Lilith911's "Special" House 218 members · 48 stories
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On a full moon's night, the warm wind blows through the tress as the sound of kids running around the night laughing and creaming fills the air. Jackolantern's light up the dark streets in a festive yet spooky light and the wind whispering the old secrets of Halloween to those who happen to listen.

I sit in the comfy chair in my living room reading old ghost stories that the ancient ones believed in. I had been spending a god bit of the night handing out candy to trick r treaters who happen to come to my door to ask for candy. When I open the door, they are greeted with the painted face of a Dragon. I had spent a good bit of my morning applying special make up and paint to myself to give me a Dragons gaze and face with my old medieval get up. They laughed in good fun and ran away as I growled at them. I let out a sigh. "What an evening..." I look to the clock. "Almost 11:30 P.M. My is late. Only the those who dwell in the night would be living it up right about night." I chuckle as I go back to reading my book by the lamp light.

This late in the night, there are fewer children visiting the doors, but still there are many who either brave sleep or simply don't need it. Some of these latter are young grown-ups, who are still enjoying the nostalgia of this tradition. Maybe they just like candy, or to be part of something bigger, but others, have a whole other reason to come to your door.

The doorbell rings, as it is wont to do when someone wishes to enter your home.

I look up from my book. "So late? Hmm..." I set my book down, when I was just about to get to the Fay. "Well I guess there are always a few that chose to get as much treats as they can. The dentists are going to have a hay day the next few weeks." I say as I go and grab the bowl of almost empty candy. "Last for the night."

I open the door with smile.

Before you stands a young woman with hair so dark, so black, that it shines blue. She is clearly dressed as a magician's assistant, with a top hat and a white blouse. Despite the cold, she wears fishnet stockings.

Instead of the traditional greeting, she sings "Nightmare Night, what I fright, give me something sweet to bite."

I'm more than a little surprised by the woman's choice of custom, it must be chill in that outfit, yet she is filled to the brim with energy as she smiles. I guess it is about that time for the adult to try and get some candy.

I give a small smile through my Dragon mask. "I don't think I've heard that rhyme before. You look great." I say complementing her holding put the bowl of what ever small bit of candy is left. "Here is something sweet to bite."

She looks disapproved at the pitiful attempt to appease her, but then she smiles at you. "Yes, I shall take a little something sweet to bite. " She searches through a pouch hanging on her back, while radiating a sweet smile at you.:raritywink: She throws a cloud of glistening powder at you, blinding you, while she chants a mysterious phrase. "Rellams dna rellams, nwod og yerp ym."

When your vision clears up, you see that she has now grown into a giantess. You only come up to her thighs now, and you see a glimpse of black silk under her skirt.

"Hmm, not small enough yet. Stand still, honey." She reaches behind her once more. What shall you do?

I let out a small shriek when I notice that I've been shrunk, my heart beating wild. "What did you do to me!?" When I notice her going for more of that magical powered I drop the bowl and turn tail into my house. "Leave me alone!" What kind of magic does this woman have?

I run into the hallway when I hear her trying to follow me. Thinking quickly, I throw open a door to the kitchen while I slide into the closet. Hopefully that will throw her off enough for me to think of smoothing. In the dark, I look for something to help me, but can't find anything that I can wield correctly. I peer out the crack in the door.

You see the large Amazon pass you by and make her way into the kitchen. Then, you hear her lock the backdoor--no way out anymore. The sound of moved furniture and closet doors tell you that she will find you soon.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." Her voice is warm and silky, as if she is having a great time. "I'll find you, little dragon. You don't want to be that small forever, right?"

I watch her from my little hiding spot. Just what does she want from me? She must have locked the front door as well...think, think.

I then remember than I must have left my window unlocked in my bedroom, perhaps I could get up there and escape after opening it! Oh so quietly, I open the door and start to make my way past this mystical Amazon trying to hunt me. I reach the stairs.

You make it at 3 steps on the stairs, as they're rather hard to climb when each step is higher than your knees, before you hear a dreaded voice.

"There you are," squeals the giantess in delight. With her large legs she quickly gains on you. "I'll be right with you.":raritywink:

My head snaps around and see her giving me a happy, yet terrifying smile. My heart pumps wildly than ever as adrenaline shoots through me and I scale them faster than ever until I reach the top with her on my tail. I sprint down the long hallway until I reach my open door room and try my best to shut it in time.

With but one hand, the giant woman pushes open the door, knocking you on your back in the process. Quickly, she straddles your chest, her huge legs pinning your arms to your sides. It's hard to see her face from below her protruding chest, but you know she is smiling.

"Now, that was a naughty thing to do, little dragon. I'll have to punish you." She reaches behind her back, and you know what is coming. "This time, I'll make sure you're ready to play."

The powder floats down on you, while she whispers her incantation. Soon, your eye level recedes from her face, to under her skirt, ending at her black panties. It's like you are in a cave, but this one lowers itself to keep you pinned down until you feel two warm fleshy lips on top of you, with only some fabric between you and the wet girl parts--she must have bend over, and clearly, she is getting off on this.

"There, isn't this fun?" She peers under her skirt to see you trapped by her labia, your nose almost buried in her scent. "Now, should I let you trash a little until you are tired, or get to the main course?"

I can't help but thrash a little against this mystics warm flower, her scent is so intoxicating that I can't help but be a little aroused, along with the fact that my face and body and literality being pressed into her pussy. I vain try to move but only manage to push myself deeper into her black silky panties that keeps me from pressing into her flower and my thrash against her.

"What main course?!" I plead from underneath her. "Want do you want from me?"

((Oh you...:twilightblush:))

Your prison shivers as your words vibrate through her most sensitive flesh. "That tickles," giggles your captor. "But to answer your question, I've got plans for you."

She reaches down, and grabs you by the shoulders, rubbing you against her labia when she pulls you out. "Oh, don't you just look cute?", she says in a tone usually reserved for when talking to little children. "You fit nicely in my hand, just like a good toy." Judging from her hand, you must only be about 5 inches tall. She grins to you. "Or a nice candy. But you are way too big to be a candy. Would you like to shrink down a bit more?"

I still struggle a bit, but knowing deep down that is no use. "Why? So I could be your candy?" I ask, truly wondering what is she planning for me. In the cold places in my mind I start to but the pieces of what she has been said since I meet her...she does want something sweet to bit.:rainbowderp:

"So," she says while giving you that terrifying smile. "You don't want to be my little candy for the night? But then how will I spend this cold lonely night?" She stands up, and throws herself backwards on your bed, jostling you in her grip. Her body is like a field to you, with her clothing seemingly designed to lead from her breasts to her throat and those red lips of her--lips that are pouting right now.

"I do want a taste though." With her long, red painted nails, she starts tearing off your costume. First you lose your pants, then your vest. With glee she pulls of your shoes and socks, ending with your shirt and disguise. All that is left is your underwear.

"Now hold still, you don't want me to accidentally bite something off. "

With her teeth, she grips the hem of your underpants, and tears it off, leaving you completely exposed. "There it is, just what I wanted--candy" She places her lips around your member, and starts toying with it as if it was a treat. Expertly she licks and sucks, while her right hand draws circles on her breast.

After a few minutes she draws back, leaving a trail of saliva from your dick to her mouth. "You know, I once shrank a man," she giggles, "but made sure not to shrink his dick, so there was a 5 inch guy sporting a 6 inch boner. Boy, that took some work to keep his blood balanced, but it was worth it." She grabs your dick with her thumb and index, and makes a movement as if elongating it. "Just picture it: he was trapped by the weight of his own cock, and I had a handy toy to go with.

"Or that one time, a guy wished me to grew him back so I made hima wager. I used a 5-minute powder to shrink that guy to this itty-bitty size,-" She brings her fingers together, leaving only a fraction of an inch, "-and then dropped him in my body. His task was to remain on top of me until he grew back."

She presses a kiss on your middle, and then winks. "So, if there is anything you ever wanted to do before you died, just tell me. In fact, it's possible to gain height from me, IF you would first agree to get smaller."

I help but gasp and moan in pleasure as this Mystical Giantess licks and suckles my body like I am her candy, which I know is how she sees me right now. I had never had this feeling before in my life as her giant lips played with my hard throbbing cock, yet through the haze of lust starting to grow I know that she still plans on eating me. "S-Smaller you say...that sounds like fun?" I say in the best fun voice I can make.

"So you have a game you wish to play me with? Sounds nice." I try my best to sound willing and even kiss her very soft fingers to help prove it. "Also...I never caught your name."

Her eyes light up as she hears your compliance. "Yes, smaller is always more fun to me." She gives you a lost long lick, before looking at your shining wet dick disappointedly. "You didn't cum? Now that is quite rude you know, insulting a lady like that." With a hard glare at you, she reaches behind her back, and you might wonder just what kind of bag she could be wearing while lying on her back, but she does retrieve some pinkish purple powder that she sprinkles on your defenseless body.

"I would have told you to call me Mistress, but now I think I'll settle only for terms such as Great One, Goddess, and Owner." With each second that passes, you dwindle smaller and smaller, her face filling up more of your view, until you are sitting comfortably on her thumb.

"Hmph, you are getting hard to see now, but don't worry. I won't lose you as this really will last only a few minutes. Still, you are getting even smaller every second." By now, you have passed the one inch mark, and go down to one tenth, and then half that. You are truly a speck now, 1/20 of an inch, and her thumb is like a floor to you, with ridges that you recognize as fingerprints.

Her eyes, each pupil the size of a billboard, look down at you, trying to make out any details. "Maybe I overdid it, but you did insult me. Oh well, there will be plenty of time for other games." She moves you slowly to her waist, careful not to let the wind her movements make blow you off, and you see her pulling back the upper part of her costume, revealing a diamond studded ring pierced through her navel, and the hem of her black lingerie under her skirt. Then, without any warning, she drops you in her belly button.

"There, your mission, if you wish to be rewarded with extra size, will be to find your way through my forest, to the hidden pearl of pleasure, and activate it. If you fail, well then perhaps I shall be done playing."

I can't help but feel a bit dizzy from being so very small, yet it passes momentarily as I take in my surroundings. Soft hills of Mistress flesh is all I can see as I look up into her eyes that might as well be the Sun and Moon. "I...shall do my best to please you, Goddess." I say in a most devoted tone.

I start my way down her soft skin for a time and I can't help but be aroused by this situation, as my hard cock bounces as I walk. There is a warm intoxicating scent as I journey further until I do indeed come to her lower hair. I push my way through her forest and feel her brushing against my cock which in turn makes me gasp until I finally come to her beautiful warm pearl. "There you are..." I catch myself breathing as I reach out to touch it and feel her warmth in my hands.

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