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it's been a while, a long while really, since I've wanted to go see a movie in theaters. since one has gotten me really exited and amped to see it. hell, it's been since "Super 8" since Ive been excited for a movie.
after this summer where Hollywood just kept punching me in the face really hard, screaming "DON'T LIKE MOVIES ANYMORE", I thought that I was pretty much done with movies in general.

but im excited for a movie again, and it feels great.

the movie

I've always liked Godzilla. From the somber-Tokyo destroying-punishment from nature feel of the original 1954 to the borderline retarded-Godzilla punches a different monster-ness of the later movies I have just always been able to enjoy it on some level. and this, this looks sweet.

and I mean that as in how it looks as well. At least two of the shots from the opening HALO jump in the trailer look like fodder for desktop backgrounds. Heck, they look like a painting if you pause it and up the HD-ness.

and then you get Godzilla, which is also cool.

so I'm excited, and I'm fairly excited that I'm excited. im so friggen excited that i want to know what makes you excited, movie-wise anyway. so sound off in the comment bits below.

2365020 I do have to say that this looks good. I hope it is better than the Godzilla movie with Mathew Brodrick a few years ago.

2365020 Oh I thought you meant "The Desolation of Smaug"...
But I'm kinda excited for Godzilla too.

My only gripe is this is yet another reboot/remake. Just saying.
(Screw it, of course I'm excites)

well, it would have to try pretty F***ing hard to be worse than Matthew Broderick Godzilla, because that sucked balls. pardon my french.
Also, have you considered getting rainbow dash into the christmas spirit with a santa hat?
'The desolation of Smaug'. Sweet. I'm actually not really excited to go see that, because I'm a bit weary after 'a unexpected journey'. That movie could have had a hour removed and still done the same thing. I'm still absolutely going to watch it, because all of my friends will and the word is that its better than the first.

Oh, I'm also going to watch it because this is the first movie to run the Godzilla trailer. friggen sweet.

As for it being a reboot/remake. pretty much all movies are nowadays, so you just have to find ones that you want rebooted.


you put santa hats on! me too!

2366705 Not jumping on the holiday bandwagon... :trixieshiftright:

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