Weston College Annex 15 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

That might be a bit too long, for a school to last that long, especially considering that Nosram sorta let things fall into disrepair after the latter half of his career. Let's say 700 for now.

Yeah, I get your point. :twilightsheepish:

Group Contributor

1598863>>1598842>>1598852 Well Lightning Stripes school is lost in the limbo. Lightning himself died to kill the intruders and move every student back to their verse. Except Quill Scratch she s stuck in the school. Nine Tails maybe not. Some new school Easton if we want to be ironic. Also I'm making a ference to Miss Frizzle and the magic school bus. In history class.

Group Admin

Well the thing is, Weston is actually a viable name, while Easton just sounds silly.


You know, some of those students could have been evacuated to Weston.

Also, perhaps we should make a list of npc students in each dorm that anyone can use freely as existing background characters? Not in this thread, of course.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

That'd be a good idea, as the only NPCs we have right now are teachers and shopkeepers. Just as well we should probably have a few guards and other staff like that running about the school as well.

Group Contributor

1598896 The dorm could actually be the Nosram Ruins... Okay so 700. Than this dimension is how old? Old enough for species to live here. But is it another alternate Equus? Or a whole new planet. Or is it even a planet? Also I don't want to cause a bunch of confusion. But Ukaih still has Nevermore. Is that okay?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin


So how many People share multiverses? The Scribble verse can be the home of any who need it :p

Group Contributor

1598949 Yes they could have been. Lightnings spell sent them somewhere safe. See The academy existed in every world but no world. Once you stepped axross the threshold you were in its own world. But it existed everywhere. But lightnings spell caused it to actually come out of the cosmic pyramid. Basiclly it exists with out existing. Also the list is good. I can do alot of it sense I'm somewhat good at createing characters on the fly.1598935 It was more of a joke than being serious.


Hmm, yes. It should be a full npc list that happens to include students in all dorms, staff, and village residents. Plus occasional other characters. Each section should be numbered so you can just pick a random character easily.

Incidentally, is there a term for a thread that starts as a derailment turning into a rp thread? Re-railing, perhaps? Because this thread is now one-on-one magic tutoring. It's the closest we've come to a class for a while, aside from my 'Computer Art' thing.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

Well, before it was renamed Nosram castle, and fell into disrepair, the entire area around Weston was known as the "Fallen Cloud Kingdom". And the dimension isn't very old, and was created by accident when Bladed Chains used an old trinket from Midnight Raven. It's basically just a small slice of land drifting about the dimensional plane. And Ukaih can keep his sword, I don't see any reason he couldn't.


I'd assumed Easton was the r63 universe version of the college...

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Contributor

1599006 Hmm thats a good question.

Group Admin

Yeah... I sorta noticed that. I guess (Rerailed) would be the best term for it.

Group Admin

I'm guessing I'll have to incorporate any story I happen to do with Dark into it. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

1599025 Just wondering. Also wouldn't the dimension also be created by the treads thread as well? Maybe a combination of both? Like both were extremly powerful. But as soon as they reacted together. The magic was to powerful to contain and it resulted in the dimension forming.

Comment posted by SweetAI Belle deleted Aug 25th, 2013


Well, it'll give whoever the magic teacher is something to refer to for what a beginning class should look like. Ukiah, Invisible Blade, and Pinkamena are all interested in that position, as I recall.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

More like Madam Fittings did her best to fix things after Chains did his thing.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


Things that happen in the tapestry also have causes outside of the tapestry. They influence each other. It's possible for a dimension to be formed due to emergency maintenance on the tapestry, but a cause will be backfilled into the universe's history for it, such as the amulet.

--Madam Fittings

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1599042 is she from the scribble verse tho?

1599101 what verse is Sweetie from, hers? Or does she share one?

Group Admin

If you'd like her to be, then she can.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

1599146 I'd rather you pick for yourself.

Group Contributor

1599075>>1599101 Hmm indeed.
1599062 If I'm right. The magic teachers are a slightly OP friend of Celestia. A Crazed unicorn with arms. Or Ukaih. All three would be good canidates. Stalwart would focus on fighting magic. Straight jaxket might be confusing. I personally will focus on forgein magic and magic every race can do. At the same time every canidate wouldnt be good.

Group Admin

But it's up to you though!


You can consider myself, SB, Sweetie Belle, and Silver Bell to essentially be verseless, for different reasons.

I left my own 'verse though a time-space-alternate reality agency that has been erased from time. I used a stabilizer to prevent myself and SB from having our histories rewritten by that, since I really didn't want SB back in her 'verse, but it left us essentially stranded from a timeline that doesn't exist.

Sweetie Belle can be considered to have left one 'verse accidentally, and now is based out of a pocket universe that she can travel to several other 'verses from, but not her home one.

Silver Bell is an artifact of the tapestry reweave, and isn't really native to any verse. Everything he is used to be part of Sweetie Belle, though.

Madam Fittings is old, and a fate, so her home 'verse probably has no relevance at this point.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon


Don't forget the only one actually teaching magic at the moment, who is an alicorn version of Scootaloo, isn't actually looking to be a teacher, and is one of the students. (Well, one of the students in the crack version of Weston. Who knows if she'll be a student in the main version.)

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Contributor

1599227 I know. But the magic teacher ahould at least be some what normal.


Pity no one like that's applied for the job, really.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Contributor

1599291 If worse comes to worse. I'm quite a good magician. Sadly I really only know Unicorn magic. But I did take a forgein magic class once. Wait if anything what if we have multiple teachers teach this class. I mean magic is always personal and no same way of magic works for every pony. The only magic that I think every race can learn is Zebra magic but thats a hard magic to learn at best. So if we have multiple teachers teach magic. Then every student learns a different way of magic. Its brilliant is it not Miss Spoon? I mean then every student gets a different view of magic and magic philosophy.


Yes, if we could get a more traditional magic user as the main teacher, and then have several guest lecturers, it might work. The guests wouldn't necessarily even have to be teachers. I would like to see if Scootaloo's willing to talk about the theory behind the way she does magic with her wings for a class, for example.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Contributor

1599523 No no I meant. Every magic is different. But also how other ponies use their magic is different. Take this for example. A spell I use for levitating may be the same as Twilight Sparkle. But the way we do is different. The methods we use. I want the students. To learn as much different views as possible. I mean in most ways most ponies only learn one way of magic. We need to have these students learn all types of magic in tons of different ways.

Group Contributor

1598482 So can I build off of this a bit. Name the brothers and father? Create a family tree?

Group Admin

We can work on that later. If you'd like you can think it over by yourself for now and then we can talk in the morning, cuz I really need the sleep. :raritydespair:

Group Contributor
Group Contributor

1599937 So I had this idea of how each dorm is named. It fits in with your beginning heres a rough draft. And I mean rough.

This student was just a simple colt from the growing village, Stone Sword Village. His name was Sapphire Owl. His green eyes looked around this sad excuse for a school. But he felt pure joy.
His whole life before this moment. Was just so dull and colorless. His dad Stone Sword had always wanted that athletic son. Who would grow up to be another knight. But Sapphire didn't wish this. No Sapphire found his calling as Weston taught him. All the knowledge swept into Sapphires brain. And Sapphire held on to every word.

Everything he learned. Sapphire found his true calling knowledge.
On Sapphires flank a pictured glowed. It was a quill. In the feathered part of the quill was an eyeball. It was camouflaged as part of the feather. Sapphire gasped. Now it was official this was his calling. His special talent!

(Yes it was an entrance of Sapphire Owl. I mean we had to figure out how the dorms were created. What's better than having them be named after Weston's favourite students. Here was how I saw them coming in. Sapphire Owl was Weston's first serious student. Weston swears to try to make every student as enthusiastic about class. Then he becomes the first secondary staff member.

Then next is a weird, artistic, and somewhat crazy filly named Violet Wolf. She some what changes how Weston thinks of others. Since she good things in every one. But the world is not ready for such an independent mare. So Weston's father kills her. Weston is hurt by this and swears to protect other ponies like this.

Next after a few years Sapphire complains to an aging Weston about a trouble maker named Green Lion. Weston seeing things differently takes Sapphire on an emotional journey. Sapphire finds the good in Green Lion. Green Lion is an orphaned boy. Eventually Sapphire takes Green as his adopted son. Green Lion also as an emotional journey accepting the changes in his life and letting go of the past. Weston sees this and swears to never misjudge a pony.

Then something amazing happens. A visiting dignitary takes residence at Stone Sword Village. Countess Regina. Her daughter Scarlet Fox then went to the school. Weston and Sapphire were amazed how robotic she seemed. Always polite but zero emotion. Scarlet was an enigma. Soon Weston cracked through her hardened shell. To find out that she was sad all the time. And she was cracking under the stress. She never really ever had fun or see her mother. Weston than made her school days a place where she could be happy and have fun. Weston than swore to try to make every student happy at school.
So any thoughts. I needs to be cleaned up. But the raw materials pretty good right?

Group Admin

This... I like this. I know it could use some work, but then again, my rough draft needs work too.

One problem I saw though was the names. I don't mind the dorms being named after them, but it being their full name is where you lose me. I can understand somepony being named Sapphire, Violet, Green, or Scarlet, but when you add that animal to the name it kinda loses its credibility.

Maybe Sapphire had a pet owl which he held in high regard. Maybe Violet was a young wolf separated from her pack in the nearby forest, which would explain why she was so strange to everypony around her. Although I'm not sure her dying would be the best idea. Green could be a lion, which would explain why Weston would adopt him, since griffons are half lion he'd find him easily relatable. Scarlet... I'm not too sure about. I'm not all too sure if canon would state that foxes are a sentient species or not, but if not, maybe she could be a dragon whose favorite meal was freshly cooked fox.

The name Stone Sword village could work, although I doubt that would be the full name of the knight it was named after. Maybe Stone heart? I don't know though...

And the term 'emotional journey' might not be best. The whole reason the cloud kingdom fell in the first place was because of an attack by the dragon in the nearby mountain, whom they were able to weaken long enough to rebuild and find a way to keep them at bay. So perhaps that was the quest they went on, to find a more permanent way to deal with the dragons.

I can definitely work with this though, this is a great place to start.

Group Contributor

1603085 Heres some ideas. Sapphire Owl is Sapphire Nexus. His eyes are wide and curious like an owls. Violet Wolf is Tevlio. A weremare Pegasus. Who through the arts found a way to suppress her animalistic side. Green Lion is Thunderin. A rowdy Griffin. Who's lion side out did his eagle side and had bright green eyes. Scarlet Fox is Scarlett. Who always wore a fox fur jacket. Her most prized item.

Group Admin

Eh... That seems a bit too... Out there, if you know what I'm saying. I'd like to keep things down to earth when it comes to back story. Humble beginnings and all that.

Group Contributor

1607749 Truthly out of all of them Tevlio has the most out there story. Sapphires is the most down to earth. Scarletts isnt out there either.

Group Admin

That probably wasn't my best wording. What I mean is, it would make more sense for Sapphire to be wise, but his eyes being like that of an owl? Eh. And I really don't have a problem with Scarlet owning a fox fur coat, but keep in mind these are animals, and while in this verse clothes are worn at all times I'd like to think these would be based on more animalistic tendencies

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