it will be a long time before they get home. There, I explained it)



"Yup. Dio is awesome." I respond. "So, is that what you do all the time? I mean, bike on highways?"

2656612 SHe shrugs a bit. "I'm a bit of a loose cannon..."

(OK, do not even bother asking me to explain THAT pic.)



"Well, I just drive. I have a lot of money, but I don't flaunt. You have to be humble about things." I respond as the awesome music continues playing. "But why do you take these risks? And if you were apologizing, I truly accept your apology."

2656696 She smiles, laughing a bit. "Life's short man, gotta live it to the max!"

"We seem to be opposites. I think life should be taken calmly, savoring everything you do, and enjoying it while you can without getting yourselves killed. Anything else about you?"

Comment posted by Shadow of the Night deleted Jan 21st, 2014

2656795 She giggles a little, shaking her head. "Nope." she says

(I give up lol)



"Eh, anything you'd like to talk about?" I ask as night continues to fall. "There's a town nearby. We'll be safe there." The desert sand is kicking up, turning into a sandstorm.

2657205 She looks at him, reaching into her bag to take out a watch, putting it on her wrist. "I'm safe no matter where I go."


"What's that?" I ask curious as we drive up to the town. It's rather empty, but there are signs of life. A few lights are on, and there are fresh footsteps in the ground. The sad is filling up the steps, but it's still apparent that this town is populated.

2657277 (??????)

She snickers and taps a button, the Eye of Horus flashing. "Egyptian protection watch."


(:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Welcome to the epitemy of insanity.)

"Nice." I say as I park in the driveway of a dank looking house. "This is my home."

The house is large, but not very detailed on the outside. There's a Crimson Omen painted on the wall and a sign that says, REMEMBER REACH! which is actually almost it... Besides the Centaur tank in the open garage.

2663954 She shakes her head a bit. "Where'd you get a freaking tank?!"

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